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Home-Build Computer

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I'm wondering if anyone on the forum has built or is building their own PC. I'm thinking about doing this sometime next year. I've done a little research and it looks like it would be interesting and fun to do so. I'd like to build a good gaming PC to support my iRacing habit.

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I'm wondering if anyone on the forum has built or is building their own PC. I'm thinking about doing this sometime next year. I've done a little research and it looks like it would be interesting and fun to do so. I'd like to build a good gaming PC to support my iRacing habit.


I built quite a few years ago when the price of purchasing a decent pre-built machine was out of control. Now a days you can get a decent machine for under a grand so for me it isn't cost effective to build one from scratch anymore.

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I say go for it. There is nothing too hard about it. I’ve built I think 8 in the past 5 years. I personally would not recommend Toms Hardware and most enthusiasts are leaving Newegg for Amazon since Newegg’s customer service has gone downhill and their packing skills are severely lacking. Best forum for computer related stuff is http://www.hard.com/. You will get more advice than you ask for over there. If you need any help shoot me a message.

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Haven't bought a computer since 1996 - have built my own since. Love browsing through NewEgg.com, though as said their packing skills can use some work. Always test and run any hard drives you get from them for awhile before depending on them. Had a bunch of DOAs that most likely got banged around too much on the UPS truck - which I also have issues with. UPS sucks, but I digress.


Check NewEgg's Shell Shockers and sign up for their email alerts for some good prices. TigerDirect also has some good bare bones kits that you can add to for a great system. Been looking at the 2TD Western Digital Green drives as I've been waiting for the $99 mark on those - have to say go for a 1.5T since I've seen a lot of posts and reviews about 2T drives dying. Not sure if its the density, materials or just hit that magic wall.


Anyway, good luck and don't forget to ground yourself - else your new dual GPU video card could get shocked back into RMA world.

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Built the last 4 myself, including a screamer gaming machine for my son. If you understand what you are doing, its pretty simple. Just do the research first. I'd suggest starting with the processor. Then you need to find a motherboard it works in. Then you add memory, hard drive(s) video card(s), sound card, etc. In each case, get the best you can afford.


The only overwhelming thing might the the motherboard. There are way too many choices, so pay close attention to the specs, keeping in mind what you are going to use it for. Check the manufacturer's and independent forums to see if people are having any major issues with the board you're looking at.


Also, I'd very strongly recommend getting a solid state disk for your OS. You won't believe how fast that sucker will boot up!


PM me if you need any help. I have a lot of fun doing this. A couple of weeks of research and ordering parts, then just an hour or two putting it all together. When you first boot it up, you will be grinning from ear-to-ear!


Since we have 2 Fry's in Atlanta, I get most of my parts there. For online ordering, I almost exclusively use Newegg. Never had a problem with them.


Go for it!!!!!!!!


BTW, like shack says above, don't forget to use a grounding wrist strap that is clipped to the chassis. All it takes is one tiny little static spark to trash everything!

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