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Let's Give Credit Where Credit is Due


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Over the past year I've noticed some very familiar photo's showing up in avatars....


But seriously, I want to give special mention to Miguel Diaz our gopher/budding photographer, who when he's not being terrorized by Scott or trying to get a real education, is busy taking vehicles one by one from inventory to our special picture place to take the great shots for our auctions.


Here's more of his work (the Cobra on the billet grille is one of my favorites)...






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We've tried to get our PDI person to quit putting front tags on Mustangs, but he's such a ninny - always spouting off about "procedure" :banghead:



Fire his azz and maybe he would have a clearer picture of what you're requesting. Now that's procedure. :hysterical2::hysterical2:

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HSurb -


A handful of us are gathering up in Kitty Hawk on the Outer Banks the weekend of April 12th. It would be very cool if you could visit us out there. I'm not sure if Kitty Hawk has an airport, though. But if you can find one nearby, we'd be happy to come and get ya!


Confirmed are me, SCGT, Mastersmech, Orf - and perhaps a buddy of mine with a Vette (to toy with).



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