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Stop the whining already!!


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Can we please stop the whining about "price gouging" already?!?!? If you had a written agreement with a dealer and they backed out, then you have a legitimate beef...go hire a lawyer. Otherwise, get over it. I want the car just as much as anybody on here but I'm not whining and crying about dealers charging over MRSP. We live in a free market capitalist society driven by supply and demand and it's hardly "gouging" unless it involvs a staple of life in an emergency situation. If you don't like it, move somewhere else. Hell, come live in south Mississippi or SE La. where we really know what gouging is. The dealers have every right to charge whatever they can get some idiot to pay. I can't afford it and if I can't get it, then so be it but I'm not going to go around ranting and raving about how unfair it is because I can't get my way. If they really make 15K of these cars in the next 2 years, does anybody honestly think that ADM's will continue to be $10-25K for the entire run or that these cars will really appreciate in value the way the originals did?? Personally, I'm still pursuing several dealers trying to get a deal at MSRP or MRSP plus dealer cost of training and if I don't get it than so be it. It won't be the end of the world as I know it. So please, just knock off all the whining and remember all the crying you've been doing the next time you go to buy a car and expect the dealer to knock $2-3K off MRSP before you'll even consider it. And no, I'm not a dealer.

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Sorry jkittrell,


I didn't read this post in time....I already went ahead & did it several more times on several other threads today. Just remember a educated consumer is a smart consumer to fight dishonest salespeople.


If dealerships are franchises, in my opinion they have a monopoly (like gas stations) on limited production or specialty cars because they know we can't buy direct from the mfg. & their greedy because they feel that can't live on the 10 to 15% mark-up per car already & they want us to pay for all the extras at their multi-million dollar facility which has no added valve to the end customer other than to look pretty from the road. :nonono:

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Can we please stop the whining about "price gouging" already?!?!? If you had a written agreement with a dealer and they backed out, then you have a legitimate beef...go hire a lawyer. Otherwise, get over it. I want the car just as much as anybody on here but I'm not whining and crying about dealers charging over MRSP. We live in a free market capitalist society driven by supply and demand and it's hardly "gouging" unless it involvs a staple of life in an emergency situation. If you don't like it, move somewhere else. Hell, come live in south Mississippi or SE La. where we really know what gouging is. The dealers have every right to charge whatever they can get some idiot to pay. I can't afford it and if I can't get it, then so be it but I'm not going to go around ranting and raving about how unfair it is because I can't get my way. If they really make 15K of these cars in the next 2 years, does anybody honestly think that ADM's will continue to be $10-25K for the entire run or that these cars will really appreciate in value the way the originals did?? Personally, I'm still pursuing several dealers trying to get a deal at MSRP or MRSP plus dealer cost of training and if I don't get it than so be it. It won't be the end of the world as I know it. So please, just knock off all the whining and remember all the crying you've been doing the next time you go to buy a car and expect the dealer to knock $2-3K off MRSP before you'll even consider it. And no, I'm not a dealer.



I'm faxing over that $10 I promised you for posting this. Remember, don't tell anyone I put you up to it or they'll beat and flog me. ;)

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Sorry jkittrell,


I didn't read this post in time....I already went ahead & did it several more times on several other threads today. Just remember a educated consumer is a smart consumer to fight dishonest salespeople.


If dealerships are franchises, in my opinion they have a monopoly (like gas stations) on limited production or specialty cars because they know we can't buy direct from the mfg. & their greedy because they feel that can't live on the 10 to 15% mark-up per car already & they want us to pay for all the extras at their multi-million dollar facility which has no added valve to the end customer other than to look pretty from the road. :nonono:



I don't argue the fact that they are greedy one bit. But if they can find people crazy enough to pay it, then I can't blame them for it either. I mean, I just bought a new Sierra crew cab for essentially invoice after rebates. Why? Because supply exceeds demand. So, if they can recoup that from me later by suckering me into buying a new Camaro (fat chance of that ever happening) for over MSRP then more power to them. Also, I have a hard time buying the monopoly argument. Not only are there other options from other manufacturers but there are dealers who will sell them at MRSP, even if they are hard to find. Even among the dealers that are tacking on ADMs there is a wide range from $5-25K. It's not like they're colluding and no one is going to take anything less than $20K. Like I said before, I just don't think there are that many people who will really pay that much over MSRP once the initial "gotta have the first one" foolishness dies down.

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Can we please stop the whining about "price gouging" already?!?!? If you had a written agreement with a dealer and they backed out, then you have a legitimate beef...go hire a lawyer. Otherwise, get over it. I want the car just as much as anybody on here but I'm not whining and crying about dealers charging over MRSP. We live in a free market capitalist society driven by supply and demand and it's hardly "gouging" unless it involvs a staple of life in an emergency situation. If you don't like it, move somewhere else. Hell, come live in south Mississippi or SE La. where we really know what gouging is. The dealers have every right to charge whatever they can get some idiot to pay. I can't afford it and if I can't get it, then so be it but I'm not going to go around ranting and raving about how unfair it is because I can't get my way. If they really make 15K of these cars in the next 2 years, does anybody honestly think that ADM's will continue to be $10-25K for the entire run or that these cars will really appreciate in value the way the originals did?? Personally, I'm still pursuing several dealers trying to get a deal at MSRP or MRSP plus dealer cost of training and if I don't get it than so be it. It won't be the end of the world as I know it. So please, just knock off all the whining and remember all the crying you've been doing the next time you go to buy a car and expect the dealer to knock $2-3K off MRSP before you'll even consider it. And no, I'm not a dealer.


This is a forum. A place for enthusiast to post their opinions of subjects (in this case) related to GT500s. We don't like the ADMs, we are going to talk about that just like those that don't like the hood or the rear or the unpainted mirrors. If you don't like the "whining", don't read it. Otherwise the rest of us that have been mislead and dumped by the dealers for greed are going to vent our frustration on here as we please.

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This is a forum. A place for enthusiast to post their opinions of subjects (in this case) related to GT500s. We don't like the ADMs, we are going to talk about that just like those that don't like the hood or the rear or the unpainted mirrors. If you don't like the "whining", don't read it. Otherwise the rest of us that have been mislead and dumped by the dealers for greed are going to vent our frustration on here as we please.




Yeah, to the point that nothing else is talked about.

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I think that you'll find most people on this Site share your ideology, jkittrell, "free market capitalist society driven by supply and demand".

What is severely wrong is when a loyal customer, who is told over a year ago, that he/she'd be paying MSRP for a Shelby is now told to add 5-10K to that figure or go fly a kite. This has nothing to do with a "free market" but rather Greed and a serious lack of Integrity. If the Dealer is upfront about his/her ADM price from the begining....oh well. Welcome to the Site!

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Yeah, to the point that nothing else is talked about.


try starting a thread about something worth talking about. Starting a thread about the whining is no more worth reading than the whining. If you have pertinent info on the car or a new issue to talk about, then we would be happy to chime in.

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What is severely wrong is when a loyal customer, who is told over a year ago, that he/she'd be paying MSRP for a Shelby is now told to add 5-10K to that figure or go fly a kite. This has nothing to do with a "free market" but rather Greed and a serious lack of Integrity.



I don't disagree with this sentiment either although having it in writing is better than verbal. However, you also have to consider that the promise of MSRP was made by a salesman w/o the consent and/or knowledge of the sales manager or owner. I don't think that most of the posts I've seen have been of this nature but more of the general kvetching about how unfair it that dealers are marking it up.


try starting a thread about something worth talking about. Starting a thread about the whining is no more worth reading than the whining. If you have pertinent info on the car or a new issue to talk about, then we would be happy to chime in.



Weren't you the one who told me that if I didn't like it, not to read it? Same can be said for you. This definitely is no more useful but at least it's different (for me anyway)

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Perhaps we should start some light-hearted topics in this forum, just for the entertainment factor and to lower some stress levels.


That being said, I started the gouge thread as a public service, so to speak. Like it or not, knowledge is half the power. I'd guess the majority of us here are middle class, and those looking for the cars don't have the kind of coin some of these dealers are demanding. By starting a list, it makes it easy for someone to recognize which dealers are charging out the nose for these cars, enabling them to make their choices from there by seeing which dealers probably wouldn't be apt to sell anywhere near MSRP.


Free enterprise, yeah, I understand that. However, I feel everyone should have a fair shot at getting a car they want so badly. In a perfect world, I suppose.

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Perhaps we should start some light-hearted topics in this forum, just for the entertainment factor and to lower some stress levels.


That being said, I started the gouge thread as a public service, so to speak. Like it or not, knowledge is half the power. I'd guess the majority of us here are middle class, and those looking for the cars don't have the kind of coin some of these dealers are demanding. By starting a list, it makes it easy for someone to recognize which dealers are charging out the nose for these cars, enabling them to make their choices from there by seeing which dealers probably wouldn't be apt to sell anywhere near MSRP.


Free enterprise, yeah, I understand that. However, I feel everyone should have a fair shot at getting a car they want so badly. In a perfect world, I suppose.



Hey, you've done a great service Michelle. No need to explain Yourself! It's definitely a heated and very necessary topic. I wouldn't be regularly checking out 07 Shelby 'Above MSRP Auctions' on EBay if it wasn't!

I'm sure I'm not the only one.

Free Enterprise is but one democratic fundamental, another is Freedom of Speech. That's why this site exists! :censored: Oooops censorship?!? ;)

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Weren't you the one who told me that if I didn't like it, not to read it? Same can be said for you. This definitely is no more useful but at least it's different (for me anyway)


I'm just pointing out the absurdity of your thread. I'm whining about the price of the car and you are bitching about me (and others) whining about it. You took a shot at my position on ADMs, I'm taking a shot at your position on complaining about it.


Truthfully, I whine about it to discourage others from thinking it is OK to pay ADM. If I reach just one buyer and get them to wait, that is one car closer to MSRP (or less) for the rest of us. IF you come on here and say it is OK to pay ADM (or take the do nothing about it approach), reaching one buyer, that is one more away from us buying one. I like my approach better.

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Bitching and whining - seems like a favorite pastime in today's world! :D


I think the reality is that most of us on this forum think the GT500 is gonna be one very sweet car, and would love to have one in the driveway. Those that don't think this is going to be possible, are finding Ford and the dealers to be a target that they can focus their frustrations on. This is an honest feeling and I really don't blame them for feeling that way.


Looking at it pragmatically, most of the posters expressing frustration probably did get mislead by dealers, or thought their deals were more locked in than the dealers believed. Or maybe the price has just risen above what they can or should be spending on what is essentially a playtoy. I've actually locked in an order for more above MRSP than I had hoped, but hell, I'm not a young guy and certainly not getting younger, and I want to get one more musclecar before I'm too old to really enjoy it. :yahoo:


I will say that the dealer I ordered from was very upfront and honest about his pricing, and in comparison to the other dealers in the Kansas City area, was really pretty reasonable (i.e. I only live about 20 miles down the road from the Cameron, MO dealer who supposedly eBayed theirs for 30K over). And if I look at it honestly, what I paid under list for the last 4 Ford SUVs I've bought since 97, I have more than covered the extra cost of the shelby.


For those feeling frustrated, keep looking for that next opportunity; either the 08 or the next great thing that comes along. Who knows, you may very well get something a good step up from the shelby.

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I'm just pointing out the absurdity of your thread. I'm whining about the price of the car and you are bitching about me (and others) whining about it. You took a shot at my position on ADMs, I'm taking a shot at your position on complaining about it.


Truthfully, I whine about it to discourage others from thinking it is OK to pay ADM. If I reach just one buyer and get them to wait, that is one car closer to MSRP (or less) for the rest of us. IF you come on here and say it is OK to pay ADM (or take the do nothing about it approach), reaching one buyer, that is one more away from us buying one. I like my approach better.



Actually, I never said that it was Ok IMHO to pay ADM other than giving consideration to paying the certification fee of a non-SVT dealer considering the amount of ADMs being charged by others. Actually, I believe I referred to those that would pay outrageous ADMs in a derogatory way (which surprisingly hasn't gotten me flamed by them yet). I won't argue the absurdity of the thread but like I said before, it did give me something else to do. :D


Bitching and whining - seems like a favorite pastime in today's world! :D


I think the reality is that most of us on this forum think the GT500 is gonna be one very sweet car, and would love to have one in the driveway. Those that don't think this is going to be possible, are finding Ford and the dealers to be a target that they can focus their frustrations on. This is an honest feeling and I really don't blame them for feeling that way.




I guess I'm just frustrated at the frustrated. Everyone can feel free to resume their regularly scheduled whine sessions now. Unless of course, y'all want to continue to give me something else to do. :D

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I guess I'm just frustrated at the frustrated. Everyone can feel free to resume their regularly scheduled whine sessions now. Unless of course, y'all want to continue to give me something else to do. :D


Just hang in there jk. This ADM bitching is just a fad like leg warmers, parachute pants, break dancing, or wearing 3 Izod shirts with the collars turned up. 6 months ago we were bitching about the rear deck logo/spoiler/brake light, wait a second, never mind, we are still bitching about that. OK, let’s try this, 6 months ago we were bitching about the stripes being decals and not painted on. Oops, ummm, are we still on the stripe subject? OK, I give, lets just keep bitching.

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Just hang in there jk. This ADM bitching is just a fad like leg warmers, parachute pants, break dancing, or wearing 3 Izod shirts with the collars turned up. 6 months ago we were bitching about the rear deck logo/spoiler/brake light, wait a second, never mind, we are still bitching about that. OK, let’s try this, 6 months ago we were bitching about the stripes being decals and not painted on. Oops, ummm, are we still on the stripe subject? OK, I give, lets just keep bitching.



Thanks for putting it into perspective, its time we laugh about some of these things. :hysterical:

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Actually, if you want to hear some Real Bitching, Whining, Complaining, etc,....... head on over to www.svtperformance.com

You'd hardly know it's a 'pro' Mustang website when the 07 Shelby is brought up.



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Actually, if you want to hear some Real Bitching, Whining, Complaining, etc,....... head on over to www.svtperformance.com

You'd hardly know it's a 'pro' Mustang website when the 07 Shelby is brought up.


Amen to that! I used to frequent that site and now I can barely stand to go on it. More people seem to hate it than like it on that site. It's depressing. This is definitely the best GT500 site on the web. :rockon:

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Amen to that! I used to frequent that site and now I can barely stand to go on it. More people seem to hate it than like it on that site. It's depressing. This is definitely the best GT500 site on the web. :rockon:


Word up! I posted in a thread about how SVTP was really sucking with all the haters and that over here was much friendlier. The next poster backed me up with a +1. I was gone for a few hours and came back to find my post and the +1 had been removed from the thread. Ya know, I blame the mods for not keeping their members in check, I can't stand it over there anymore.

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