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Now, no 2010 Shelby GT500 for me...

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Hey everyone,


Just wanted to share my story of anguish over a brand new 2010 Kona Blue GT500 w/ Electronics package, HID's and Car cover. I'm currently in the military and have been in Iraq for about 19 months. I've saved and saved for this car for the whole time with the intent to pay it off in cash so I would have no car payment when I got home. Well, I accomplished this task and paid it off in February. I was told the delivery date would be at the end of May when the weather would be nice. I'll be home in June so I figured this would be acceptable. I get an email from a rep at the company I'm dealing with (Overseas Military Sales Corporation) telling me they had to get the vehicle shipped out and the new delivery date would be around the first of May. I told the lady to keep me posted as I would have to get a Power of Attorney, Insurance, and have my dad go and pick it up. A couple weeks later, I receive an email from the company asking me to confirm my May 28th delivery date. I figured they were able to push it back so I confirmed it. I received a message saying Confirmed. I don't hear anything back and on Thursday, I decide to send the lady I've been dealing with a courtesy email to check the status of the vehicle. On Friday she tells me the vehicle is already at the dealership. I was not very happy about that. It has been raining in Michigan for a week and the thought of this car sitting outside in the elements for a week ticked me off. I wrote her an email stating I was not happy and would have my dad check it out. If anything was wrong, I would not accept it and would want a refund. My dad goes to the dealership while I get a POA and the insurance lined up. I send the local dealership where the car was delivered an email and asked about the mileage and how long the car had been there. I was expecting to have him tell me about a week. He tells me the car has 12.5 miles (maybe a little high for a new car in my opinion) and that the car had been sitting in his outdoor lot since around DECEMBER 22nd. I was beyond pissed. This was supposed to be my "perfect weather" car. I never wanted it to see rain let alone be left outside through a Michigan winter. I sent the sales rep and the company lady I was dealing with an email expressing my extreme displeasure and how I would not be accepting the vehicle. I then told them I would like a complete refund of the automobile and the extended warranty. I had worked a good deal for the car ($46,690 and the extended warranty for $1,185) but now I'm back to the beginning. I haven't received any emails back from the company as they are probably trying to figure out what to do about losing this sale....especially since the 2011's will be rolling out soon. The bad thing is I've already bought SEVERAL thousands of dollars worth of Mods I had planned to do when I got home. I hope they all will fit on a 2011 as I might be in the market after I get my money back. Ok, sorry to ramble, but I had to get that off my chest. Take care.





US Army


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First, thank you for your service.


If you haven't already picked up the phone and asked to talk to a senior person in charge I think that is your next step after you read your contract. Hopefully they will help you out but if they feel they are on firm ground, then they will use the contract to support their position.


If there is absolutely no way you will take the car and they won't budge, you should send your agreement to a lawyer to review.


On the other hand, the vehicle is built to withstand actually driving in bad weather so other than a very good cleaning, you will have no issues with it having been sitting outside.


Best to you and your family and thank you again for your sacrifice.


GT500 rolls



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Jim, From a Viet Nam era Vet, thank you for your service! In reference to your 2010, having 12 miles on the clock is not unusual for a new car. Ford pulls many of the cars after production and give them short shake down drives before delivery. There is usually a sticker present indicating this has been done. Not a deal breaker at all. As indicated before, sitting out in the weather is not a deal breaker for me, personally; however, its a personal decision. If your Dad thinks the car is OK then I'd say make the deal. Since you're arriving in June, it would be great to have the car waiting when you arrive!! Kind of like that great returning veteran Ford commercial in 2005. Holding out for a 2011 would in all probability push you into a late summer acquision, at best. Not to mention the Mods you've already purchased for the 2010. I'd go for it. Life's short and unpredictable so get your 2010 and enjoy your summer in the driver's seat!!

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it sounds like you've endured quite a bit and this car has been on your mind a lot. While you've no doubt, put up with things you don't want to talk about over there, that blue car has waited patiently for you over here. It is like a lost puppy that needs some loving care. The car has had to put up with people that have some poor decision making skills, while wondering when you'd be there to finally take it home.


There are plenty of '10 owners here that waited while there cars sat outside after production, for months, until they were shipped to their final destination.


At least give the car a look. It was afterall, made just for you.




On Edit....thanks Jim for doing what you do.

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it sounds like you've endured quite a bit and this car has been on your mind a lot. While you've no doubt, put up with things you don't want to talk about over there, that blue car has waited patiently for you over here. It is like a lost puppy that needs some loving care. The car has had to put up with people that have some poor decision making skills, while wondering when you'd be there to finally take it home.


There are plenty of '10 owners here that waited while there cars sat outside after production, for months, until they were shipped to their final destination.


At least give the car a look. It was afterall, made just for you.




On Edit....thanks Jim for doing what you do.



Thank You for your service Jim,


I wouldn't let the fact that the car sat outside bother ya too much pal, just go get it you won't regret it !!!

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Jim thanks for all your service.Dont let this ruin your dream car--as has been said, many 2010 cars were made starting in Feb and didnt ship til july or later.So sitting out in the rain might just require some detailing, thats all.Maybe you could get the dealer to agree to a compete detail at a good detail shop, that youd pick out.But honestly its not that hard to deatil a car yourself and youll take more pride of ownership--get the car, after your first experince when the supercahrger kicks in, youll forget all the BS youve been thru, and it'll give you a story you can tell for years.DONT LET THE A-HOLES GET YOU DOWN,YOUVE SURVIVED IRAQ,THIS IA A PIECE OF CAKE---BOB


PS--i think all the 2010s were produced by Jan/Feb, so any car you find will be at least 3 months old.get the VIn and check out the window sticker--heres a link--- http://www.teamshelby.com/forums/index.php?/topic/49393-preliminary-2010-production-totals/ this is alink to Burning blues help---heres a link to the actual window stickers for any car thats been made http://services.forddirect.fordvehicles.com/inventory/WindowSticker.pdf?vin=1zvbp8js4a5133722


Youll save lots of money buying the 2010,and lots of time as well--theyre basically the same car,except for the metallurgy of the block--keep the faith and let us know what you decide

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Sounds like a similar plan we had in the where when we went out on deployments they would come out to the ship and sell several brands of American autos/bikes. You basically pick out exactly what you want and the order is placed to the factory and you pick which dealership you want the car sent to for pick up when you get back in port. It sounds like perhaps the dealership may of sold off your car and had another old one sitting on the lot. maybe? I'd definately try and get the money back and just get a 2011 or maybe even just a GT and get the GT350 package done :drool:

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Hey everyone,


Just wanted to share my story of anguish over a brand new 2010 Kona Blue GT500 w/ Electronics package, HID's and Car cover. I'm currently in the military and have been in Iraq for about 19 months. I've saved and saved for this car for the whole time with the intent to pay it off in cash so I would have no car payment when I got home. Well, I accomplished this task and paid it off in February. I was told the delivery date would be at the end of May when the weather would be nice. I'll be home in June so I figured this would be acceptable. I get an email from a rep at the company I'm dealing with (Overseas Military Sales Corporation) telling me they had to get the vehicle shipped out and the new delivery date would be around the first of May. I told the lady to keep me posted as I would have to get a Power of Attorney, Insurance, and have my dad go and pick it up. A couple weeks later, I receive an email from the company asking me to confirm my May 28th delivery date. I figured they were able to push it back so I confirmed it. I received a message saying Confirmed. I don't hear anything back and on Thursday, I decide to send the lady I've been dealing with a courtesy email to check the status of the vehicle. On Friday she tells me the vehicle is already at the dealership. I was not very happy about that. It has been raining in Michigan for a week and the thought of this car sitting outside in the elements for a week ticked me off. I wrote her an email stating I was not happy and would have my dad check it out. If anything was wrong, I would not accept it and would want a refund. My dad goes to the dealership while I get a POA and the insurance lined up. I send the local dealership where the car was delivered an email and asked about the mileage and how long the car had been there. I was expecting to have him tell me about a week. He tells me the car has 12.5 miles (maybe a little high for a new car in my opinion) and that the car had been sitting in his outdoor lot since around DECEMBER 22nd. I was beyond pissed. This was supposed to be my "perfect weather" car. I never wanted it to see rain let alone be left outside through a Michigan winter. I sent the sales rep and the company lady I was dealing with an email expressing my extreme displeasure and how I would not be accepting the vehicle. I then told them I would like a complete refund of the automobile and the extended warranty. I had worked a good deal for the car ($46,690 and the extended warranty for $1,185) but now I'm back to the beginning. I haven't received any emails back from the company as they are probably trying to figure out what to do about losing this sale....especially since the 2011's will be rolling out soon. The bad thing is I've already bought SEVERAL thousands of dollars worth of Mods I had planned to do when I got home. I hope they all will fit on a 2011 as I might be in the market after I get my money back. Ok, sorry to ramble, but I had to get that off my chest. Take care.





US Army





It ticks me off when people are misled by sales people. It pisses me off even more when they mislead our service men and women especially when they are in harms way!! They had better step up and give you a refund because the internet is a bad place to have poor business tactics and practices showcased.


Thanks for everything you do for our country. Press on, this wasn't supposed to be the car for you. You're going to get something much better.


When and what, To Be Determined.

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Jim, I'm in your camp. I wouldn't take the car either. My cars never see rain or the elements and thats the way I like it. I realize the cars are made to be daily driven and rain won't destroy it but for my money I want a car that hasn't been sitting on the lot 6 months. If you want a daily driver then take the car. If you want a weekend "toy" then I would wait and get what you DESERVE.


Thanks for serving our GREAT country!



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Jim as Jim Valvano said "Dont give up, dont ever give up"" Weve had a memebr who had his car delieverd by a diesel truck that put sulfiric acid on the paint,and a good clay bar process cleared it up--As I said, any new 2010 has to have been sitting around for at least 3 months--I encourage you to get this great car--mayeb the dealer would take a little more off the price for you--if your dad likes the car,get it,you'll love it >im not much of a kharma guy, i think you make your own kharma with hard work and perserverance---bob

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Hey everyone,


Just wanted to share my story of anguish over a brand new 2010 Kona Blue GT500 w/ Electronics package, HID's and Car cover. I'm currently in the military and have been in Iraq for about 19 months. I've saved and saved for this car for the whole time with the intent to pay it off in cash so I would have no car payment when I got home. Well, I accomplished this task and paid it off in February. I was told the delivery date would be at the end of May when the weather would be nice. I'll be home in June so I figured this would be acceptable. I get an email from a rep at the company I'm dealing with (Overseas Military Sales Corporation) telling me they had to get the vehicle shipped out and the new delivery date would be around the first of May. I told the lady to keep me posted as I would have to get a Power of Attorney, Insurance, and have my dad go and pick it up. A couple weeks later, I receive an email from the company asking me to confirm my May 28th delivery date. I figured they were able to push it back so I confirmed it. I received a message saying Confirmed. I don't hear anything back and on Thursday, I decide to send the lady I've been dealing with a courtesy email to check the status of the vehicle. On Friday she tells me the vehicle is already at the dealership. I was not very happy about that. It has been raining in Michigan for a week and the thought of this car sitting outside in the elements for a week ticked me off. I wrote her an email stating I was not happy and would have my dad check it out. If anything was wrong, I would not accept it and would want a refund. My dad goes to the dealership while I get a POA and the insurance lined up. I send the local dealership where the car was delivered an email and asked about the mileage and how long the car had been there. I was expecting to have him tell me about a week. He tells me the car has 12.5 miles (maybe a little high for a new car in my opinion) and that the car had been sitting in his outdoor lot since around DECEMBER 22nd. I was beyond pissed. This was supposed to be my "perfect weather" car. I never wanted it to see rain let alone be left outside through a Michigan winter. I sent the sales rep and the company lady I was dealing with an email expressing my extreme displeasure and how I would not be accepting the vehicle. I then told them I would like a complete refund of the automobile and the extended warranty. I had worked a good deal for the car ($46,690 and the extended warranty for $1,185) but now I'm back to the beginning. I haven't received any emails back from the company as they are probably trying to figure out what to do about losing this sale....especially since the 2011's will be rolling out soon. The bad thing is I've already bought SEVERAL thousands of dollars worth of Mods I had planned to do when I got home. I hope they all will fit on a 2011 as I might be in the market after I get my money back. Ok, sorry to ramble, but I had to get that off my chest. Take care.





US Army




Jim, first and foremost, thank you for your service to our country, and for goodness sake please keep yourself safe over in that stinky armpit of a country. With respect to your frustration and dilemma over the car and the dealership, while I completely understand why you would take pause to consider buying that car, if it makes you feel any better and help you with your final decision, ALL of our cars sat out in the elements for at least 30 days (probably longer) before we took delvery of them. That's because the cars sit outside in a holding lot near/outside of the AAI plant after they are completed and before they are sent out to the railhead for shipment. You should also keep in mind that the cars sit outside in the elements at the railyard for sometime too, so while your particular car sat outside on the dealer's lot for about 6 months, it's probably no worse for wear than all of our cars are.


However, if you finally do decide to pass on that car, you certainly won't be unhappy with getting a 2011 other than it will cost you about $6,000 dollars more than the price you negotiated for the 2010 car. And not trying to get into your personal business, you could take the money you saved up for the 2010, pay down the 2011 significantly, and then finance the remaining $6,000 or so dollars if you had to.


Just a thought.


I hope that everything works out for you, and welcome to the TS family.


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Jim, I'm in your camp. I wouldn't take the car either. My cars never see rain or the elements and thats the way I like it. I realize the cars are made to be daily driven and rain won't destroy it but for my money I want a car that hasn't been sitting on the lot 6 months. If you want a daily driver then take the car. If you want a weekend "toy" then I would wait and get what you DESERVE.


Thanks for serving our GREAT country!





Maybe your car has not seen the rain or elements since you had it, but who knows what it has seen before it was delivered. While these cars are waiting to be transported in the holding lots and while in transit, they are not treated any different than a regular Mustang. I see them on transport trucks all the time on I-75 South. Rain, snow, sleet, the works. They just clean them up when they get to the dealerships. No harm.

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Jim, first and foremost, thank you for your service to our country, and for goodness sake please keep yourself safe over in that stinky armpit of a country. With respect to your frustration and dilemma over the car and the dealership, while I completely understand why you would take pause to consider buying that car, if it makes you feel any better and help you with your final decision, ALL of our cars sat out in the elements for at least 30 days (probably longer) before we took delvery of them. That's because the cars sit outside in a holding lot near/outside of the AAI plant after they are completed and before they are sent out to the railhead for shipment. You should also keep in mind that the cars sit outside in the elements at the railyard for sometime too, so while your particular car sat outside on the dealer's lot for about 6 months, it's probably no worse for wear than all of our cars are.


However, if you finally do decide to pass on that car, you certainly won't be unhappy with getting a 2011 other than it will cost you about $6,000 dollars more than the price you negotiated for the 2010 car. And not trying to get into your personal business, you could take the money you saved up for the 2010, pay down the 2011 significantly, and then finance the remaining $6,000 or so dollars if you had to.


Just a thought.


I hope that everything works out for you, and welcome to the TS family.




I was going to same the same thing. Unless somebody knows the weather outside of the plant when their car is built most likely it has seen rain. Now I totally understand Jim's frustration with the dealer. I wouldn't give up on the car though if it's perfect other than needing a wash. Thanks for your service Jim and good luck!

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I get on the bandwagon!!


ALOT of the GT500s come in NASTY!! Same thing is going to happen with the 2011. They are built and sitting OUTSIDE at the plant in MI! Its NOT hurting the car to sit outside. Get your Dad to pick the car up. Take it home and store it to you get there and then spend ALL day detailing the car!!! Half the fun of a NEW car is bonding with it on a Saturday morning with a bucket of water and SOAP!!!



Thanks for your service!




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Thanks for all the advice. I'm still awaiting word from the company as to see what they are going to do. I understand completely what most of you are saying but understand I stayed in Iraq an EXTRA 9 month in order to get this car paid off. This is supposed to be my Dream car. My dad couldn't even tell if the vehicle paint was good or not as it was beyond dirty. I get what is being said about vehicles sitting at holding lots, rail yards, ect. That is part of the transportation process that is beyond our control. As for a car arriving to the dealership 5 months early and sitting outside the whole winter with the company not even letting me know.... telling me it was being stored inside at a warehouse facility, that's just wrong and they were not up front at all. In order for me to even think about accepting the car, the company will need to have it 100% top-bottom-inside and out cleaned....then I will have it inspected. The brake rotors are even rusted but I'm sure that will wipe off.

When these cars are new, are the seats and interior covered? In the pictures my dad sent, there is no plastic except on the drivers side floor....which since it was raining is covered in mud and dirt. The inside of the door well is nasty and has made contact with the inside of the car as well. I also see the huge annoying fingerprint smudges on the touchscreen that been there for who knows how long. I know I might be "anal" about all this but you have to understand my point. I'm out here and my focus is being out here. I've been using the vehicle for motivation for well over a year. Every morning when I woke up, Shelby was the first word out of my mouth. With this vehicle situation happening at home, it's the sense of powerlessness that bothers me the most. There is nothing I can physically do about this car right now....and that is killing me!! Sorry to ramble on once again, but I'll let everyone know how this turns out. Take care.




Jim K.

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Yes,ALL the seats are covered from the factory. Both front footwells are also covered in Plastic.


Different story if they told you the car has been stored INSIDE for the last 6 months, but has been sitting outside. Again a good detaling and the car will be better than NEW! The rust on the rotors will gone as soon as you touch the brakes!



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I did 30 years service (Navy) retired in 2008. With that said, I have delt with military overseas sales and they can't control when the car comes in and they probably did not even try. With a tax free sale you still made out in the long run rain or no rain. I like you want a car with no weather and don't drive either of my 2 Shelby's in the rain ever. They never see a hose either. Now, when I bought them, for some reason both of the delivery days landed on a rainy day and they were driven home in the rain. My 08 Shelby was at the dealer 3 months before I got it and I saw it every day sitting there and bought it anyway. Best car I've owned. Ford does not do much in the paint area under the car so there will be rust on the rear end anyway, rain or no rain. I used to live in Howell Michigan when I joined the Navy and the only thing I would worry about, was the car driven in the salt and snow. Not likely with 12 miles on it and not likely the dealer would allow that anyway. Like someone else said, get it detailed and have fun the rest of your time off vice waiting months again for another car. Not likely they will give you a refund for something that is not a valid selling point in any car contract. I'm anal about the rain etc with my cars but the older i get I let some off it slide off me cause lifes too short. Good luck and hope all works out for you.

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I did 30 years service (Navy) retired in 2008. With that said, I have delt with military overseas sales and they can't control when the car comes in and they probably did not even try. With a tax free sale you still made out in the long run rain or no rain. I like you want a car with no weather and don't drive either of my 2 Shelby's in the rain ever. They never see a hose either. Now, when I bought them, for some reason both of the delivery days landed on a rainy day and they were driven home in the rain. My 08 Shelby was at the dealer 3 months before I got it and I saw it every day sitting there and bought it anyway. Best car I've owned. Ford does not do much in the paint area under the car so there will be rust on the rear end anyway, rain or no rain. I used to live in Howell Michigan when I joined the Navy and the only thing I would worry about, was the car driven in the salt and snow. Not likely with 12 miles on it and not likely the dealer would allow that anyway. Like someone else said, get it detailed and have fun the rest of your time off vice waiting months again for another car. Not likely they will give you a refund for something that is not a valid selling point in any car contract. I'm anal about the rain etc with my cars but the older i get I let some off it slide off me cause lifes too short. Good luck and hope all works out for you.



Unfortunately in Michigan I will still have to pay sales tax. :(

OMSC in their brochure states that if you are not satisfied at the time of delivery, you can receive a full refund. We'll see what happens.

Take care.

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I understand being ticked about being mislead with delivery dates, but why do you assume the car is no longer worthy? Did your dad find something wrong with it, such as door dents, scratches, or items stolen from the car (I've heard of assholes using a crowbar to remove the Cobra emblems)?


I'd expect you can spend an hour giving it a good bath and NO ONE will know that it didn't just come off a showroom floor. I'm just saying it may be worth giving the car a look-over before you just give up on it.

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Man--i want you to get that car--the only other input is my experience in owning and collectiing cars for 30 years--the only issue with rain if if its driven in the rain--its near impossible to totally detali the undercariiage once all that wet junk gets on it, well not impossible buta real PITA.Rain on the paint really is no big deal--with 12 miles on it (mine had 7) id guess it wasnt diven n the rain--you can tell by just looking underneath---as mentioned all the rear ends rust on these cars, but everything else should be fine---good luck, think positive--bob

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Man--i want you to get that car--the only other input is my experience in owning and collectiing cars for 30 years--the only issue with rain if if its driven in the rain--its near impossible to totally detali the undercariiage once all that wet junk gets on it, well not impossible buta real PITA.Rain on the paint really is no big deal--with 12 miles on it (mine had 7) id guess it wasnt diven n the rain--you can tell by just looking underneath---as mentioned all the rear ends rust on these cars, but everything else should be fine---good luck, think positive--bob



I think mine had 12 or 14 miles on it when I bought mine. I don't think it was the dealership that drove it because they wouldn't even unlock the door to let anyone sit in it. They almost lost the sale over that deal, but that's a different story.


To put things in perspective... After at least a 1 year wait this week someone, somewhere, is taking delivery of a brand new Bugatti Veyron and it will have 300 miles on it - and not easy miles. I wonder if they'd :headscratch: at the mention of someone, somewhere, being upset about their over-priced Mustang having 12 miles on it?

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Thankyou for your service. I hope you're safe as you've kept us.

Ya the 12 miles on it is no big deal, mine was just under 15 miles when i got in and drove it off. Can't comment on the dec 22nd discrepancy tho as i understand your fury, saving up for a 'pristine' one and then finding out it's been left out like that.

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  • 3 months later...


Hey everyone,


Just wanted to give an update to my car dilema. So, I got home from Iraq in mid-June. I went to the dealership to check out the car. From a casual view, it was beautiful. I was still planning on getting it until I looked underneath the car. Rust had started on the exhaust all the way up. I was still up in the air about it....then I saw the engine. That had actually started to have rust form as well. The bad thing was it was even in places where I couldn't reach with my hands. I contacted the company and told them the condition of the vehicle but they only would knock off $500.....for this car that sat outside since December and was already rusting. I had to decline the car. It hurt but for the price I was paying....that car should have been perfect. At least I have a complete refund so I can maybe start researching a 2011....or maybe higher. One bad thing is my garage is now full of upgrade parts. Most will fit on the 2011 but not sure of the M-6066-MSVT29C....so that might be soon on the for sale listing. Ok, take care everyone.



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Hey everyone,


Just wanted to give an update to my car dilema. So, I got home from Iraq in mid-June. I went to the dealership to check out the car. From a casual view, it was beautiful. I was still planning on getting it until I looked underneath the car. Rust had started on the exhaust all the way up. I was still up in the air about it....then I saw the engine. That had actually started to have rust form as well. The bad thing was it was even in places where I couldn't reach with my hands. I contacted the company and told them the condition of the vehicle but they only would knock off $500.....for this car that sat outside since December and was already rusting. I had to decline the car. It hurt but for the price I was paying....that car should have been perfect. At least I have a complete refund so I can maybe start researching a 2011....or maybe higher. One bad thing is my garage is now full of upgrade parts. Most will fit on the 2011 but not sure of the M-6066-MSVT29C....so that might be soon on the for sale listing. Ok, take care everyone.





Sorry to hear about the car. I think all the parts you ordered for the '10 will fit on the '11, even the Whipple Kit. The only difference may be in the tune but they should have that ironed out soon.


I would also like to thank you for your service to our country. You deserve to have a new Shelby is pristine condition.

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Hey everyone,


Just wanted to give an update to my car dilema. So, I got home from Iraq in mid-June. I went to the dealership to check out the car. From a casual view, it was beautiful. I was still planning on getting it until I looked underneath the car. Rust had started on the exhaust all the way up. I was still up in the air about it....then I saw the engine. That had actually started to have rust form as well. The bad thing was it was even in places where I couldn't reach with my hands. I contacted the company and told them the condition of the vehicle but they only would knock off $500.....for this car that sat outside since December and was already rusting. I had to decline the car. It hurt but for the price I was paying....that car should have been perfect. At least I have a complete refund so I can maybe start researching a 2011....or maybe higher. One bad thing is my garage is now full of upgrade parts. Most will fit on the 2011 but not sure of the M-6066-MSVT29C....so that might be soon on the for sale listing. Ok, take care everyone.




the rust in the rear end and exhuast is normal--but the engine compartment sounds weird.Im sure a detail shop could get rid off it,but sounds like youve moved on--theres lots of 2011s on dealers lots--thanks again for your service

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Thanks for your service and happy you made it home in good health.


I completely understand your position. When I got my 11 it had 9 miles on it, complety wrapped, indoors in the A/C and the dealer kept the car locked so no one could even get inside the car. It was pristine all around, just the way I wanted it. I am happy you got your money back and stood your ground.


Now get byourself an 11 and have fun.



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As someone else posted the rust under the car in the rear is normal. My whole axle was covered in rust. The rust under the hood was likely nothing more than small areas of bare iron that had cycles of condensation. Again, my car was no different.


Glad you got you're money back, but keep in mind any other car you may deem as perfect now will not be within 1000 miles.

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I bought my car while I was over in Afghanistan. My car was delivered in January, but I couldn't accept delivery until April when I got back. The deal actually stored my can and another's GT500 in a building. The person in charge of all the over seas service sales for that dealership is John Pfieffer from Crown Ford. They were absolutely awesome. Plus the over seas service sales were great handling my issues...Since I was not picking up the car until April and I wanted ot continue putting money down on the car, I didn't have to pay the balance until May....Good luck on getting resolution and finding a new car....By the way, my car had 17 miles on it....

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Hey everyone,


Just wanted to give an update to my car dilema. So, I got home from Iraq in mid-June. I went to the dealership to check out the car. From a casual view, it was beautiful. I was still planning on getting it until I looked underneath the car. Rust had started on the exhaust all the way up. I was still up in the air about it....then I saw the engine. That had actually started to have rust form as well. The bad thing was it was even in places where I couldn't reach with my hands. I contacted the company and told them the condition of the vehicle but they only would knock off $500.....for this car that sat outside since December and was already rusting. I had to decline the car. It hurt but for the price I was paying....that car should have been perfect. At least I have a complete refund so I can maybe start researching a 2011....or maybe higher. One bad thing is my garage is now full of upgrade parts. Most will fit on the 2011 but not sure of the M-6066-MSVT29C....so that might be soon on the for sale listing. Ok, take care everyone.






I have a perfect 2010 Kona blue with extremely low miles, NEVER seen rain. Thinking of selling it to get a convertible...

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If you have a choice between a 2010 and a 2011, I think that is the easiest choice you will ever have in what I hope for you to be long and healthy life! Thank you for your service. I wish we had more like you!


That dealer and your financer just did you the hugest favor you will never know. Buy the 2011, and laugh about the whole story for the rest of your days! The 2011 is the best GT500 made by a longshot. Wish I had one! :salute:

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