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Purchasing a GT500


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I was going to wait and add more money to what i have been saving over the years and buy a new GT500 since I havent yet hit top pay(4 more years) but I wanted some opinions.


Theres alot of scams out there and every good deal seems to be to good to be true. Recently I came across a used GT500 for under $20000 with 5000 miles on it. Again seemed to be another scam but I put an email in and got this back:




The car is still available. It has no scratches or any kind of damage. I am in Texas.

Full price is $19,000 shipping included, and all the documents will be provided along with it. The transaction will be made through GOOGLE CHECKOUT for the safety of both of us,through bank to bank transfer so we can be sure of the legitimacy of our deal. I'm a serious seller and a fair trader and I prefer to deal only with a serious buyer..Anyway, I have to let you know that I want a fast deal because I need the money asap and that is also the reason why I am selling it at a lower price... so if you are really interested in buying it, please reply.




What are everyone's thoughts on this?


I dont want to get screwed but i would love for this to be true

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Theres alot of scams out there and every good deal seems to be to good to be true. Recently I came across a used GT500 for under $20000 with 5000 miles on it. Again seemed to be another scam but I put an email in and got this back:



The car is still available. It has no scratches or any kind of damage. I am in Texas.

Full price is $19,000 shipping included, and all the documents will be provided along with it. The transaction will be made through GOOGLE CHECKOUT for the safety of both of us,through bank to bank transfer so we can be sure of the legitimacy of our deal. I'm a serious seller and a fair trader and I prefer to deal only with a serious buyer..Anyway, I have to let you know that I want a fast deal because I need the money asap and that is also the reason why I am selling it at a lower price... so if you are really interested in buying it, please reply.


What are everyone's thoughts on this?





I know FOR FACT, that is a scam. Wanna find out for sure? Ask to guy to inspect the car. It will all of a sudden be in transport to another state/country.


Also, ask him where you send the money ("Google Checkout") too. It will *most* likely be London England.


I've had a few of these guys that I strung out for weeks. Just tell him you really really REALLY want the car and you have the cash to pay for it. But then tell him you will send him a Cashiers Check or Postal Money Order. Watch how fast he denies them.


I had a guy that just INSISTED he had the car in one state. I said "no problem, I'll fly out there to inspect the car". Then all of a sudden it was "in transport to another state" (which was why he was selling it so cheap and could transport it to ME, rather than the other state...cuz he already paid for shipping). Then I said "no problem, I can go to the state it's being shipped to so I can inspect it'. Nope, now it's in a warehouse the shipping Company has and I can't get to it for X months.


They say, "If it sounds too good to be true, IT IS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE". No if's and's or but's about it.


I was born during the day but I wasn't born YESTERDAY.


Either play him like a big fish on a line or drop him like a bag of dirt. You *ain't* gonna get that car for any amount of money, let alone $20K. Hell, he could take it down to ANY dealer and they'd give him $20K on the spot for resale.



Think before you jump,

Phill Pollard

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Just think about it, $20k?? He could take it to Carmax and sell it instantly for at least $25k



That's pretty much what I said in my (LONG) post above...he could take it to *any* dealer and get $20K CASH. They could resell it and make a easy $10-$15K on the car.


That alone tells me the guy ("seller", and I use the term loosely) is FOS and it's a scam.


Like I said, "If it sounds too good to be true, IT IS"!




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That's pretty much what I said in my (LONG) post above...he could take it to *any* dealer and get $20K CASH. They could resell it and make a easy $10-$15K on the car.


That alone tells me the guy ("seller", and I use the term loosely) is FOS and it's a scam.


Like I said, "If it sounds too good to be true, IT IS"!






FOS = Fine Outstanding Salesman, right? :hysterical::hysterical:


dbowles, as others have alreday stated, and as you have realized by now, this is a TOTAL scam. You could report them to the FBI if you wanted to.

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i had the exact same going on a couple of years ago when i was thinking about another 70 Challenger , they said the car was in KC at the time ,, and i am only 4 hrs away and he all of a sudden was in out of townslapfight.gif

friggin morons

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