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Ford Commercial


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While it has been posted on the Forum before, it cannot be brought up too often. It is a great commercial and, to you veterans, it must speak even more loudly than it does to those of us who have not served. Thanks for letting us see it again.



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I havne't seen this posted before and just watched the video. Being a veteran, I was a bit choked up after watching... Enjoy




It reminds me of when my father went with me to purchase a new Mustang in 1970 after returning from Vietnam. I still have the fastback, but it has been apart for 25 years now. Dad is gone, I'm old now and drive a 07 GTH. Life has been good, God bless all the troups. Harley

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Being a military (Air Force) brat, I can appreciate this commercial. However, the only thing we got when Dad returned home from overseas was a brand new baby brother nine months later! In 1966, a new Mustang sure would have been nice, too!

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I havne't seen this posted before and just watched the video. Being a veteran, I was a bit choked up after watching... Enjoy





I hadnt seen it before but it was great. The only thing that would have made it better was for there to be a red Shelby in the garage. I served in law enforcement for 28 years (half of that on the streets of San Jose, Ca.) and I always had great respect for what our troops do for us. I watched Restrepo on Nat Geo the other night about the men in Afganistan and I got a new perspective on what our troops go through. Makes you glad to have grown up in the USA. I wouldnt live anywhere else. Happy Holidays and always remember our troops.

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Had one in high school and Mom sold it while I was in the service.

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Dad didn't agree with my time in the military so I bought my own after I got out.


Mustangs have always been there and brought me joy. I love that all of them have red, white, and blue on the grill.

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I made promises during the stressfull times in my life and I will always have a pony to take the edge off.

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The Military taught me, "Enjoy every minute because it might be your last."

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Wow, these are some great stories. It is amazing how this can hit home for a lot of people here at Team Shelby. I hope to meet you guys at the Shelby Bash!!

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i love that commercial. talk about stories. i was in afghanistan from 02-03. always wanted a mustang. when i got home my friend called me and told me they had a mach 1 at the dealership. i said your crazy they haven't had a mach 1 since 73 and she said no they have a new one. of course i hadn't a clue. so i drove up there and to my amazment they had a mach 1. test drove it next day traded my 98 trans am. and never looked back. guess the only thing better would have been if my dad had bought it for me. :hysterical: funny how life changes you. probabally never would have bought that car otherwise. now i won't get rid of that one.

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Wow, thanks for the video. I have never seen that before.


Being a combat vet, I get a feeling in my gut whenever I see troops getting off that plane with all the family and friends waiting, its really hard to describe. Been there, done that.


Wish to give thanks to all our service members out there. Be safe so you can get home. :salute:

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I have seen that Video before but it's always good to view it again. Just before I left for Vietnam, I was stationed California.


If my memory is right, on base there was a large fenced area that had many New cars in it. I asked a GSgt why are all those cars there. He said some thing like: those are the cars of guys that are over seas and they pick them up when they get home.


He went on to say, that you could order a New car (at a discount) as well as finance it at the build that was next to the fenced area.


Never did order my Favorite - Shelby Gt350, 1. did not think I could afford it 2. was just a kid. Well as I look back, I could have afforded it (Combat pay, Haz. Duty pay, genernal pay, saving bonds (not sure if they were E or EE)...


I was a kid then and never understood money. To all my fellow service members and the families that support them - Merry Christmas and a Happy, filled with laughter, and most importantly Healthy / Safe New Year. The Vid. still brings a tear to my eyes.

Naa-V-Doc. :salute:

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