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Save Wild Mustangs From Slaughter


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Even though they've been a part of our fabric for centuries and best represent freedom, the North American wild Mustangs are once again headed to slaughter houses.


While some horses have and are being saved, many more will not be. What can we do to stop this?


1. Write your representative in support of the Equine Cruelty Prevention Act H.R.503. This bill will make it illegal to buy, sell or ship American horses to slaughter for human consumption. Click here to contact your representative now.


2. Get involved by sharing this information with as many people as you possibly can.


Please find below some links for more information:

Wild Horse Rescue | Wild Horse Preservation


In 1971, an unprecedented public outcry moved Congress to unanimously pass the Wild Free-Roaming Horse and Burro Act, granting federal protection to America’s wild horses and burros as “living symbols of the historic and pioneer spirit of the West […] that […] contribute to the diversity of life forms within the Nation and enrich the lives of the American people.”


In 1971, an unprecedented public outcry moved Congress to unanimously pass the Wild Free-Roaming Horse and Burro Act, granting federal protection to America’s wild horses and burros as “living symbols of the historic and pioneer spirit of the West […] that […] contribute to the diversity of life forms within the Nation and enrich the lives of the American people.”


From over 2 million in the 1800s, America’s wild horse population has dwindled to fewer than 33,000. There are now more wild horses in government holding pens than remain in the wild, with many of the remaining herds managed at population levels that do not guarantee their long-term survival. Still, the round-ups continue.


Over the past forty years, federal law enacted by the people on behalf of their wild horses has been ignored. No strategic plan to keep viable herds of wild horses on public lands was ever developed.


“I believe, as do so many of my fellow Americans, that the wild horse is an irreplaceable national treasure. It would be a tragic mistake to allow this noble creature to disappear from our western landscape.” —Robert Redford



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A little piece of trivia on mustangs: Did you know that there were no horses in the Americas before white men came? All wild-horses actually descend from horses that were once domesticated brought in by the Spanish. In fact, rather than "wild" the better name for them is "feral".

This notion BTW does not take away from the fact that rounding them up and slaughtering them is a barbaric practice and needs to be stopped!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I grew up showing and training horses. My mom is still in the horse business and this sadens me terribly. My horses were my pets, they have wonderful personalities and they are beautiful to watch.

Horses are a HUGE part of our history and to distroy them like this just makes me sick......


You can bet I will put in my .02.....


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