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Has Ford Recognize the New Shelby Owners ?


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Has Ford mailed out any correspondence to the owners yet,regarding their purchase of the Shelby,the only thing I have seen is the survey.



A dealer survey,nothing else from Ford. I have heard from a reputable source that Ford will most likely make info by VIN number available to owners as they did with past SVT cars. Source wasn't sure when that may happen,tho.

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Has Ford mailed out any correspondence to the owners yet,regarding their purchase of the Shelby,the only thing I have seen is the survey.


Just The Survey!!!

Has anyone filled out the survey or are you just throwing them away? :headscratch:


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Me too a survey..........and a service reminder for my 3000km oil change..............sure..........no problem, I put a whole 22 kms on it since bringing it home Dec 27th, I'll just take it out of winter storage, drive it thru snow so you can hose me on an oil change...............NOT!!!

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That's what he's calling a survey.


I received a 4 page questionaire/survey from an independent marketing firm, I forget the name of it now though. It had "GT500" and a reference number at the top of the page, no personal info. No money in there though. Maybe I'll forage through the trash to see if I missed it.

If filled out and returned, it promised entry into a sweepstakes with 3 cash prizes. I hardly think I'll win one of them, I just replied because I had the time to fill it out. Mailed it this morning.

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Has Ford mailed out any correspondence to the owners yet,regarding their purchase of the Shelby,the only thing I have seen is the survey.

Like most, all I received was the survey regarding the dealer.


I'm not sure what will be sent from Ford as SVTOA (the SVT Owners Association) is no longer owned or supported by Ford. It is now a private club and annual memberships are not provided to those that purchased SVT products. You can read about this at the website: www.svtoa.com . :banghead:

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