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Budweiser commercial

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I'm not sure it offended anyone. I believe it was during the next year Super Bowl after 9/11 and the point was to honor and respect so Bud, then an American Company, did not over use it. I see it on best commercial shows too. Never forget!

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Great timing. It is one of those videos that all people of all nations should see. We Americans have our own special way of honoring the fallen. A video like this, without words, immediately causes each of us to feel, once again, what has been resting in our heart since 09-11-01. Thanks for sharing again.



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Great timing. It is one of those videos that all people of all nations should see. We Americans have our own special way of honoring the fallen. A video like this, without words, immediately causes each of us to feel, once again, what has been resting in our heart since 09-11-01. Thanks for sharing again.







More people died in NYC on Sept 11th than did at Pearl Harbor on Dec 7th 1941.

And those fine citizens werent military, they were you and me going to work like any other day.


My heart. :salute:



and thanks for posting Tony.

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I've seen this before too but cannot help but get choked up every time I see it. Bud got it right, with honor and dignity. :salute::salute:


I've already hung my flag and I have FDNY cap ready to wear all day tomorrow. My brother was the Fire Chief of the town I grew up in NJ at the time. He and his crew headed in to the City that day to help without knowing or caring what they were getting in to. :salute:

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Same here...first time for me too. Great post!


Pat.....nice new photo of the 500!!! The wheels are dynamite!



Thanks! I got the springs on the way... Actually thanks goes to HAZMAN, over at fordgt500.com, for the pic: http://www.fordgt500.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2196&highlight=playing. Great site also...

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