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TeamShelby message/email hacker?


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Anyone else being inundated by emails from other members?



Something is going on - and very wrong!


I've received over 50 emails - messages stating things like, "I haven't visited team shelby in months. Stop sending me messages" etc.


I just don't get it.



Tried sending a message to staff - but problem only got worse and no replies!



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Several of the Car Forums have been getting Hacked lately. Do not Open them, they are Spam, when you reply, you just gave them your Address Book. On my Computer, I can click the Tab to "Forward" and it will show me what is writen in the Email so I know if I need to send it to "Spam" or just Delete it.

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I never open anything that looks different or if I don't know who the sender is - gets deleted immediately!


Hope I didn't win any cars I don't know about....

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I never open anything that looks different or if I don't know who the sender is - gets deleted immediately!


Hope I didn't win any cars I don't know about....



No cars, but a guy in Nigeria is looking to have someone take $25 million from this grandfather's first cousin's ex-wife's offshore oil account. For just $5,000, he will send you a cashier's check for the 25 mill.

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