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back form grabbers and the car is clean


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We made it back safe and sound from Grabbers. The car was almost vapor coloured when we got home. Spent 4 hrs last night washing and waxing. I did not even get to the wheel wells (what a mess) and no wax left on the car. Oh well got her looking good and fresh wax (don't feel embarrassed to driver her now).


Had to do a few apts this afternoon, when leaving the hearing doctor (getting feed back in my left ear; no its not Lisa its the hearing aid)a few folks were outside smoking and as I walked by they asked if that was my car? I respond yes expecting to get the nice car line; but no they ask, did you have that make on your bumper before? :censored: yea someone in a VW garbage scow backed into me and took off. They did not get the plate,but said they have seen the VW there before and would call me with the plate if they see it again. Nice folks!!

The damage is not bad, but did gouge the paint. :banghead::banghead: Hope they get the plate # other wise I am on the hook for the 500.00 deductible.



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