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Just to give everyone an update, we have been getting a good response from the letters we sent out and have been recieving checks from friends and family. We are still pushing hard with training and putting in the miles. Today I only ran 7 miles for my long run but I used it as a tempo run and was finished in just a little over 57 min so needless to say I was breathing hard when I got home. I may be doing a tune up race next month in florance sc, I will run the half marathon and the wife may run the 10k. I will let you all know if we tackle that or not and how the race goes. We can't thank those of you that have donated and those that have given us words of advice along the way.


V/R James & Tanya Stalnaker

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update!!!! So far we have a little over $400.00 in checks that we need to send in to be posted to our site. We have about 8 names to put on our shirts. Once the railroad sends in their match to my Fathers donation we should be about 50 % o the way to our goal. I will continue to keep you all posted. Thanks for looking and please stop in and look at our site from the link in my sig.

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  • 2 months later...

First off I wanted to thank all that have donated to this great cause.... I am still training for my marathon; my wife has suffered an injury and will be unable to continue training for this event so we will be moving her to another one later in the year. I am currently running 35-40 miles weekly now and will begin my taper the beginning of Feb. I am still in need of donations so if you are willing and able you will be donating to a great cause and helping put smiles on some faces of some very deserving patients...




James A. Stalnaker

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Finally figured out how to re-size my photos so I could post a couple... The Boy in the middle of this photo is Clay, the two boys on the outside are my two sons who are also helping at my run by donating 7 hours of there day to help cheer on the runners. He is currently in remission and an honored Hero in my local area for the Leukemia and lymphoma society. The money raised for this society goes to families like Clay's who have had to try and find ways to get more then a Million dollars sometimes to cover medical bills and treatments... For some families insurance will not pay for all of the treatments and they need to find other ways to make ends meet. If you can donate a few dollars it is better then nothing, I know that we are all recovering from the Holidays, and also struggling from this economy so if you are unable to give at this time we completely understand. Any and all help is appreciated.




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The little girl in this picture is Emilee, she was diagnosed at the age of three. She is currently five and the doctors are hopeing that she will be in remission by summer 2011. Once I get my shirt for the race I will be writing the names that people have submitted with their donations on my shirt and I will post a picture of that as well...


Thanks for Looking...




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Thanks for the bump Jim!!!! I just returned from my 16 mile long run, I was pleasantly surprised when I looked at my time of 2:27 this puts me right on pase to run under four hours for the Marathon.




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I did a 9.3 miles race this morning (15k) and you ran your 16 miles at a much faster pace than I ran the 9.3. Keep it up. You are truly doing God's work.





Thanks for the support Jim. Next time my wife and I are on the west coast we will have to meet up. I have a few more hard training weeks before I start my taper so I am looking forward to the hard miles ahead....





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  • 2 weeks later...

Well yesterday was my 32nd Birthday so I decided to take a day off from training. I will be having two fundraisers in the next month or so to try and keep the out of pocket cost for this down as much as possible. We will be holding breakfast at Ihop on 12 Feb here in Sumter S.C and we will also be having one at the local Chick Fillet sometime in Feb. Keep your fingers crossed for me... I will continue to update this thread and will post pictures of my shirt when I get it... I will be writing names on my shirt for those that have submitted names on my site in order to honor them during my run... Thanks again to all that have donated and left comments... I have an 18 mile training run on Sunday so I will be sure to post after my run...




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So yesterday was my weekly long run... I do not have an 18 mile loop so I got as close as I could. Ended up running 17.45 miles in 2:37, I stopped for about three min to take a gel and fill up my water bottle. My average pace was a 9:01 mile which should put me right where I need to be for my marathon goal of under 4 hours. I had plenty of gas in the tank to go farther if needed and the last mile was done at a 7:30 pace. I always try to put a kick at the end so that my body is used to it. I know that come race day I will have more motivation as well as others around me so it should be easier to push the pace a little. I always run on my own...


With that said I am putting in the hard miles and the work but I am still in need of donations. I know that times are tough but any amount will do. I don't care if you just give a $1.00 or even a $1.00 a mile every little bit will help out a lot of kids as well as adults that are suffering or have suffered and now have to endure the close to $1,000,000.00 cost that goes along with these types of cancers... Thanks again for reading my post. If you would like to donate you can just follow the link below or shoot me a PM and I can give you other options.





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Wow is all I can say about my Sunday long run…. I have recently turned 32 years old, and I also just had some pre-cancer spots removed from my face. This past Sunday I ran 20.03 miles with two 5 min stops to refuel with gels and fill up my water bottle. I ran this distance in 3:09, so needless to say I had a lot of time to think about things like why I am preparing for a Marathon, and how ironic it is that during this time I am raising money for a Blood cancer and find out that I too may be facing some sort of skin Cancer in the near future if I don’t start to protect my skin from the sun…

I am glad that during this run I was able to really think about what I have going on in my life and hope that I am able to meet my goals that I have set for myself.

As far as the fundraising I am only about $600 short and have till the end of the month to continue to raise money. Like has been said before even if you are only able to donate $5.00 it is $5.00 closer to finding a cure for these horrible blood cancers. Thanks for looking and have a blessed day….



James A. Stalnaker

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Just got back from my last long run before my taper. Ran the same 20 mile loop as last week but I was able to knock off 5 min. I ran at a comfortable pace and finished in 3:04. It looks like we should only be a couple hundred under goal, what ever below goal we are we will be paying out of pocket. If this is your first time looking at this post please go to the top to get all the details. Thank you to all who have donated to such a great cause.


James A. Stalnaker

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Just got done with my IHOP fundraiser. We were able to raise about $350 towards our cause. I have also been told that if we can get to $2800 on our site that one of my old friends has set up an anonymous donor to donate $1000 which will get us to our $3800 goal. Not much farther to go, we have some funds that we need to send in and we should be close. Wish us luck, and if you can spare a few bucks please send it via the link in my sig. Thanks for looking.



James A. Stalnaker

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Just got done with my IHOP fundraiser. We were able to raise about $350 towards our cause. I have also been told that if we can get to $2800 on our site that one of my old friends has set up an anonymous donor to donate $1000 which will get us to our $3800 goal. Not much farther to go, we have some funds that we need to send in and we should be close. Wish us luck, and if you can spare a few bucks please send it via the link in my sig. Thanks for looking.



James A. Stalnaker


Give um heck Jim!!! I put ya a couple bucks closer, I wish I could help more....

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I want to thank all of you that have donated and given advice. I just got back home from myrtle beach. I ran my first marathon yesterday, it was a great experience and I look forward to running many more. I ended up twisting my left ankle around mile 18 and had to walk a few times from then to the finish. I'm to hard headed to quit so I kept pushing on. I was on pace for 3:40-3:50 before I twisted my ankle, I ended up with a 4:16. I am completely happy with my time and can't wait to run my next one. Once again thank you to all who have helped me along the way. Once I download my pictures I will post a few on here.



James A. Stalnaker.

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I want to thank all of you that have donated and given advice. I just got back home from myrtle beach. I ran my first marathon yesterday, it was a great experience and I look forward to running many more. I ended up twisting my left ankle around mile 18 and had to walk a few times from then to the finish. I'm to hard headed to quit so I kept pushing on. I was on pace for 3:40-3:50 before I twisted my ankle, I ended up with a 4:16. I am completely happy with my time and can't wait to run my next one. Once again thank you to all who have helped me along the way. Once I download my pictures I will post a few on here.



James A. Stalnaker.


Way to go James! Let me say I for one am proud of ya! Keep on doing what your doing, it's unselfish people like yourself that make America a beautiful and safe place to live. Thanks for what you do! :salute:

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Great to hear you achieved your goal. You are a stud if you kept going after twisting your ankle. But, that is what marathons are all about - doing something most cannot. Looking forward to the photos.



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Here are two pics from my Marathon on Saturday.... We wrote all of the names that were sent in with donations... I had a great time and look forward to my next one. I'm already chomping at the bit to go for a run but I know I need to let my body rest for the week before I start running again. Thanks again to all who have followed this topic...



James A. Stalnaker






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