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Hi gang, I just did a quick forum search, and saw no mention of different brake reservoir sizes. I'm wondering about this, 'cause it looks like the one on my '08 Bullitt is about TWICE the size of my '09 KR's reservoir... Anyone know if only GTs got the bigger reservoir, or if it was just a model year change? Anyone know if the larger reservoir on my '08 Bullitt will fit the KR? It can't be a bad thing to carry a bit more fluid around; can it? You'd think that the GT500s should have the greater fluid capacity, as they use the larger calipers/pistons.


Thanks, Duane

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Duane , It's a model year issue. I have the mirror issue: My 08 KR reservoir is double the size of my 09 Bullitt so it seems to be a production change from year to year. I'm not sure if you can change them but I see no reason why not.


Hey; if the master has the same part #, then maybe a simple reservoir swap will do it. I wonder why they went to a smaller reservoir size...? Maybe something like a change of vendors..?


Thanks for the replies, guys!

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