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New wheels & hood

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It was a hard decision on the hood after you guys said it was related to Saleen. I thought about it and didn't go with that hood it would in a way be an insult to Mr Carroll. The hood was bought from american muscle as always. I also bought new lower quarter panel scoops the one that is more open and mean looking. I still think of changing the front fenders to the GT-R fenders or something similar. Then the issue of the rear spoiler been looking for something different or maybe the Bad boy spoiler but cut down to make it lower on the trunk. I will probably go with the GT-500 front splitter and maybe new headlights.

As far as paint the car is stripped down to bare metal my neighbor peek in and saw it and started screaming at me. He said you had it all done it looked great but I didn't like the grey pearl. So the car will be painnted a High gloss Jet black then going to shot high gloss clear coat over it with the blue pearl added to it and see how much pearl will be layed down. After that, I will decided on what grey scheme that will be done. I have printed out copy of a mustang gt so different scheme's can be put down on paper. I did 10 different ones from rear quarter panel painted grey or top half of car is grey with black stripes. Then all blk with grey stripes with it spreading out around the head lights and top half of the bumper but have to decided on just one wide stripe or 2 stripes. But if all goes well it will be glowing and don't think I forgot about painting the car chrome it was very tempting.

The rims are off ebay got them new for a great price most may not like them but I'm trying to give the stang a different look so here's some pic's






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