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Update on Ponies in the Poconos


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A couple people have asked for more information on the Ponies in the Poconos event, so here are some of the important details:


You get a welcome reception with food and an open bar. Not chips and dips, but nice hot food. Not a cash bar, but an open bar. :beerchug:


You get name/ID cards with your name AND your TS screen name on them - where else do you get that? :hysterical:


You get a full Performance Driving Clinic (both days) with professional instructors. :shift: This is not an instructor "ride along" like at other events. This is a complete CLASS. Details of the class can be found HERE. The class is normally $495 and an additional day of track time would run from $500-$1000.


You get a banquet with a guest speaker. Gary Patterson from Shelby American will be on hand to talk about whats going on at Shelby (and maybe give us a sneak peek into the future of SA). I'm sure you will be able to corner Gary at some point to ask any questions you may have. Maybe he can answer a few questions about that 1000HP Super Snake I keep hearing about. Shelby will also be sending their trailer to Pocono and I'm guessing it won't be empty. Be very interesting to see what they send - and how they handle on a race track maybe..... :shades:


Saturday will be the car show with awards and then the poker run will be Saturday afternoon. Of course there will be prizes for that as well. I may have even heard John Keller say that lunch would be provided on Saturday!


Okay, now for the "Special Offer" part. Because we are the very first major, official Team Shelby regional event we can offer all PAID Team Shelby members a 10% discount off of registration. Just include you Team Shelby member number and we will refund the 10% back to you within 48 hours.

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