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2012 GT500 Dealer Margins

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I have been talking with a local dealer about a 2012 GT500 with nav, recaros and SVTPP. They are offering $2500 off sticker. Is that a good deal? Does anyone know how much profit margin are built into these cars? I don;t mind them making a profit...but don't want to pay any more than I have to.

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I have been talking with a local dealer about a 2012 GT500 with nav, recaros and SVTPP. They are offering $2500 off sticker. Is that a good deal? Does anyone know how much profit margin are built into these cars? I don;t mind them making a profit...but don't want to pay any more than I have to.



Here is a link to a cool little tool I like to use. http://www.motortrend.com/new_car_price_reports.html Enter your zip code to get started and then punch in the information for make, model, and options. It will give you a pretty good idea and answer to your question.

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I have been talking with a local dealer about a 2012 GT500 with nav, recaros and SVTPP. They are offering $2500 off sticker. Is that a good deal? Does anyone know how much profit margin are built into these cars? I don;t mind them making a profit...but don't want to pay any more than I have to.


check kelleybluebook.com and edmunds.com they should have dealer invcoice -- then theres dealer hold back whch is 2-3% of sales price they get back at EOY--my recolection is that on the 2010 the total was 6K over invoice, as opposed to a car like a KIA sorrrento which is 600 bucks. Youre buying a rare performnace car at the beginning of the sales cycle, so 2500 is good--if you wait till septemebr you might get 4K off--i paid stcker for mine and got one of the frist ones--id go for it

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I have been talking with a local dealer about a 2012 GT500 with nav, recaros and SVTPP. They are offering $2500 off sticker. Is that a good deal? Does anyone know how much profit margin are built into these cars? I don;t mind them making a profit...but don't want to pay any more than I have to.



If you can get it below sticker, grab it with both hands as many dealers get ABOVE sticker on these cars.

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If you can get it below sticker, grab it with both hands as many dealers get ABOVE sticker on these cars.



I agree. Anything under sticker, go for it. Truly, most dealers are either at sticker or even $3K above. Good luck!

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If you can get it below sticker, grab it with both hands as many dealers get ABOVE sticker on these cars.



LOL, it's not 2007 anymore. Most dealers get MSRP or less unless you are a sucker with more money than sense. For instance a guy walked into my dealer and paid full sticker for the 2011 I was going to buy for $1k over invoice. Then I just went down to another dealer and bought their's for invoice. Bottom line that guy could have had either car for close to invoice had he even tried to negotiate. He was someone who paid $5k over sticker for his 2008 to boot. I actually took somewhat of a sick pleasure seeing him get taken twice. If you are serious negotiate the price down just like you would any other car.


I agree. Anything under sticker, go for it. Truly, most dealers are either at sticker or even $3K above. Good luck!



You must not be looking real hard around MD.

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I have been talking with a local dealer about a 2012 GT500 with nav, recaros and SVTPP. They are offering $2500 off sticker. Is that a good deal? Does anyone know how much profit margin are built into these cars? I don;t mind them making a profit...but don't want to pay any more than I have to.



You can do better if money is important to you. Don't get discouraged if a particular dealer isn't willing to deal. I ordered mine from the third dealer I asked, which was for $3500 off MSRP on a fully loaded vert. I could have gotten a better deal but I wanted my car ASAP. I know a few people here who paid invoice for their 2011 GT500 so don't be afraid to ask for it if you know how to haggle....they are still making $1600+ in holdback even at invoice! If you car has options it has more profit for them built in so I'd shoot lower than $2500 off.


Edit (Corrected Invoice to MSRP)

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You can do better if money is important to you. Don't get discouraged if a particular dealer isn't willing to deal. I ordered mine from the third dealer I asked, which was for $3500 off invoice on a fully loaded vert. I could have gotten a better deal but I wanted my car ASAP. I know a few people here who paid invoice for their 2011 GT500 so don't be afraid to ask for it if you know how to haggle....they are still making $1600+ in holdback even at invoice! If you car has options it has more profit for them built in so I'd shoot lower than $2500 off.





Are you saying your dealer took an out of pocket loss of $1,900 (invoice - 3,500 off + 1,600 holdback = 1,900 less than dealer cost)???


Or are you saying you got $3,500 off MSRP and could have done better with more time?

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I have been talking with a local dealer about a 2012 GT500 with nav, recaros and SVTPP. They are offering $2500 off sticker. Is that a good deal? Does anyone know how much profit margin are built into these cars? I don;t mind them making a profit...but don't want to pay any more than I have to.


I have a friend at a local Ford dealership. When I was pricing the '12 GT500's, he tenatively told me $2500 or so was the most they would come off sticker, because they can sell them between sticker and $5K over all day long. His words were backed up by the fact that I have seen several GT500's on their showroom floor that were no-longer there and he told me not a one of them left for under MSRP. Been friends for a while, and even when I watched him deal with other customers when I worked with him he never bend the truth that I saw, so at least for THAT dealership, $2500 off would be a "if you want it, buy it, if you don't, stop wasting everyone's time" type deal.


If you want the car, do it! It's not worth pissing off a dealership for another $500 or so off. A good relationship with your dealership will pay for far more than that in hassle saved and they probably will be much less likely to look for reasons not to fix warranty issues if any ever arise.

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If you want the car, do it! It's not worth pissing off a dealership for another $500 or so off. A good relationship with your dealership will pay for far more than that in hassle saved and they probably will be much less likely to look for reasons not to fix warranty issues if any ever arise.





Get that baby... :peelout:

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When I bought my 2011 I checked Comsumer Reports new car prices. Their write up indicated almost 5K profit @ MSRP, + a mark up on each option. A dealer offering 2K off is still making a good profit !!

I contacted 20 dealers in a 50 mile radius, most would order @ MSRP, a couple offered 500 below, bought from one @ 2K below..

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When I bought my 2011 I checked Comsumer Reports new car prices. Their write up indicated almost 5K profit @ MSRP, + a mark up on each option. A dealer offering 2K off is still making a good profit !!

I contacted 20 dealers in a 50 mile radius, most would order @ MSRP, a couple offered 500 below, bought from one @ 2K below..



I think that depends. From what I understood working at Ford, some dealerships pay more for the cars than others, depending on how they get them and their dealership status. I really don't understand that, so if someone who works on the management side knows for sure, would like to know! I do know that we paid well over $200K to get an FGT on our showroom floor.


It is particularly upsetting when someone walks in with a consumer reports price and the price does not reflect accurately the options or some other caveat pertaining to THAT particular vehicle and we were $1000 off and the customer wanted to whine and complain about "WELL MY CR SAYS!" Even after we showed some of those types the invoice for the car and the holdback on it they would continue to spout off about their CR report. If they did buy, noone wanted them back for anything, including and especially service. Good riddance. So it's good to be informed, 100% agree, but make sure you don't end up knowing so much that you screw yourself out of an honestly good deal.




When I buy a car, I walk in with the lowest price I expect to get the car for (This is usually a price I have found online at a large "volume" type dealership to order the car exactly as I want it. yes, dealerships do hate that, but competition is expected and I always tell them something like "I want to support my local economy, and I think this dealership is just as good and probably better that one (gesturing to print-out). Even though you and I haven't talked numbers, I'm comfortable with this price, and if you will sell me this same car for that, I'll buy it from you today." That gets the point across in a polite way with as little ruffling of the feathers as possible. It then becomes a matter of pride for the dealership to "prove" that they are "as good" as that other dealership and match/come very close to the price. Also, it puts YOU! in control of the situation where the management is reacting to YOUR numbers instead of YOU reacting to THEIRS. It also prevents you from pissing them off by saying things like "My brother in law got his..." or making outlandish demands regarding sale price, and it eliminates almost all haggling. There simply is no haggling when they know you can buy the car for that price elsewhere. Either yes...or no.). The dealer has to come within $500 of that. I then allow the dealer to tack on doc fees, and I pay full-price for warranties, or any accessories.


That way the dealer feels like I am happy because I "beat them up on the car" (although i refuse to haggle, either they can--or they can't, and 5 minutes is plenty of time for that discussion after options are selected, etc.), and the dealership is happy because they hammered me on MSRP for a warranty and doc fees. In truth, the warranty usually has a decent mark-up in it, and doc-fee's aside from what is owed to the state and the ink-toner for the printer is just profit.


Therefor, the dealership is confident I am happy in getting a good deal on the car, and I know the dealership is pleased about "taking my head off" on the back of the house part of the deal. The sales rep has a very easy job, and I buy him/her pizza or something for the day, as well as the service manager who I make sure I meet before even talking numbers.


This formula has worked out GREAT! and while I "paid" for the relationship I have with my dealership, the sales manager, service manager, and owner know me by name and are always smiling when they see me. It probably cost me an extra $1000 or so in warranty mark-up and doc fees. However, I have already had well over $2000 in warranty work done on my car and the dealership did it with a smile while munching on $30 worth of pizza and chortling over how awesome it was to have a customer who brought them something to eat. Of course, a phone call to the plant manager sped things along nicely and got the OEM part shipped ASAP. (carbon-fiber fender had a paint-flaw that was likely a hairline crack on the edge, replaced with OEM painted part.).




Now, on the flip side of things.


When I used to work for Ford, we had customers who would come in and beat the snot out of the price, make outlandish accusations about us only paying $10K for a $40K vehicle and on and on and on. They would make the salesperson mad, they would make the tower mad, and by the time they got to the service department, they were beet-faced and demanding and ticked off that side of the dealership as well.


I have seen numerous times where certain sets of keys were handed to people who were known for tearing up vehicles in the process of moving them around, and have seen numerous times where those keys were instead quietly handed to a manager or more responsible employee. I believe there was a certain correlation to the relationship the customer had with the dealership and the people who worked there. Numerous times I thought "Wow...I won't tick that tech off..."




I guess my point is that on a modern car there are thousands of moving parts, hundreds of electrical connections, and I have YET to see a "PPH" of less than 50 on a normal production automobile. That means that 1 in 2 cars are going to have a problem of some sort. Depending on the problem, that $1000-1500 extra you spend to facilitate your relationship is going to save you a world of trouble. Sure, you can argue "Well if they just do their job, it won't matter, it's not a restaurant and I won't tip." Well sure, you can also buy the woman you want to marry a $99 ring and have a justice of the peace wedding, and never bring home any flowers or tell her you love her, and since she's your wife and marriage is "sacred" and all that, she shouldn't cheat. Well...good luck! Most people go to work to make money, and when they don't make any money, they don't feel much like working. Pick your battles and make sure to let the dealership "win" a few as well. It pays for itself pretty fast usually.




SYNOPSIS! If you skip over all of this, at least read the bold. It will help you, I guarantee. When I had customers walk in and pull that, they always got a good deal with smiles all around. When I did that, well, my results are in the un-bolded book above, lol.

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Are you saying your dealer took an out of pocket loss of $1,900 (invoice - 3,500 off + 1,600 holdback = 1,900 less than dealer cost)???


Or are you saying you got $3,500 off MSRP and could have done better with more time?



Sorry my mistake, meant 3500 off MSRP.

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I bought a 2011 GT500 in January. The Ford Dealer took off 3% off MSRP. :D Never pay MSRP or Over MSRP for ANY Car!!!! There are plenty of Ford Dealers that are willing to sell you a 2011 or 2012 GT500 for 3% under, YOU have to shop.

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If you can get it below sticker, grab it with both hands as many dealers get ABOVE sticker on these cars.



Yup. Under MSRP is the holy grail...


I was initially able to negotiate about $2300 off MSRP as I was working out my 2011 between 2 dealers. I ended up actually paying a little more, but still under MSRP for my ride to get it locally and the dealer support (no issue getting 2nd gear grind resolved) was worth it.

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I have been talking with a local dealer about a 2012 GT500 with nav, recaros and SVTPP. They are offering $2500 off sticker. Is that a good deal? Does anyone know how much profit margin are built into these cars? I don;t mind them making a profit...but don't want to pay any more than I have to.



Roush GR40,


I find this site helpful when trying to calculate "a good deal" on the purchase of a new car. I've loaded the data you specified above (went with a coupe, and not sure of the color of course), but you can edit any changes and recalculate the totals. Good luck and let us know what happens!


2012 MY - http://www.truecar.c...6872647,6872652


2011 MY which contains more sales data so you can see the greater spreads (note: Recaros weren't offered in 2011) - http://www.truecar.c...6682189,6682193


Just for reference, I paid $51,409 for the same configuration (not including the $375 car cover).

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