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New Team Shelby version coming


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How come you can do all these changes but you can't fix the CLASSIFIEDS Forum in the "MUSTANG DOES IT" section? When you click on it, it just "RE-Directs" you to the Top of the Index Page. It counts the Re-Direct Hits but it wont let you into the Classifieds. Why does it count the "Re-Directed" Hits?

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I like it so far: very nice. Lots of blue! I would like the "View New Content" and "Today's Active Content" to work, though. :unsure:



Same here, when I click on "New Content" I get a Facebook error message. As I don't use Facebook (and won't) maybe I'm out of luck. Hope this is just a new version "glitch".

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Well it's here!!! :banghead:

I wish the "View New Content" icon didn't throw some sort of Facebook error at me though! I really used those a lot!!





I was just going to come on here and complain about that:banghead:. I would rather not share all my facebook facts and pictures with everybody. The view new content link is the only one I use. Please fix this before all our lives are ruined. :angry22:


Now I just have to be patient and wait for the new Shelby AMERICAN strat to show up at my door.

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