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How many of you have been call to Jury Duty? How often do you get called up? I just received my 3rd invitation to convict this week. It is my 3rd Invite in 4 Years and believe it or not, all have been pretty close in Dates. The first two came in the Mail in Late March and this in late April. Tallahassee has a LOT of People but I am beginning to think that most are out of town Students and Fellons. Or they are making up for not inviting me in the Past. I hope it is going to an exciting Case, otherwise I will just agree with the Prosecuter and the Defence will kick me out.

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I have been called several times over the years. I was on a murder jury in NJ and a wrongful death case here in UT. I was also interviewed for a DUI case but not chosen. Imagine me on a DUI case! : tequila: :hysterical:


I found the experience very enlightening. The "justice" system moves in some strange circles.


IN the NJ case, the judge, prosecutor and defense attny all would go to lunch together at the bar across from the courthouse. After a 3 week trial, we convicted the accused. A few weeks later, I ran in to the defense attny shopping with his family. He recognized me, as I was the token long hair hippie, on the jury. This was like 1971 or so. He thanked me for my service and told me his client was 110% guilty and he knew it. :shrug:


In the Utah case, the judge and jury shared the same break room so he would come in for coffee and b.s. with us. We also shared the same parking garage with the attorneys and the witnesses. In a nutshell, a guy overdosed on prescription meds. His wife was claiming poverty and wanted millions as lost husbands income over the future years. She was suing the Docs and pharmacies. She pulled in to the garage one day in a brand new Smokey and the Bandit black and gold Trans Am with a license plate that said "PARTY". Needless to say, she got zilch and had to pay all the attorney fees.

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I've been on 4 juries over the last 15 years...I always get picked....It seems like every 2 years....My first was a Bank Robbery, Gang assault in the jail, murder trail and another assault....all interesting....

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I got picked once a year for 4 years. Selected for two juries. Cases settled out of court. Last time I wrote on the return form "Recently Divorced and grumpy". That was 3 years ago. Have not heard from them since. :hysterical:

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Here in Connecticut, it seems that everytime I renew my drivers license I get called for Jury Duty. Last time I was called I was in Iraq and just got called again, but since I am now Active Duty military, they have excused me.


I was interviewed for a murder kidnapping case in while I was in college and they expected it to go for 4-5 weeks, didn't get on it b/c I was home for the summer and told them i would make my mind up quickly.

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Everytime I get called, which is once every 4 years, I give them the answers they don't want to hear while being interviewed, I never get chosen! :happy feet:


Nothing against them, but as stated in some of the above posts, why waste my time! God forbid if I ever wind up in a court where my fate is being decided by a jury, I hope they want to be there surving as jurors, unlike me.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've gotten notices numerous times over the years but never selected. A few times it was settled out of court or pleaded out and I was notified not to show up. I was away performing military duty a couple of times (Hell yeah, I'll come home from the War for jury duty) and excused.


And finally the last time when asked by the judge if I could be fair and impartial, I said " Your Honor, if our fine local law enforcement officers think he was guilty enough to be arrested, that's good enough for me and I'll vote for convection". He said, "Thank you, Sir. You can go home now". :doh:

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How many of you have been call to Jury Duty? How often do you get called up? I just received my 3rd invitation to convict this week. It is my 3rd Invite in 4 Years and believe it or not, all have been pretty close in Dates. The first two came in the Mail in Late March and this in late April. Tallahassee has a LOT of People but I am beginning to think that most are out of town Students and Fellons. Or they are making up for not inviting me in the Past. I hope it is going to an exciting Case, otherwise I will just agree with the Prosecuter and the Defence will kick me out.





Just do what I do tell them your a racist and hate everyone !!! or tell them your crazy

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