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Shelby Stock Plummets!

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I watch this stock, check on it almost everyday.......someone sells some shares, it goes down, someone buys some shares, it goes up,


it has been fluctuating between 25 and 40 cents for more than a year under this pattern.


Today, someone sold over 38,000 shares, or multiple folks sold that as a total number of shares, the stock dropped to 15 cents, lowest Ive ever seen it.


Good time to buy?

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Shelby stock is not alone - every stock I own plummeted yesterday, thanks to the damn North Koreans and the Euro mess!!! :jackinbox:


I think all of us should own Shelby stock, just for fun if nothing else. It's cheap! Ford is also a recommended buy, and probably an even better buy this morning after yesterday.

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Shelby stock is not alone - every stock I own plummeted yesterday, thanks to the damn North Koreans and the Euro mess!!! :jackinbox:


I think all of us should own Shelby stock, just for fun if nothing else. It's cheap! Ford is also a recommended buy, and probably an even better buy this morning after yesterday.


so how would one go about owning this stock?

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Shelby stock is not alone - every stock I own plummeted yesterday, thanks to the damn North Koreans and the Euro mess!!! :jackinbox:


I think all of us should own Shelby stock, just for fun if nothing else. It's cheap! Ford is also a recommended buy, and probably an even better buy this morning after yesterday.



Same here.

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There is a Great article in last Friday's Mc Paper (USA Today).


It is a discussion about the future of Shelby Industries from the new CEO with responses from Carrol as well.


The scope has narrowed to build specialty cars only, and get away from the short term projects (then all the layoffs) and work it into a supplier of performance parts, existing car upgrades (Super Snake, GT 350), and the Cobra line... A more stable income flow than before, albeit less than the days of the new GT Hertz, and the new Shelby GTs.


It sounded like the "Old Man" isn't too long for this world, however. the article mentioned the transplants, the 25 pills a day, and needing a scooter to get around the house.


If you want something signed, perhaps you shouldn't procrastinate...



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No company issues paper certificates as a matter of course any longer. All shares are held in a brokerage account. There is a company you can buy one share on a printed certificate.



Any info on that company that sells printed shares????????

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I hope no one is buying this stock for investment purposes... It's definately NOT investment grade. It's a penny stock. A novelty.... Hopefully, I do not upset anyone... Just stating my opinion.





WHAT? i just sunk my savings into this....... :banghead:
















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I hope no one is buying this stock for investment purposes... It's definately NOT investment grade. It's a penny stock. A novelty.... Hopefully, I do not upset anyone... Just stating my opinion.




Kind of like the same reason I bought my SGT... Definitely NOT investment grade either... But now I have one of each... Looks like I'll have a matched set hysterical.gif




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I watch this stock, check on it almost everyday.......someone sells some shares, it goes down, someone buys some shares, it goes up,


it has been fluctuating between 25 and 40 cents for more than a year under this pattern.


Today, someone sold over 38,000 shares, or multiple folks sold that as a total number of shares, the stock dropped to 15 cents, lowest Ive ever seen it.


Good time to buy?



Everytime a small company goes public (greed) they're stock sucks and the company disappears! One of the most sucessful companies of all time is Hilton Hotels in which I was shocked to learn that someone bought then and if they haven't already will go public and watch it drop.


Buying Shelby stock not a good idea even if you love the company. I love Disney World and I lost money on Walt Disney stock so a better investment right now is really hard to find.

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Kind of like the same reason I bought my SGT... Definitely NOT investment grade either... Looks like I'll have a matched set hysterical.gif









That's why I only have 1 share.... BTW, I am the one that convinced the give a share President to start offerring it on his website--1st Shelby Customer....



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