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Team Shelby,


Without a doubt, my wife and I are getting ready for one of the biggest challenges of our lives. On February 19 2011 we will both be running the longest distance either of us have run, she will be running a Half marathon 13.1 miles and I will be running a Full marathon 26.2 miles at Myrtle Beach in February 2011. As luck would have it we will not be doing this alone. We have joined the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Team in Training program. Through this program, we have great coaches, mentors and teammates whose support will help us cross the finish line on race day.

More important even then our physical commitment to the program we have a commitment to raise funds for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society in its effort to battle Leukemia and related cancers. According to the U.S. Cancer Statistics: 2006 Incidence and Mortality Web-based report, 34,316 cases of leukemia were diagnosed in the United States in 2006 (the most recent year for which statistics are available), including 19,400 in males and 14,916 in females. That same year, 22,016 people died from leukemia, including 12,426 males and 9,590 females

We are not only running these races for the Society, but also in honor of a local Leukemia patient in particular. Clay Reeves, age 13 is from Lexington, SC, he was diagnosed with Acute Promolyectic Leukemia in October of 2005. He underwent chemotherapy at Palmetto Richland Children’s Hospital, and has been in remission since January of 2006. It is Hero’s like this that make the funds raised throughout the year worthwhile.


If you fill the need to help out with this worth while cause you can do so at our Team in Training site below,. Even if you are not able to give your thoughts and comments will help us push through the training and also the miles on race day. Thanks for looking...







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It is pretty wonderful thing you and your bride are doing - something most folks have never done and doing it to help others. When you get to 18 miles (yes, there is a "wall" there), a bunch of sick people you don't know and one 13 year old you do know will carry you from there to the finish. When each of you gets to the end of your race, I will bet you have a hard time keeping a tear out of your eye -- just thinking about what you did for such deserving people will give you the best feeling you have ever had. Most (myself included, I will admit) run such races to test themselves. You two are running because "they" can't run.


My dear sweet wife last year did a half marathon with the help of Team In Training and this year is doing a marathon with them in San Francisco in October. She did and is doing the races for the same cause as you two are.


Good luck with your training and with the race.



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My wife and I thank you and your wife for the blessing and donation. Thanks again for the great start and I hope the wall is not to big. The most I have run is 18 miles at once but we have nothing but time to train.

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You are welcome and let this be a challenge to all Team Shelby members to donate to your team. We have these awesome cars that cost, let's face it, a bit more than your average Honda sedan. Maybe contribute to you two rather than do the next mod?


I lost my father and my father in law to cancer. It is a wicked thing and we must stamp it out. Just about everyone in Team Shelby has either a family member or a loved one whose life was ended by this disease. What would any of us have paid in money to save our loved one? So why are we so shy about giving money to people like you, who are doing all the heavy lifting? Research costs money and that is a reality just as harsh as cancer itself.


This is one of those times when money talks and everything else walks.



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For donations of $50 or more my wife and I are also willing to put the name of a friend or family member that has survived or lost the battle with cancer. So Jim we would be glad to put your father and father in laws names on our shirt if you so desire. Also some companies will match donations of their employees, so if you are unsure please fill free to ask and I can find out for you. Thanks for looking. Time to go for a run...

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Really need all the help we can get. We will be sending letters out to friends and family within the next two weeks to try and build off the start that we got from Jim. If some of you are wondering 75% or more of the money raised will go towards the society to help families that may not be able to afford the hospital bills as well as towards research to stamp ou this type of cancer.

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Really need all the help we can get. We will be sending letters out to friends and family within the next two weeks to try and build off the start that we got from Jim. If some of you are wondering 75% or more of the money raised will go towards the society to help families that may not be able to afford the hospital bills as well as towards research to stamp ou this type of cancer.


Hey, I donated and for a great cause!!!

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Team Shelby,


Without a doubt, my wife and I are getting ready for one of the biggest challenges of our lives. On February 19 2011 we will both be running the longest distance either of us have run, she will be running a Half marathon 13.1 miles and I will be running a Full marathon 26.2 miles at Myrtle Beach in February 2011. As luck would have it we will not be doing this alone. We have joined the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Team in Training program. Through this program, we have great coaches, mentors and teammates whose support will help us cross the finish line on race day.

More important even then our physical commitment to the program we have a commitment to raise funds for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society in its effort to battle Leukemia and related cancers. According to the U.S. Cancer Statistics: 2006 Incidence and Mortality Web-based report, 34,316 cases of leukemia were diagnosed in the United States in 2006 (the most recent year for which statistics are available), including 19,400 in males and 14,916 in females. That same year, 22,016 people died from leukemia, including 12,426 males and 9,590 females

We are not only running these races for the Society, but also in honor of a local Leukemia patient in particular. Clay Reeves, age 13 is from Lexington, SC, he was diagnosed with Acute Promolyectic Leukemia in October of 2005. He underwent chemotherapy at Palmetto Richland Children’s Hospital, and has been in remission since January of 2006. It is Hero’s like this that make the funds raised throughout the year worthwhile.


If you fill the need to help out with this worth while cause you can do so at our Team in Training site below,. Even if you are not able to give your thoughts and comments will help us push through the training and also the miles on race day. Thanks for looking...




Hey my mom - inlaw lives in Little ferry and may be in the area for your run.

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Hey my mom - inlaw lives in Little ferry and may be in the area for your run.


That is great!! We will need all the people on the sidelines to cheer us on to finish the race. I ran 8 miles yesterday and will be running 11 miles tomarrow. So far so good on the training and no injuries. Keep your fingers crossed for us. Thanks for posting.

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That is great!! We will need all the people on the sidelines to cheer us on to finish the race. I ran 8 miles yesterday and will be running 11 miles tomarrow. So far so good on the training and no injuries. Keep your fingers crossed for us. Thanks for posting.



I can drive my shelby behind you and if you slow up I'll give a push with my bumper :hysterical:

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I can drive my shelby behind you and if you slow up I'll give a push with my bumper :hysterical:



Not sure if you want to drive that slow. If I stay on pace it will take me about 3:30-3:45 to run 26.2 miles. I know that would help though. So bring it down and help me out!!!! I'm game!!!!

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Little Ferry is less than 10 miles from my house.......and this cause is closer to me than that.......


this is a wonderful thing you and your family are doing and I support you and wish you much success. :salute:



Thanks for the words of encouragement, we can use all the help we can get. Thank you also for your contribution. It is things like this that help us push throught the miles of training day in and day out no matter what the weather may throw at us.

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Well today is another great day for the Stalnaker family. My wife ran a 5k in Myrtle beach and my two sons and I handed out finisher medals. It was a great day for all of us. My wife now has a new pr of 36:58 for a 5k so she is doing great with her training for her half marathon. I will have my long run of the week tomarrow. Hope everyone is doing good. We have also received more donations that should be added to our site once the checks clear so we are on our way to raising enough money to help out this cause.

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Another week almost down. All I have left is my long run on Sunday. I will be running about 15 miles. Thanks for all the looks and comments. We will continue to log the miles to ensure we make it tothe finish line on race day.

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Thank you for what you're doing. I'd also like to add that if you can't donate money, you can enter yourself in the bone marrow donor registry. The process is simple. I believe they now do a cheek swab or something. When I entered they just took a small blood sample. A bone marrow transplant is a fairly simple operation for the donor and you could save someone's life.

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Thank you for what you're doing. I'd also like to add that if you can't donate money, you can enter yourself in the bone marrow donor registry. The process is simple. I believe they now do a cheek swab or something. When I entered they just took a small blood sample. A bone marrow transplant is a fairly simple operation for the donor and you could save someone's life.



First and formost Thanks for your donation. If you by chance have a name of someone friend or family member that you would like us to put on our race shirt just let me know and we would be honored to do so. Thanks again for keeping us going. We should be sending out our letters to family and friends so we will start to see the $ amount start to climb faster.

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First and formost Thanks for your donation. If you by chance have a name of someone friend or family member that you would like us to put on our race shirt just let me know and we would be honored to do so. Thanks again for keeping us going. We should be sending out our letters to family and friends so we will start to see the $ amount start to climb faster.



I put the name of one of my little sisters on your website but just in case, her name is Amy Harris. She was pregnant at the time her leukemia was discovered and decided to have the baby instead of giving her up and immediately taking treatment. She's gone, but her daughter lives on and just celebrated her 15th birthday this past weekend. Again, thanks for efforts to fight this disease.

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Just to give an update on what is going on. We have received another $285 towards our cause that will be on our site once we send in the checks. We have also put all of the 200 plus letters in envelopes with return envelopes and forms together, now we just need to put the rest of the addresses. We will be sending out all of the letters later this week and should start to see more donations rolling in from friends and family. On the training side our training is going well. I ran 14 miles on Sunday at a 9:15 pace which is comfortable for me and my wife is slowly raising her mileage up. I will continue to update this thread and hopefully I will figure out how to get some pictures up soon from the meeting that we have been going to. Thanks to all that have looked and especially those that have donated.



James A. Stalnaker

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Almost time for new shoes!!! I have been running upwards of 35 miles a week and will continue to ramp it up as I go along. My wife is up to running more then 3 miles at a time, this is great for someone that prior to this could not even run a mile without stopping. She is not over weight or anything like that just someone that has never liked running like I do. We have also sent out over 200 personal letters this week and cant wait for the responce. Once again thank you to all that have contributed to this great cause. :dance:


Sincerely, James and Tanya Stalnaker

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Just put the first six miles on my new shoes, should be broken in by the end of my Thursday run. For those that look at this post please go back to the first post and see what this is all about. We can really use the help to raise the money to find a cure. I know times are tight, but any and all amounts really do help. So please donate if you can. Thank you again to all of you who have already donated to this great cause.

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We have had some checks from family and friends start to roll in so even though the website only shows $500 something we are up and over the $1000 mark for donations so far. Thanks to all who have donated so far. Today was my long run and I decided to up the mileage a little so I can see how my body reacts to the stress. I ended up running 18 miles and with the three stops to fill up my water it took me right at three hours. I think I could have pressed on but I'm glad I did not have to today. I will continue to keep you all updated. If this is the first time you are looking at this post please go to the first page so you have some background info on what we are trying to accomplish. Thanks for looking.

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