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Lest We Forget

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A collection of photos, some of which rarely have been seen. Let us not forget those who we lost in the attack, nor those who gave everything thereafter.




Although these are of the WTC, never let us forget those at the Pentagon or in that lonely field.



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A collection of photos, some of which rarely have been seen. Let us not forget those who we lost in the attack, nor those who gave everything thereafter.




Although these are of the WTC, never let us forget those at the Pentagon or in that lonely field.





Thanks for posting this !! I actually have video of start to end of the tower it very graphic I saw once and was sick to my stomach it was handed out to us . The video is live feed from P.D copter and footage that was never seen and the disc is music that alone would make you cry.


I have say this since I was there both times the first attack you can see the explosion damage it was amazing if the bomb was a little stronger it would have tipped the tower over. The second one the tower fell down like it was set up too both of them fell like a demo job. We know Bush likes a good war just like his dad.


Be safe

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A collection of photos, some of which rarely have been seen. Let us not forget those who we lost in the attack, nor those who gave everything thereafter.




Although these are of the WTC, never let us forget those at the Pentagon or in that lonely field.








Awesome pics thanks for sharing...I will never forget God bless America and all


who serve her.... :salute:

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While it ran all day Friday and Saturday, last night I watched a re-airing of "102 Minutes that changed America", which is an award winning documentary about the events that transpired that awful morning, broken down minute by minute. And even though it's been 9 years since the attacks, I have to be honest and say that all of the anger, frustation, sadness, as well as the many other emotions that I felt that morning came up again last night while watching that program.


I am of the opinion that whenever the national debate/question comes up about "why are we in Afghanistan?", the History Channel shoud air that program so that our nation's "Doves" can relive that morning again and hopefully understand the importance of our commitment in that armpit of a country.


The Muslim extremists are sinister, evil, and live without remorse. They know they can't beat us, so their goal is to disrupt our way of life anyway they can. To me, those people are nothing but lower life forms that should be eradicated, but unfortunately they are like cockroachs... even if you step on a hundred of them, there's still hundreds of them that live in the darkness.


Strickly my personal opinion.


May God bless America and all of the women and men who are out "on the wire" defending her.



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How could I forget !!

Personally knew some people that lost their lives that day. I was on my way to the city after the 2nd plane flew into the tower but, turned back knowing they were going to stop all incoming traffic into the city. i was only 1/2 right.......they would've let me in !


I battle with this disaster on a daily basis and it gets me so angry that most sheep in this Country have forgotten already. I have been atop the World Trade Center many times...........


God bless the souls that were taken that day. Wish I was able to do something about it.

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And the way the government lied about the air quality and how the city is treating all the sick people should also make you angry. Look at the soldiers how they are treated that gets me going and I love when a liberal says we didn't put a gun to their head to join.



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