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MUSTANG 46 1/2 years old and still going


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HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUSTANG :party2: Congradulations to all you mustang owners out there :beerchug: Thank you AMERICA for buying the worlds most famous ponycar ! :salute: Keep buying the mustangs, and they will make more! :stirpot: And to all you classic owners like myself, keep the young :play: educated : :read: , and from time to time, let a young one sit in your cars. Take them for a spin. :peelout: Get them interested so when they can, they will want to buy one when they are older. :spend: Remember, the future of the mustang is in the hands of tomorrows drivers! :bike: Scary thought, isn't it. I have kids of my own, I will do my best to get them into a mustang :gang: Till then, :beerchug: To the mustang.

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Well I sold my 65 to purchase my Shelby :cry: , but I still have my 69 428CJ. :happy feet:

I have owned a total of 6 mustangs over the years and both of my Girls are hooked. :salute::dance:

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Well I sold my 65 to purchase my Shelby :cry: , but I still have my 69 428CJ. :happy feet:

I have owned a total of 6 mustangs over the years and both of my Girls are hooked. :salute::dance:



You sound like a pretty good dad to me! It's cool when your whole family can be hooked on something that has this many years of tradition. I can't wait til my sisters have Mustangs. They both want one really bad but neither are out of college yet so they can't afford it.

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You sound like a pretty good dad to me! It's cool when your whole family can be hooked on something that has this many years of tradition. I can't wait til my sisters have Mustangs. They both want one really bad but neither are out of college yet so they can't afford it.


Well my girls are 10 and 13. The 10 yr old wants the Shelby and the 13 yr old wants the 69. They keep telling me how they will drive me around in them when I am too old to drive them any more. Of course, they think that will be when they turn 16, NOT!!!!!!!

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