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Fake Meds

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I was wondering if anyone is in the pharmaceutical business ?? The problem is with one of my Meds Effexor since the world trade fund started paying for all my meds and the meds are picked up from CVS only. My mood swings got worse pretty much to the point, I was homebound since the beginning of summer. My doctor switched my night time meds thinking that not having a solid night sleep was the problem. My wife said she thinks it was the meds from CVS cause prior to the free meds my mood swing were in check and really no anger out burst. So on her own she got my meds fill at riteaid and never telling me about the switch by the 4th day of my switch which is 350mg. I was back to my old self everything smoothed out my buddy and his family saw the difference plus it was the first time at there house since getting off the CVS meds. That's one of the reason not showing up at the Wickeds outting had a conflict with my mom and exploded. I'm going to contact the FDA but how could I get these pills checked on my own cause I really don't trust the FDA. I'm more pissed at blowing off my wife and kid the whole summer and painting my car was really an off the wall move. So far, I went to 3 functions with them which shocked her friends cause they think that I'm an unsocial person which is not true. I like making an Ass out of myself :hysterical:



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Well.... I've got no medical background, so take it with a grain of salt, but since I have people close to me that have used effexor with fairly good results, I will throw in my two pennies:


if you are on 350mg, i don't think you could go from a placebo to full dose without feeling like shit for a while. didn't the doc build you up to that point? I'm assuming you've stopped taking it before on your own, didn't you go thru a withdrawal of some kind when you did? if so, did you go thru it when the free cvs meds started? those would be the first clues....


cudos to you for trying to figure it out, get well for your family and yourself!

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Well.... I've got no medical background, so take it with a grain of salt, but since I have people close to me that have used effexor with fairly good results, I will throw in my two pennies:


if you are on 350mg, i don't think you could go from a placebo to full dose without feeling like shit for a while. didn't the doc build you up to that point? I'm assuming you've stopped taking it before on your own, didn't you go thru a withdrawal of some kind when you did? if so, did you go thru it when the free cvs meds started? those would be the first clues....


cudos to you for trying to figure it out, get well for your family and yourself!



Been on effexor for about 2yrs my first doc had me on 150mg and dropped me to 37.5mg I think and didn't feel right then made me stop there. I am not a person who cry's even at my fathers funeral but I was crying like a baby saying I was going to kill myself. I called my doc and was out of town and there was no covering. I was able to get my regular doctor to give a script and by the next evening. I was back to normal so what :hysterical: The pills that I have been taking may contain effexor but no a full dose like more fill than needed. No lie, I haven't left my house all thru july and up to this weekend since to other meds. I didn't freak out on 9/11 actually went to my wifes party sunday went for breakfast and took my kid to a bounce for three hrs. Before that, I ignored them stay in the garage 90%. I told my buddy f off and I'm a neat person and was leaving dirty dishes everywhere and clothing. If you say my garage it's destoryed my buddy was upset over it cause he know the workand money put into it. If remember I had a huge shelby logo on my floor. I sprayed paint all over. I even was nervous about driving !! Now since the other meds I cleaned my room changed the sheets shaved and been showering. I'm sick to my stomach at what was done to the garage and my car. So, I say there has been a pretty big change. I also called my ex fiance and asked her if I can move in with her. Now that's suicide for sure!!!

Also ask my doc to have me commited that I'm a danger to anyone that gets me pissed. My wife pissed me off when I first got shelby and went into a rage. There was about 5 huge glass Vases in the garage I started throw everywhere and beat the shelby with my weed wacker. She ran got my buddy he was in shock but more worried about the car than me. That's my fear and can't take a chance with low grade meds. Even before I got retired my sgt who,I'm friends with alway made sure the tazer was charged in case I blow a fuse. The scary thing is that I never saw my own angrier.


Thanks for your input same to you and family

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