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3rd War?

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Do we really need a 3rd war at this time?????? What do you think.




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This is one I'm not sure we should be involved in (Libya). Sometimes other countries and peoples just need to work things out for themselves. In this case, however, oil is involved so that's probably why we're there.

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I think Isreal should send a Masad agent to Libya to pick him off. Then no more problem, and we don't have to go there.


In reality, I think we will be over there by the first of May, unfortunately.

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I think Isreal should send a Masad agent to Libya to pick him off. Then no more problem, and we don't have to go there.


In reality, I think we will be over there by the first of May, unfortunately.




We kind of are there already.

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Unfortunately we always think we need to be the big brother and be the peace keepers. Most of our objectives when we go in are political so that we can get some good press. Being in the Military I will refrain from talking any further on our leaderships decisions on going places that we go. I agree with others that yes we will be in another war. The bad thing is because of the economy we are already spread thin. We are getting rid of some people in the Military but having us fight three wars at the same time. Nothing like setting us up for another attack on our home land. JMHO. I hope I'm wrong.

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Just saw breaking news headline on Fox News: International forces have began enforcing no fly zone int the skies over Libya. It said that British and French are on it with US planes and fighters en-route at this time. Here we go

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Our military is already stretched thin elsewhere in the world and any surplus of money we have (and we don't) should be used to help the Japanese recovery. This is a job the CIA could have accomplished for a lot less money (the cost of several rounds) and with minimal collateral damage. Most of the Arab world will see this as just another act of American aggression. I'd feel differently if the UN air forces had been joined by say the Saudis and Syrians...

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We'll be heavely involved in this no matter what the official spin is. It is time we let some off the other major powers in the world handle some of these idiots. This is all about oil and our lack of an energy policy. Hoping our president will keep our troops out and none of the fighter pilots get shot down and captured.


Just my thoughts, this country has it's own issues to take care of right now........ GG

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We have dropped Bombs on Ghadaffi before when Reagan was President??????














Sorry DDT............................I couldn't help myself :hysterical:

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Do we really need a 3rd war at this time?????? What do you think.






IMHO, I feel we should pull out of all 3 as soon as it is possible, bring them all home, let them rest up, be with Family, and then send them down to Mexico to help them with the Drug Cartels and to SEAL UP THE DAMN BOARDER. Then, anyone caught Trafficing and/or Dealing their Drugs should have their Citizenship revoked (even if they are Americans) and tossed over the wall into Mexico for the Mexican People to deal with.

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OBAMA= WARM and CAREING, WARM and CAREING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Sorry DDT............................I couldn't help myself :hysterical:



"ALLRIGHTYTHEN"....................... :rockon:

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I think Isreal should send a Masad agent to Libya to pick him off. Then no more problem, and we don't have to go there.


In reality, I think we will be over there by the first of May, unfortunately.



I thought we were going to send in Ex Gov Palin and her closed legs daughter Bristol !!! I heard that from there Bristol is going to dance for them till either the fighting stops or they kill themselves :hysterical: :beerchug:

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"ALLRIGHTYTHEN"....................... :rockon:









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News Headline: US F-15 fighter down in Libya this morning.




Edit: One pilot recovered, trying to find other



Looks like we got both pilots back now. glad that they are safe. :salute:


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This Libyan War is being run by international committee. Imagine being an American General and having to deal w/ that circus :banghead:

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