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Welcome to the Great Lakes Region


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As many of you already know, the East North Central is being renamed the Great Lakes Region. The states involved will not change but, there is a lot of exciting news to go along with it. For those of you who dont know me, my name is Tim Stieve and I have been around here for quite some time. I am the director for the Great lakes. Our goal for Team Shelby is to serve the members. I cant put it any simpler than that. We are here to promote our events, sell regional merchandise, for which, all proceeds will go back to the region to help fund events, an area where you can sell your parts and cars in a bit more local arena. We hope to have one major event in each region. Now, I could tell you more but, we are building this airplane in the air. So, I will keep you posted as things come. Any ideas you may have will be greatly appreciated. Lastly, I would like to present you with you new logo's provided by Shelby




Welcome to Shelby Country and, the home of the Mustang

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First Logo looks good.


Second one could look better with "Great Lakes" in outer circle like bottom half of the circle or Half circle outside of logo.


Looking forward to a major Shelby regional event in Great Lakes area.

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Does this include north of the border???

The Great Lakes Region covers a lot of territory



Not at this time. The idea was to get the states running then Canada, with input from our northern brothers. Look for something after the bash


The Merry Christmas does include Canada ;)

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