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Free Stuff!!

Joe G

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For those who haven't seen it yet... yahoo!! :happy feet:


My first freebie! I love this site!! :bowdown: :rockon: :bowdown: :rockon:



Isn't it awesome? I mean, what other site not only offers info, but also offers consistant giveaways?


It's like the members are rewarded for being active posters. I love the concept, and I think it says alot about the generousity of the admin. Congrats to everyone!

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You guys are the best!!!


I can't wait!!!

P.S. Don't forget Crispy on your list of winners, he's right behind me in # of postings.




Crispy is a moderator so he will get his automatically. :happy feet:


I am hunting you, KC. :poke:

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I am explaining the fact that when I show up at work at 7 AM you guys are going to bed or are allready sleeping. I am 6 hrs ahead of Eastern Time and 9 hrs ahead of Pacific Time. If we both have daylight savings it stays that way. Complicated isn't it?


The first thing I do at work is check my emails and start answering on topics with my fluidly breakfast. :hysterical: And it isn't porridge or orange juice. :hysterical: Just kiddin'

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Oh man, you are totally cracking me up. I understood what you were talking about with the time difference; your post just came out of left field. One moment we're thanking Robert for free stuff and the next you’re talking about us sleeping while you're just getting started working. Random stuff like that makes me laugh.


Hey, I just remembered. When I was in The Netherlands a few years ago I remembered drinking a beer that was really good. Do you guys have a beer called Palm or something like that? And why don't the bartenders rinse the glasses off after they clean them? Drinking soapy beer was a little odd to me.



Palm is a Belgium beer and it is very good. A dark beer with higher % of alcohol. Normally they clean the glass in the water and let it dry upside down.


You have to try Kanon (translated canon) made by Grolsch. That is good and over 10%. It hits you like a wall when you drink 3 of those.


He, but now we are talking about beer again. In another topic it is the same thing. It is 10.05 PM and I am ready to get to bed. Rise and shine at 5.30 tomorrow.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not trying to look a gift horse in the mouth or anything, but has anyone received their freebie yet? I'm still anxiously waiting.


I was wondering the same thing.

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how do you get the goodies? Is it just highest number of post? :blink:




This Give away was given based on the amount of posts. Who knows how we will choose who wins our next give away :D :D :D





For those that won the last give away, The Goodies Were Sent out this morning with the If you live in the U.S you can expect your package in the next couple of days. :D :D If outside like Canada it might take alittle longer to clear Customs. :cry:

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This Give away was given based on the amount of posts. Who knows how we will choose who wins our next give away :D :D :D

For those that won the last give away, The Goodies Were Sent out this morning with the If you live in the U.S you can expect your package in the next couple of days. :D :D If outside like Canada it might take alittle longer to clear Customs. :cry:


What a cool thing to do. I am new to the site and this is an excellent way to get participation up. Thanks for all the wonderful information everyone. Keep em coming. :happy feet:

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