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Moved from Florida (where there was no "off season" for my SGT vert) back to Illinois for work this spring. I've never had to put a car into hibernation before. Would appreciate any thoughts or advice from others who have done so.


Oil change before putting it away or not?


Battery tender?

Bought a nice Shelby car cover during a SPP Team Shelby sale a couple months ago to keep the dust / elements off...




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Moved from Florida (where there was no "off season" for my SGT vert) back to Illinois for work this spring. I've never had to put a car into hibernation before. Would appreciate any thoughts or advice from others who have done so.


Oil change before putting it away or not?


Battery tender?

Bought a nice Shelby car cover during a SPP Team Shelby sale a couple months ago to keep the dust / elements off...






Yup all those plus a good cleaning before you cover her.

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Moved from Florida (where there was no "off season" for my SGT vert) back to Illinois for work this spring. I've never had to put a car into hibernation before. Would appreciate any thoughts or advice from others who have done so.


Oil change before putting it away or not?


Battery tender?

Bought a nice Shelby car cover during a SPP Team Shelby sale a couple months ago to keep the dust / elements off...









Oil change before or after makes no real difference, its all personal preference

fuel stabilizer then top tank off

battery tender is a must

shelby cover and you are good to go



hope this helps

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Funny! I just left Chicago for the south for work!


Others will have an opinion, they usually do, but for me for three years, around the mid to late November (or first snow) I would fill the gas tank, and cover the car then once a week:


1. Start the car every Saturday and let it run for about 30 min (radio off, heat on high, windows cracked)

2. When there was no salt or sand on the roads, in addition to the 30 min, I took it around the block a few times to move the tires around.

3. Um....there is no "3"!




I bought some of the stuff you mentioned above but never used it and never had a problem!


Then in late March or so (no snow on the ground a few rain storms, IF YOU'RE LUCKY, I would let it run then take it out on the highway and drive for an hour or so down 94 to 294 and just GO.


All this said, I've read all the stuff posted here, read all about what to do, but this is all I did so I'll let others provide their words of wisdom.


Good luck!

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Moved from Florida (where there was no "off season" for my SGT vert) back to Illinois for work this spring. I've never had to put a car into hibernation before. Would appreciate any thoughts or advice from others who have done so.


Oil change before putting it away or not?


Battery tender?

Bought a nice Shelby car cover during a SPP Team Shelby sale a couple months ago to keep the dust / elements off...






Mine is put away also. Here's my thread on what I did to store mine:


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During the winter I....


1. Fill it w/ gas.

2. Increase tire pressures to 35 or 36 psi.

3. Start and run until at operating temperature every two weeks.

4. Keep a battery tender on it.

5. Dust it off once a week w/ a car duster

6. Drive it if there's no chance of wet, snow or salt.

7. Whine, cry and pout on occasion since I can't take it out as much.

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Heated or non-heated garage? I've got a heated garage that I keep around 45 degree's during the winter. I wait till spring for the oil change, just hook up the battery tender, put some sta-bil in and the Shelby cover and that's it. Non-heated garage I would do what Jeff said.

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During the winter I....


1. Fill it w/ gas.

2. Increase tire pressures to 35 or 36 psi.

3. Start and run until at operating temperature every two weeks.

4. Keep a battery tender on it.

5. Dust it off once a week w/ a car duster

6. Drive it if there's no chance of wet, snow or salt.

7. Whine, cry and pout on occasion since I can't take it out as much.


+1 on everything except the battery tender. I Just disconnect the cables. And whine, cry and pout on MORE than one occasion! :hysterical:

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Heated or non-heated garage? I've got a heated garage that I keep around 45 degree's during the winter. I wait till spring for the oil change, just hook up the battery tender, put some sta-bil in and the Shelby cover and that's it. Non-heated garage I would do what Jeff said.


Mine was non-heated...oh and of course open the garage door 1/4 of the way for the exhaust.


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