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Jobless Claims Fall Last Week.........

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"WASHINGTON – New claims for jobless benefits fell last week in a sign that layoffs may be easing as the economy slowly recovers."


They fell because the Benefits ended Last Week and were not extended until Yesterday, so YES, Claims were down. I bet they rise again This Week.

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It's getting worse around here.....................the newspapers are filled with auctions, never seen so many at one time like this.

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"WASHINGTON – New claims for jobless benefits fell last week in a sign that layoffs may be easing as the economy slowly recovers."


They fell because the Benefits ended Last Week and were not extended until Yesterday, so YES, Claims were down. I bet they rise again This Week.



FYI: The bill that was stalled has ZERO impact on new state claims. The bill funds the extended Federal benefits when an individual's state benefits have been exhausted.

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FYI: The bill that was stalled has ZERO impact on new state claims. The bill funds the extended Federal benefits when an individual's state benefits have been exhausted.


Things in the Oil Patch in Louisiana is not so great.We are hanging in there no new hires working short handed so we do not take a cut in pay.Very instable right now.Hope next quater get better.

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FYI: The bill that was stalled has ZERO impact on new state claims. The bill funds the extended Federal benefits when an individual's state benefits have been exhausted.



Big possibility that the worse has yet to come. According to economists that work writing the Wiessman reports, it is a big possiblity that un-employement will rise substancially in latter 2010 and 2011. Government broadcasts stats that are the un-employement U3 numbers currently just under 10%. The "actual" U6 un-employement numbers are around 15% right now and is expected in the time frame above to go over 20% and even up to 25% U6 un-employement numbers. U6 what I understand represents the current people getting un-employement ins. / the people that have dropped off un-employement ins. but are still un-employed, part time workers and workers that are working a reduced number of work hours and pay. Gov. keeps sticking there nose in it and it's getting worse and worse. Not only problem in the U.S. but a huge problem world wide with several nations on the euro that are facing bankruptcy. Greece has been bailed out "temporarily", raised taxes big time, laid off gov. workers, taxes on everything period. People there can't even afford to buy food right now and are starting a revolution. This is going to continue for quite some time moving to Portugal, Spain, Italy,and a few other nations. World is in a financial mess big time and no one has a solution. U.S. is really much better off than Europe at this time. I'm preparing to hunker down for hard, hard times hope other recognize and prepare.

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Big possibility that the worse has yet to come. According to economists that work writing the Wiessman reports, it is a big possiblity that un-employement will rise substancially in latter 2010 and 2011. Government broadcasts stats that are the un-employement U3 numbers currently just under 10%. The "actual" U6 un-employement numbers are around 15% right now and is expected in the time frame above to go over 20% and even up to 25% U6 un-employement numbers. U6 what I understand represents the current people getting un-employement ins. / the people that have dropped off un-employement ins. but are still un-employed, part time workers and workers that are working a reduced number of work hours and pay. Gov. keeps sticking there nose in it and it's getting worse and worse. Not only problem in the U.S. but a huge problem world wide with several nations on the euro that are facing bankruptcy. Greece has been bailed out "temporarily", raised taxes big time, laid off gov. workers, taxes on everything period. People there can't even afford to buy food right now and are starting a revolution. This is going to continue for quite some time moving to Portugal, Spain, Italy,and a few other nations. World is in a financial mess big time and no one has a solution. U.S. is really much better off than Europe at this time. I'm preparing to hunker down for hard, hard times hope other recognize and prepare.



I think you're right, the worse is yet to come, but it has nothing to do with unemployment. Unemployment is a symptom of the the problem, but it too has now reached tipping point where it then begins to effect the overall economy, and the snowball begins.






"The unemployment rate held at 9.7 percent in February as employers shed 36,000 jobs, fewer than expected. The figures suggested the job market is slowly healing but that significant hiring has yet to occur."


"Economists had estimated that the storms could inflate job losses by 100,000 or more. That would mean the economy generated a net gain in jobs last month, excluding the impact of the snow, for only the second time since the recession began in December 2007."


In other words, who knows!


As for Greece, taxes are not the issue. Taxes are Greece's way to get out from the real problem they have. If you really want to understand it, and I'm being very serious because I sure as #@! didn't, you really should look into the actual causes there and especially read up on what are called Credit Default Swaps which are the same financial instruments that took down AIG.


We need financial market reforms especially when there are more than $13 trillion of these things held by major US banks today.


If you really want to learn about this stuff, as I did, check out:











That leads you then to mortgage backed securities:






Then on to Collateralized Debt Obligation:




And finally, to understand what has happened in Greece, Credit Default Swaps:





I think EVER American should watch and understand the content of these videos because THIS is why we are in this HUGE mess and why we needed the bailout etc. But NOTHING is being done to prevent it from happening again.


BTW: It's a great web site for your kids too and help with math, science, etc., a GREAT resource!

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I don't think by any means I'm any sort of "bell weather indicator" of unemployment, but I was laid off back in October. I didn't make a big deal about it as there are many in far worse shape than I, but I start my new job on Monday, at a higher level of pay then the one I lost! I wish that on everyone in a similar circumstance, and again this is my own experience.


So at least next week...you personally know of one less person on on the unemployment rolls!

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I don't think by any means I'm any sort of "bell weather indicator" of unemployment, but I was laid off back in October. I didn't make a big deal about it as there are many in far worse shape than I, but I start my new job on Monday, at a higher level of pay then the one I lost! I wish that on everyone in a similar circumstance, and again this is my own experience.


So at least next week...you personally know of one less person on on the unemployment rolls!



Congratulations Jeff

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I don't think by any means I'm any sort of "bell weather indicator" of unemployment, but I was laid off back in October. I didn't make a big deal about it as there are many in far worse shape than I, but I start my new job on Monday, at a higher level of pay then the one I lost! I wish that on everyone in a similar circumstance, and again this is my own experience.


So at least next week...you personally know of one less person on on the unemployment rolls!



I thought you were in the navy....did you get out??

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I was active long ago but in the reserves now. Between reserve pay and unemployment we got by. It will be nice to have mod money again once we're settled.



ah ok, now I understand..... I was under the impression you were active duty. Sorry to hear you were let go in your old job, but great news on the new job. Keep with the reserves; it's a good retirement

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Congrats Jeff!

Last year, all directors for the Native government that I work for were asked to take a significant pay cut, with the promise that wages would be restored as soon as economically possible (but with no time table given). They also promised that from the time full salaries were reinstated that there would be no more across the board pay cuts for salaried employees like us for a minimum of 5 years, regardless of the economy. Well, they reinstated full wages last week and all of us directors have signed the new agreements as of today. Only 1 director out of a dozen quit last year because of the pay cuts. By taking our pay cuts for these past several months, we helped to secure the jobs of the 150+ employees that answer to us, the directors, meaning that they suffered no layoffs and no cut in pay. We're a stronger organization because of what we've endured together and the directors have earned endless respect from the hourly employees for taking the financial hit.

Anyway, things are looking up here and I'm glad you're doing well back in the Midwest. Here's to future mods. beerchug.gif




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