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Forum slow

Rex B

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Sorry to post this here but i don't see a place specifically for forum issues. Moderator - move this if you like.


I've got something wrong here and I can't figure it out.

this forum just C.r..a..w..l..s across my screen. Just scrolling down takes forever.

Posting this message is agonizingly slow.

This is the only site I have a problem with, and I'm on a lot of forums.



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Sorry to post this here but i don't see a place specifically for forum issues. Moderator - move this if you like.


I've got something wrong here and I can't figure it out.

this forum just C.r..a..w..l..s across my screen. Just scrolling down takes forever.

Posting this message is agonizingly slow.

This is the only site I have a problem with, and I'm on a lot of forums.




Hi Rex, I think it's your PC.... Try deleting all cookies from your web browser....tools/options


Any suggestions Jeff?

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Hi Rex, I think it's your PC.... Try deleting all cookies from your web browser....tools/options


Any suggestions Jeff?



If you are using Internet Explorer, clear the Temporary Internet Files. If you are using some other browser, look for a similar option. The temp folder file is usually limited to a maximum size and when you fill it, you can experience slow response times on sites that need to write to that directory. The cookies will not make much difference on their own unless the cookies that the Team Shelby site uses are corrupted in some way.

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Sorry to post this here but i don't see a place specifically for forum issues. Moderator - move this if you like.


I've got something wrong here and I can't figure it out.

this forum just C.r..a..w..l..s across my screen. Just scrolling down takes forever.

Posting this message is agonizingly slow.

This is the only site I have a problem with, and I'm on a lot of forums.





This is the only forum that scrolls slow and jerky, in my experience. A real drag.

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