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As usual, I don't know how to post the story (son of gt knows how) But this guy was arrested for not paying his full amount on his 2006 Taxes. He owed, I believe it was 2 cents at the time. Now it's up to 200.00 and change and they came to get their man!!! He stated that he never recieved the notice from the IRS and I believe him they do like to play head games. I have been audited they took 3 months to notify me and the interest starts as soon as they start looking into your taxes. By the time the letter came to me it was over 600.00 in interest. To me it's highway robbery and people are getting fed up with these kind of head games from the government. I believe in laws and paying taxes but its really getting out of control. People are hurting these days and still have to pay high taxes my one buddy his company fell apart. He had to sell his 65 mustang it hurt but there is no work out there.

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I got a letter from the IRS a few weeks ago requesting that I file quarterly. It included a form and coupons to send in with my payment. My employer takes out my taxes but I had some interest and dividend income which I don’t pay withholding taxes, I just pay it at the end of the year. I guess that they want THEIR money now. I also had to pay an $11 penalty because I had to pay in over $1000 when I did my 2009 taxes. Funny, they don’t pay interest on the money that they owe you.


I called them about the coupons and paying quarterly, they said I wouldn’t have to do it if I adjust my withholding on the W4 form. So now I have more taken out each pay period.

Maybe we should give them all of our money and they can give us what they think that we need to live on.

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I got a letter from the IRS a few weeks ago requesting that I file quarterly. It included a form and coupons to send in with my payment. My employer takes out my taxes but I had some interest and dividend income which I don’t pay withholding taxes, I just pay it at the end of the year. I guess that they want THEIR money now. I also had to pay an $11 penalty because I had to pay in over $1000 when I did my 2009 taxes. Funny, they don’t pay interest on the money that they owe you.


I called them about the coupons and paying quarterly, they said I wouldn’t have to do it if I adjust my withholding on the W4 form. So now I have more taken out each pay period.

Maybe we should give them all of our money and they can give us what they think that we need to live on.



I'm with you that move but like you said no interest on money they owe you. My old job NYPD with held money from a bunch of us for a couple of years. When the mistake was caught they never gave us any interest on it plus they put into own regular pay checks so you got taxed to $hit on it. I did call and ask about the interest and they laughed. What is good for the goose isn't for the gander!!! That's why, I was so happy when my old police commisher got locked up for being a crook. But meanwhile he would sneak up on you at work and ask you if you paid for that coffee. Look at NY Governor another one falls corruption but at least he wasn't hanging out with a bunch of illegal alien's like Pataki.

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Racer, I don't know if this is the story you were referring about, but if it isn't, here's another fine example of the IRS's heavy handed tatics...




The story doesn't mention anything about the fellow having to sell a Mustang, so I don't know if it's the same person.

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I just received a letter from the IRS for 2008 saying I owed $7.86 in penalites and interest after filing my '08 return in Oct of 2009. You would think anything under $50 would just not be worth their time. I know the computer generates alot of this stuff but you know someone has to review it before it goes out. They also have to scan in my return or someone has to enter it manually as I file a paper copy every year. After what I already paid in 2008 they should send me a THANK YOU letter.......not a bill for $8 bucks.


I look forward to the day when I have most of my money in muni bonds and IRAs/401ks have been converted to Roths. In this country today if you can keep your earned income and investment income under $50K a year you pay very little income tax. When I retire thats where I'm headed..........very little earned income or investment income that is taxable. Then I will finally get the federal gov'ts FANGS out of my backside.


I can't believe the America I grew up in now has half the people paying NO income tax and the other half being told they are not paying their share. Now we are about to give the same 1/2 FREE medical while the other half loses benefits or is taxed on their cadillac plan. May God save us from ourselves!


OK I'm beginning to rant so I'll stop



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Racer, I don't know if this is the story you were referring about, but if it isn't, here's another fine example of the IRS's heavy handed tatics...




The story doesn't mention anything about the fellow having to sell a Mustang, so I don't know if it's the same person.



Once again you save me Son of GT that's the story and the Mustang gt that, I referred to was my friend and he lost his business. Sorry for any confusion its been a bad week with this crap with the health bill for 9/11 responders had to up the meds the only good thing is finally after getting jerked around free meds. Which puts close to 500.00 back in my pocket a month now for all my co-pays for weekly doc visits. Thank again

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Once again you save me Son of GT that's the story and the Mustang gt that, I referred to was my friend and he lost his business. Sorry for any confusion its been a bad week with this crap with the health bill for 9/11 responders had to up the meds the only good thing is finally after getting jerked around free meds. Which puts close to 500.00 back in my pocket a month now for all my co-pays for weekly doc visits. Thank again




No problemo my friend, glad I could find the story for you! salute.gif

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And now they are going to be in charge of making sure we have health insurance that is "acceptable" to the government.



As, I said before the ship is sinking fast and only the strong will survive!! Time to lock and load

Everyday we are losing more and more rights

I just got out of prison or a control enviroment (NYPD) it came with a big price but worth it. We use to address are selves as POW

Prisoner of work and it was. You really had no rights and forget what they say about are union. When they would come to my PCT and address roll call. I would tell them that how do I cancel my dues cause you guys are useless. You had to live where the job tells you too (area). But not NJ which is right over the bridge to the NYC and if your girlfriend or family lives in NJ. You can go to visit but if you start staying there months at a time they some how found out. You would get a friendly talk from your PCT Intergritiy control LT. My buddy at work was in a bad car crash at work out cold for 2 days broken ribs he was a mess didn't even remember who his fiancee was. Everyone of his family lives in N.J when it was time to get out of the hospital his parents wanted him to go to there house in N.J. He lived in an apt with no elevator it turned into a screaming match to the point his parents asked their son to quit. The best is that he got T-Boned by another cop car that ran the traffic light and had no lights or sirens going. The parent said he'll be rich from the law suit . They finally backed off but did send someone to his parents house everday to make sure he was home. How about being hassled about the price of car you drove to work and the expensive watches you wear. Happened to me many of times my one LT kept referring to me that, I may be taking kick backs from the tow companys. I was the summons officer and when you find abandon cars you have them towed. He brang it up again to me in front of other bosses and I turned around to his face and said LT on your birthday do your parents give something. He says sometimes a card and a cake, I said my parents give 1,000.00 bucks on my birthday and 5 grand for christmas. If you bring up or refer to this again my fathers lawyer will show what the word harrassment means.

When, I showed up to work with my M3 one morning there was an off-duty cop arrested for robbing drug dealers. My favorite guys were there I.A.B when they saw my car they wrote the plate down ran inside to find out who's car it was. Because a cop can't drive a better car than me he must be dirty. But the 2 IAB LT's didn't know that their boss the Chief of IAB is my old Capt from the bronxs he had the honor of meeting my father. So when they called me to the desk and showed their boss my car he turned to them and said what a cop can't drive an expensive car. Then he turned to me and said say hi to your old man now go away cause he knows my mouth.

So, I know what it feels like to be watched and tried to be controlled and feel your right as a person is taken away.My sister and brother were shocked when, I told them these things. What shocked them the most is that, I never got fired. Cause, I'm a rebel and believe in whats good for the goose is better for the gander. But then you find out that whats bad for you is good for the higher ups. Look at my ex Police chief good old Kerrik in jail next the blind Gov of NY resigns. But meanwhile they are pointing there finger at you saying whats right and whats wrong for you to do. But for them they sit back and laugh and say look at those losers. Till they get caught. What's going to happen with are kids what future are they going have.

I will not lay down and be stepped on to many people have paved there way to make it a free country!!!! To many soldiers died for are freedom.

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