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Alarm issue


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Anyone have any alarm issues? over the last couple of weeks, my car will just be sitting in the driveway, untouched and all of sudden wham..alarm starts..theres no apparent rhythm to it …at night... during the day its happened about 8 times.. :headscratch:

No issues here, but I admit I know little about the alarm system yet. Heck, I only have 150 miles on my car. Could it be high winds? You may have a bad motion sensor or something....I'm sure others will chime in. Just don't listen to SCGT when he tells you it's the trunk monkey. Everyone knows the trunk monkey stays in the trunk, and there are no sensors in there.



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Yeah, those Trunk Monkeys are professional, multi-talented, automotive accessories. They have a limited lifetime warranty so long as you feed, water, bathe and provide your Trunk Monkey with monthly conjugal visits. Just don't forget to have him "wrap the banana" if you know what I mean - otherwise you'll end up with unauthorized Baby Monkeys that will require their own license and fee back to the dealer.



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Anyone have any alarm issues? over the last couple of weeks, my car will just be sitting in the driveway, untouched and all of sudden wham..alarm starts..theres no apparent rhythm to it …at night... during the day its happened about 8 times.. :headscratch:


Earthquakes? You are in that kind of area. It's possible the alarm is set so sensitive that it picks up quake movement that you don't notice.

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Anyone have any alarm issues? over the last couple of weeks, my car will just be sitting in the driveway, untouched and all of sudden wham..alarm starts..theres no apparent rhythm to it …at night... during the day its happened about 8 times.. :headscratch:

You don't have your keys in pocket when this is happening do you :blush:

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Anyone have any alarm issues? over the last couple of weeks, my car will just be sitting in the driveway, untouched and all of sudden wham..alarm starts..theres no apparent rhythm to it …at night... during the day its happened about 8 times.. :headscratch:


It's those darn cats that jump on the car and jump off when the alarm sounds. Sneaky little :censored:! :rant:

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Does anyone know if our GT500s with the Active antitheft alarm use alarmhorns with a separate battery? So that when they cut off the power the alarm has a source of its own. Any dealership guys know this?

I have the same anti-theft system in our GT/CS and there is only one power source. I have tested it and it sounds like it is the horn going off.

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