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What A Disgusting Prank They Did To Us

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Before reading what I have to say about this, please read the community announcements to get a better understanding of what is going on. I also edited them to keep the name of my high school private.







At approximately 1:15 p.m. today, a high school student found a note in the girl’s bathroom stating “CHS Prepare to Die.” The note was brought to the attention of High School Assistant Principal Mrs. Shapiro shortly before dismissal time. Normal dismissal was held, but the police were called. After arrival of the police, a fire alarm was sounded to evacuate the building. The building was swept by security and administration in the presence of a police officer, and nothing unusual was found. Students and staff were admitted to the building after 3:00 p.m.


Although the note did not contain a specific threat, we believe that acting in the interest of safety must be our first priority.


and another one they posted.






As a result of increased vigilance at The High School, we have discovered additional graffiti in that building. Security was increased at the beginning of the day, and the police department has been notified and is actively investigating. Unfortunately, we do not know how long the newly discovered graffiti has been there. All students and staff are going about their normal business, and there appears to be no cause for alarm. Given today’s technology, numerous text message rumors are spreading rapidly throughout the building and the community. You will be notified directly via email and/or Connect Ed if the situation warrants further notification.


The graffiti from what I heard on the news, was that it was a Swastika on the bathroom wall and police didn't consider it as a hate crime because it was not directed at anyone. To me, that is absolute bull :censored:


This one was posted today




Students at The High School were shown a video message today during ninth period. What follows is the text of that message.


As we approach the end of the school year and all of the events that occur at this time of the year, there is a natural level of stress and tension. However, this week was made even more stressful by the actions of a few students. When these students are caught, they will be prosecuted and hopefully get the help that they need. It is time that you as the students of The High School and the school community as a whole stand up to this type of bullying. We can no longer stay quiet when we hear rumors or other kids bragging about what they have done. Now we understand that there are a lot of things that happen among teenagers that you may not tell adults about. But when it comes to the health and safety of yourself, fellow students, and those that work at The High School, it is important to recognize when to turn to a trusted adult. You need to know that it is OK to talk to a teacher, a coach, your favorite security guard, secretary, school counselor, psychologist, or social worker. Please know that we are all in this together and that we can stand up to those that try to bully us through fear and intimidation. Together, we can send a strong message that these actions have no place at The High School. As the slogan goes . . .if you see or hear something, say something.


The video they showed us was complete baloney to me because the video was about two minutes long and just gave an overall of what the message said saying that you should tell someone about another person being suspicious and other stuff, and I think a lot of us know about that already. I just think that a two minute video about the problem and stresses, and bullying going on in my school aren't doing enough justice. It's just a sum up of saying that all the staff are aware and that when they find the person, they will be prosecuted and such.


Now for my opinion on the story:


From what is going on in my high school, it really bothers me. This monday, when they left that letter in the girl's bathroom as of saying that it was a bomb threat to the school really bothers me along with the swastika and teens spreading rumors about all of us are going to die. Even after police searched the building on monday, they let everyone back in the building. Are they trying to kill us if there really was a bomb in the school? They claimed that they have a blue ribbon status, but that was like ten years ago! Sercurity is now tighter than a tick's :censored: and the side doors that I usually go into to get back into the building when some of my classes are outside in the portables (classrooms in trailers sort of) are all locked and I have to go in through the lobby doors to get back inside. They also locked up some of the bathrooms and we have to now sign in and out when we are in the classroom the go to the bathroom, and about that bullying stuff. I also had expirienced it almost every year. Just today, I don't know if it was on purpose, but someone threw my backpack into the trash can and spat on it. This happened during when I was in gym. I told my gym teacher what happened, and he said their is nothing that they can do about it (WTF!). and on top of that, many more fights have broken out in the school this year, and this is a high school I go to which is in the suburbs (which Long Island is mostly consisted of being).


I am told by my parents not to worry, but I still feel very scared this. It feels like my high school is slipping a bit. I don't care about people telling me not to worry when a lot of us are really worried about something really bad happening to the school. I am scared along with a lot of my friends and other classmates that go to school with me. It seems that they bullying problem it gettting much worse. I also hear kids from other long island schools committing suicide because of all of this bullying that is going on.


I don't know what to do. I am angry upset, and afraid. I know that this is a really long post, but I just wanted to get the word out on what is going on at the moment.


I hope to get a lot of replys on this post and I hope a lot of members here on TS can help me cope with what is going on at the moment.


You are all great people on this site along with having a great moderator team I am hoping everyone has a great deal of sympathy for me about what is going on at the moment.



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This reply may sound cold but this is the way life is. First -Never ignore issues that effect your or someone elses safety. If things are bad be diligent about fixing it. You will realise what I am going to tell you later in life and may not understand it now because you simply haven't lived long enough to see for your self. Fight the battles that really need fought. Life is full of challenges and issues every day and letting yourself get stressed out about them will eat you up. When you think about it some issues really aren't that big a deal and don't warrant the worry and time comitted to them.  Stress literally, can have a negitive effect on your physical health as well as mentally. Step back take a deep breath. If these issues continue to bother you, and I mean really bother you, discuss options with your parents about speaking to a mental health counsler. Now don't take that the wrong way. Im not saying you have issues. Many times well adjusted stable people need to seek counseling for a opinion or different prospective on things. Remember, Parents are ususlly a great resorce of information and most times will have your best interest at heart. Not being able to discuss things with them is a huge missed opportunity. Good luck.

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This reply may sound cold but this is the way life is. First -Never ignore issues that effect your or someone elses safety. If things are bad be diligent about fixing it. You will realise what I am going to tell you later in life and may not understand it now because you simply haven't lived long enough to see for your self. Fight the battles that really need fought. Life is full of challenges and issues every day and letting yourself get stressed out about them will eat you up. When you think about it some issues really aren't that big a deal and don't warrant the worry and time comitted to them.  Stress literally, can have a negitive effect on your physical health as well as mentally. Step back take a deep breath. If these issues continue to bother you, and I mean really bother you, discuss options with your parents about speaking to a mental health counsler. Now don't take that the wrong way. Im not saying you have issues. Many times well adjusted stable people need to seek counseling for a opinion or different prospective on things. Remember, Parents are ususlly a great resorce of information and most times will have your best interest at heart. Not being able to discuss things with them is a huge missed opportunity. Good luck.


What you have just said, is absolutly true. I'm letting stress and fear get to me a bit too much. I try my best to take a deep breath when I'm stressed or afraid. I do discuss it with my parents and I also am currently getting help and am seeing someone because of a bad experience I had this past summer which damaged mentally with horrible flashbacks because of how people treated me. I guess some people think it's funny to put someone down just to make themselves feel good or "cool" in some way. I'm doing my best to discuss it with somebody and I am trying my best to have things get better and have life lived more pleasently.

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Keep up the good work and remember they can kill you but they cant eat you...fear is really f'd up. People can sense it and so can dogs. Have you tried reading some buddhist thoughts about fear etc..? Or take your 500 to a track and drive!


You can overcome it, just keep working on it...




Remember this, in 5 years you will not even look back at HS so it will all be good in the end...you going to College?






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Keep up the good work and remember they can kill you but they cant eat you...fear is really f'd up. People can sense it and so can dogs. Have you tried reading some buddhist thoughts about fear etc..? Or take your 500 to a track and drive!


You can overcome it, just keep working on it...




Remember this, in 5 years you will not even look back at HS so it will all be good in the end...you going to College?


I am in my sophomore year at HS. I have two more years to think about college. I'm planning on getting my learner's permit at the end of the summer. No GT500 in our family, but I am planning on getting a used Mustang GT when it comes to my second or third year of driving when I get my full license, but I would also like to take it on a track and drive. I also would like to own a GT500 when I get older and have a good job. I will also try t look into buddhist readings on fear.



and just for one other note: Last week on Thursday and Friday there was also a rumor going around my school about Columbine number two going to happen at my school tomorrow, May 17th. I know that it may just be a stupid rumor to get everyone scared, but I will take a deep breath and go to school anyway. Probably nothing will happen and I want to keep it that way along with the other people that go to my school, friends and staff.

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The tight security at your School is a good thing.........


If these cowards are daring enough to cause harm, most likely nothing

will happen with the School on alert........


Hopefully the Authorities are hot on their tails and know more than they can say.........

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As a parent of 2 children. It is important to make good choices. Choose your friends wisely, I know and have seen how peer pressure can destroy or cause all of us to do things we don't really wish to. Treat others as you would wish to be treated. I have coached wrestling for over 10 years. Many young men were lost and thought they had nothing. Most had no self confidence, no belonging at home or anywhere else, wrestling is my favorite sport due to it's self discipline, encourages hard work, and being honest with yourself to suceed.


Stay active, be involved with school, find something that you enjoy and help be the difference.

One important item I feel the most important, is be close to your family. I know we parents don't live in your generation, and from what I see with the influences today and the lack of good morals values, I fear for all of our youth.


Back on track, regardless of what you think, we parents try to do our best, yes we may need some kid coaching. Life can be a form of survival, supporting our families so sometimes we parents may need to stop and listen, but give us a chance.

Communication made the difference for me with my kids, yes they had to sit me down once in a while as I did them. I have 2 great smart, hardworking, loving kids. We have a great trust and when they need to talk we talk, we have a great respect for each other. We still spend much time together even though they have kids of thier own.. This is what being close to your family brings you. A happy life and strong family. In the end they are are you really have.


I am sure you are a great kid, motor head as I was and still am. A few words to the wise, Give back more than you take, trust me, giving is the best fertilizer for a happy life. Be cautious, date or go out only in groups there is strength in numbers, and nothing and I mean nothing good happens out on the town after midnight, make sure you hang out with good influences.


I know it sounds like a lecture, but we here at the Team do care about you and our youth, you are our future. I look forward to seeing your ride when you get it, post some pics. Work hard, play hard, be honest, it will come. Take care and stay focused. If you ever get to Arizona, give us notice, we would love to let you hang out with a few of us old school COOL Shelby and Mustang guys.


Rember - YOU MATTER - :happy feet: Hooo Yahh.

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The tight security at your School is a good thing.........


If these cowards are daring enough to cause harm, most likely nothing

will happen with the School on alert........


Hopefully the Authorities are hot on their tails and know more than they can say.........


+1 to the thing on tighter security. I have to agree about that after thinking about it for a while.



The school had indeed told us that once they found these sick people, they will indeed be prosecuted according to what they have said on that short video.


I'm not going to be a coward tomorrow and have the guts to go in tomorrow regardless if we are attacked or not even though I'm still a little bit feared. I'm going to do all my best to overcome it. The only time when I will start being really afraid, is when the school is actually being under attack.

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As a parent of 2 children. It is important to make good choices. Choose your friends wisely, I know and have seen how peer pressure can destroy or cause all of us to do things we don't really wish to. Treat others as you would wish to be treated. I have coached wrestling for over 10 years. Many young men were lost and thought they had nothing. Most had no self confidence, no belonging at home or anywhere else, wrestling is my favorite sport due to it's self discipline, encourages hard work, and being honest with yourself to suceed.


Stay active, be involved with school, find something that you enjoy and help be the difference.

One important item I feel the most important, is be close to your family. I know we parents don't live in your generation, and from what I see with the influences today and the lack of good morals values, I fear for all of our youth.


Back on track, regardless of what you think, we parents try to do our best, yes we may need some kid coaching. Life can be a form of survival, supporting our families so sometimes we parents may need to stop and listen, but give us a chance.

Communication made the difference for me with my kids, yes they had to sit me down once in a while as I did them. I have 2 great smart, hardworking, loving kids. We have a great trust and when they need to talk we talk, we have a great respect for each other. We still spend much time together even though they have kids of thier own.. This is what being close to your family brings you. A happy life and strong family. In the end they are are you really have.


I am sure you are a great kid, motor head as I was and still am. A few words to the wise, Give back more than you take, trust me, giving is the best fertilizer for a happy life. Be cautious, date or go out only in groups there is strength in numbers, and nothing and I mean nothing good happens out on the town after midnight, make sure you hang out with good influences.


I know it sounds like a lecture, but we here at the Team do care about you and our youth, you are our future. I look forward to seeing your ride when you get it, post some pics. Work hard, play hard, be honest, it will come. Take care and stay focused. If you ever get to Arizona, give us notice, we would love to let you hang out with a few of us old school COOL Shelby and Mustang guys.


Rember - YOU MATTER - :happy feet: Hooo Yahh.


Thank you so much for your kind words. I indeed do make good choices and choose my friends wisely. Even though a lot of us on TS have either a facebook or myspace or whatever and this goes for the younger generation too: even though you may have 500+ friends on your facebook, 20 or so my be your actual true friends. The ones that care about you and make sure your not hanging with the wrong crowd (parents also say the same thing too at times). I now know people in my school who do drugs, drink, and so fourth. I actually know a couple of people who got nailed by the cops for doing drugs. I try my best to stay close with my family too, especially my dad. Whenever I have a problem, I go to him at times to help me. I also do the same with my mom, but mostly with dad. I'll also give back more than I will take and will also be a bit more active in school. I sort of shy in the public, but I am going to try and vow to myself to get more active in the school. Maybe a club or something. But at the same time work hard too and maybe also play hard in my free time (shoutout to Ruff who was the first to tell me this statement). I'm just so stressed and seem unhappy at the moment, and I hope I can spruce up my life a bit more.


I will also be careful for who I will date and I will be sure not to stay out until 2 in the morning (even though I don't do that and even though I live on Long Island, I know that in NYC Bedford Stuyvecent is not the town to be in after midnight.)



Even though I live in NY, I'll be sure to keep you in mind on who to visit when I get a bit older and I'm out of college. I may not bring the 'Stang with me when I come, but it's still nice to meet other people from the Team. I do want to go to one of the CS birthday bashes in the near future praying that if Mr. Shelby is still around then. It's still very nice to meet new friends and especially ones who have common intrests and problems.



I'll keep that in mind and a big thanks to you for your post. It really means something to me. Even though I sometimes get this same discussion from my dad, it still seems to always stay and get nailed in your head even further, and that's definatly a good thing.

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I am in my sophomore year at HS. I have two more years to think about college. I'm planning on getting my learner's permit at the end of the summer. No GT500 in our family, but I am planning on getting a used Mustang GT when it comes to my second or third year of driving when I get my full license, but I would also like to take it on a track and drive. I also would like to own a GT500 when I get older and have a good job. I will also try t look into buddhist readings on fear.



and just for one other note: Last week on Thursday and Friday there was also a rumor going around my school about Columbine number two going to happen at my school tomorrow, May 17th. I know that it may just be a stupid rumor to get everyone scared, but I will take a deep breath and go to school anyway. Probably nothing will happen and I want to keep it that way along with the other people that go to my school, friends and staff.



Probably a stupid rumor, but the staff at school knows about it? If they don't someone should tell them. Id bet its 100% crap man....


I hope you get a cool ride one day. I saw my first Shelby in person about 22 years ago. Never thought I would own one.


I left NYC (Manhattan) where I went to an art school mostly due to the parking scene and I got sick of working too much.


If you are into going to college, now is the time to start planning...maybe talk to someone at your HS about this, statistics show you will make more dough if you go to college, besides its fun.


Its cool that you can hang with your Pops, that is important.


Remember to breath deep man thats super important.

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I forgot if your Pops "thinks" one of your friends is a loser, they probably are even if you dont think so...age makes ya see stuff differently. My Pops said this about 2 of my friends when I was in HS and they both wound up in prision for awhile...I can laugh about it now, but then it seemed like my Pops was being a jerk, haha!

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Probably a stupid rumor, but the staff at school knows about it? If they don't someone should tell them. Id bet its 100% crap man....


I hope you get a cool ride one day. I saw my first Shelby in person about 22 years ago. Never thought I would own one.


I left NYC (Manhattan) where I went to an art school mostly due to the parking scene and I got sick of working too much.


If you are into going to college, now is the time to start planning...maybe talk to someone at your HS about this, statistics show you will make more dough if you go to college, besides its fun.


Its cool that you can hang with your Pops, that is important.


Remember to breath deep man thats super important.


I'm almost at the end of my sophomore year and my guidence counsular is already hocking us about 10th grade counting and such. I was told that once I take the SATs next year, I will be bombarded with stuff from multiple colleges. It's going to get really messy. I'm starting to think what I want to be, which the high school wants us doing even though I think it's a bit too early for that. But that's just me.


I forgot if your Pops "thinks" one of your friends is a loser, they probably are even if you dont think so...age makes ya see stuff differently. My Pops said this about 2 of my friends when I was in HS and they both wound up in prision for awhile...I can laugh about it now, but then it seemed like my Pops was being a jerk, haha!


I got friends that are like that: getting arrested for drugs and such and they are my age too. I don't really consider these people as my real friends and I know at times who is a really good friend and who isn't.

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Just an update about how things went today, as of coarse, the bomb/ Columbine attack that was supposed to go under way today, was yep, a dumb rumor. I knew it was BS from the start. Many of my friends or people that I know stayed home or their parents had them stay home for apparently no F :censored: ING at all tsk tsk :nonono: . The school was a bit empty and a lot less classmates in my school today. It was also a less bit of a hassle to navigate the halls and no arguements or annoying the teachers by my fellow classmates today because most of them were home and I was at school. My parents would let me stay home even if I was petrified, but I was only scared a little bit and I just decided to go to school anyways knowing that it was just a stupid rumor started by a stupid person. Nothing really special happened. It was only just an ordinary school day especially one on a monday! :boring:


But to end on a good note. I'm glad that I'm still alive.



Like they say: life is short; enjoy it while it lasts!

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One of the best pieces of advice someone once gave me was this: Always remember that the decisions that you make can have a long and sometimes perminent effect on your life. Take your time and consider the consequences carefully. If you ask your self: what advice would I give a friend in a simular situation. You will make sounder decisions.


Oh, and don't get any body knocked up or catch a STD that can't be cured!!. Thats a really huge life altering event. Use precautions ( and no I don't have any thing I am just trying to give him a couple tips)


If you put forth the extra effort and gaduate with scholorships and honors, possibly dual enrollment college classes if possible as well. You will benefit from that the rest of your life in many ways.


Also once convicted of a felony it's forever.


Good Luck.

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Thank you so much for your kind words. I indeed do make good choices and choose my friends wisely. Even though a lot of us on TS have either a facebook or myspace or whatever and this goes for the younger generation too: even though you may have 500+ friends on your facebook, 20 or so my be your actual true friends. The ones that care about you and make sure your not hanging with the wrong crowd (parents also say the same thing too at times). I now know people in my school who do drugs, drink, and so fourth. I actually know a couple of people who got nailed by the cops for doing drugs. I try my best to stay close with my family too, especially my dad. Whenever I have a problem, I go to him at times to help me. I also do the same with my mom, but mostly with dad. I'll also give back more than I will take and will also be a bit more active in school. I sort of shy in the public, but I am going to try and vow to myself to get more active in the school. Maybe a club or something. But at the same time work hard too and maybe also play hard in my free time (shoutout to Ruff who was the first to tell me this statement). I'm just so stressed and seem unhappy at the moment, and I hope I can spruce up my life a bit more.


I will also be careful for who I will date and I will be sure not to stay out until 2 in the morning (even though I don't do that and even though I live on Long Island, I know that in NYC Bedford Stuyvecent is not the town to be in after midnight.)



Even though I live in NY, I'll be sure to keep you in mind on who to visit when I get a bit older and I'm out of college. I may not bring the 'Stang with me when I come, but it's still nice to meet other people from the Team. I do want to go to one of the CS birthday bashes in the near future praying that if Mr. Shelby is still around then. It's still very nice to meet new friends and especially ones who have common intrests and problems.



I'll keep that in mind and a big thanks to you for your post. It really means something to me. Even though I sometimes get this same discussion from my dad, it still seems to always stay and get nailed in your head even further, and that's definatly a good thing.


I bet you have really proud parents. And they are lucky to have a you a great kid as thier own. I/we here are concerned about you and all our youth today. I can appreciate a young man and his efforts, especailly when he is trying to do his best. Life can be tough, if you roll with the punches and duck under a few, you will be fine, just keep getting back up. Being raised on a ranch on a small town I never expierienced much of what you are seeing today. My kids did, we moved from a large city to a smaller town for the same reason you are expieriencing. Not an option for all, so do the best you can. Take care and we will keep you in our thoughts and prayers. I will keep up with your posts, so keep them comming, vent when you need to.

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One of the best pieces of advice someone once gave me was this: Always remember that the decisions that you make can have a long and sometimes perminent effect on your life. Take your time and consider the consequences carefully. If you ask your self: what advice would I give a friend in a simular situation. You will make sounder decisions.


Oh, and don't get any body knocked up or catch a STD that can't be cured!!. Thats a really huge life altering event. Use precautions ( and no I don't have any thing I am just trying to give him a couple tips)


If you put forth the extra effort and gaduate with scholorships and honors, possibly dual enrollment college classes if possible as well. You will benefit from that the rest of your life in many ways.


Also once convicted of a felony it's forever.


Good Luck.


and once you're released from jail, that record stays with you for a long time.


Also what you just posted, this is similar stuff that my health teacher told us about life. He's not like any ordinary heath teacher. He has reasoning and sees the facts of life and drugs and such. A lot of this experience he had, was when he was in the Marines. There is a lot of stupid s :censored: t out in this world, you have to be really careful with what you say and do.

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I bet you have really proud parents. And they are lucky to have a you a great kid as thier own. I/we here are concerned about you and all our youth today. I can appreciate a young man and his efforts, especailly when he is trying to do his best. Life can be tough, if you roll with the punches and duck under a few, you will be fine, just keep getting back up. Being raised on a ranch on a small town I never expierienced much of what you are seeing today. My kids did, we moved from a large city to a smaller town for the same reason you are expieriencing. Not an option for all, so do the best you can. Take care and we will keep you in our thoughts and prayers. I will keep up with your posts, so keep them comming, vent when you need to.


My parents are really proud of me. They are lucky to have me as their kid because they know that I will try and do the right thing. That's how they raised me to be. They also love it when they get good reports from my techers on how nice of a guy I am. I also do my best in school to get really good grades and to pass my classes and move on to the next level. I also try and do my best for when I am being bullied or threatened, I try all I can to get back up on my feet and to get a move on again. If I do come to having a problem with someone or something, I would definatly tell an adult or someone to stop it.


as like what we say in our school : See It, Say It, Stop It!

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Take care and we will keep you in our thoughts and prayers. I will keep up with your posts, so keep them comming, vent when you need to.


Thank you so much about keepin me and along with other people from TS or in general who are going through a hard time. Even some of us here on TS are afraid to speak, one voice can make a huge difference.


Here on TS, we all care about each other regardless if fights break out in the forums or we have different opinions on things.


We are still considered as a TS family. No matter what.



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and once you're released from jail, that record stays with you for a long time.


Also what you just posted, this is similar stuff that my health teacher told us about life. He's not like any ordinary heath teacher. He has reasoning and sees the facts of life and drugs and such. A lot of this experience he had, was when he was in the Marines. There is a lot of stupid s :censored: t out in this world, you have to be really careful with what you say and do.

Here's a picture of what I wrote on my health divider in my binder that my health teacher wrote on the board.


If you can't read it, it says


"An educated person is one who finds things interesting"


"I create, cause, or promote all things that happen in my life"


"You make your own luck"


The other quote that you can't see was by Mark Twain and it reads

" A man who does read is worse off than a man who cannot read."



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This was posted up on my school district's website a day or two ago. These cowards just don't want to :censored: ing give up!





Police were called to The High School today to investigate graffiti found in a bathroom. The graffiti contained sexual and threatening language, along with sexual imagery. The writing of the graffiti is classified by the police to be "falsely reporting an incident", which is a felony. As you are aware, false rumors spread by text messaging and the media, have circulated recently about school safety issues. School officials are working with the police to bring this false reporting to an end. If you have any information regarding this incident please report it to school authorities.



Felony for sure. Didn't say which bathroom it was done in (boys or girls) but it's getting really annoying.


Oh well, we have a few weeks left until school ends and then I don't have to worry about during the summer. No one had said anything in school regarding the post on my district's website, and that's a good thing regarding that everyone is running around scared thinking that we're going to be attacked and think it's cool to start rumors when it's not.

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