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fear the bunny ?


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im new to this can anyone tell me about the fear the bunny club ?


i see several people are members of this group.







Absolutely. Fear the Bunny Club is a just for fun, an off the cuff idea I had after getting my Terlingua a couple years ago. At the time, i tried really hard to think of a fearsome bunny, and the one that came to mind was the Monty Python Vorpal Bunny. The cute little white rabbit at the cave of Caerbannog ( www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rabbit_of_​Caerbannog ) that beheads the nights. It is really called the Vorpal Bunny by Python fans.


My spouse Reine and I then mused some about the fearsome bunny and she thought Fear the Bunny was very fun and funny. So, I started using the term on the Forums and in conversation. After Terlingua 2008, I was so jazzed, my car was delivered at the event, I drove her for the Bullrun, talked up the license plate Vorpal, etc that I came home and posted an invite to my new idea for a club - Fear the Bunny Club.


it is a free club, I only need an email address from you - I will keep it confidential as I have all others for the past two years. ANYONE is welcome wether you have a Terlingua car or not. Many have joined, I will send you a number of the electronic articles and photos of the Terlingua Car - I keep a pretty good record. Also, it is just for the pure farce and fun of it all. Like the car.


Fear the Bunny is now even stitched, I hear as I have never really met THE Mike Stacey in person, in The Mike Stacey's (We'll really THE Wendi Stacey's) rear seat delete of their car! Its just plain fun.


You can write me at vorpl8@yahoo.com so can anyone else who has not yet joined and wants to. Pure fun nothing more. :salute:




David aka Vorpal Bunny

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