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Poor Prisoner's


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I read on the internet that some poor souls that are incarcirated had there profiles removed from face book do to them tracking down their victims and harassing them. I'm thinking those poor guys and gals should keep their facebook site and get new laptops for each and every inmate. What happened to freedom of speech why can't a prisoner not harass his victim he does own them anyway at least mentally.


I know some or alot of people are falsely accused and sent to jail but if it was up to me either nuke every jail house or stop treating these inmate like college students. They go in a lean puke and come out like mike tyson, I should go to jail instead of going to the gym. They should send these guys to Iraq have them serve their time

there and they can kill all they want.


God bless America :salute::angry22:

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Dont forget the Free Meals, Free Housing, Education, Entertainment and don't forget FREE HEALTH CARE which include Sex Changes if you want one. :censored::censored::censored:


You mean, I can get my sex change for free !!! I been saving for so long. Now, I can buy that KR

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Doesn't surprise me at all!! But letting them on facebook does, I guess victims don't have any right's



WOW, where have you been? Of course the Victims don't have any Rights. Priseners and Suspects have MORE Rights then ANYONE. :censored::censored::censored::banghead:

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this is team shelby news ??????



Give it time.....The Prisoners are planning to Sue the Government because they are tired of being driver to their Court Hearings in a ratty old Chevy Van and demand to be driven in a Shelby.........................

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Give it time.....The Prisoners are planning to Sue the Government because they are tired of being driver to their Court Hearings in a ratty old Chevy Van and demand to be driven in a Shelby.........................


knowing them they would sue if it was clone.................... and win!!!! :rant2:

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Send them to AZ. Sherrif Arpio ( my personal candidate for Governor) will take care of them. No tv, pink underwear and green baloney. They want out and don't want to go back. :angry22:

Sherrif Arpio is the only man bold enough to do his job rounding up illegals. Then we have the traitors to our country tying to help them escape. :slapfight: Remeber when ILLEGAL was ILLEGAL? :rant2:


Crazy!!! :finger:

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Give it time.....The Prisoners are planning to Sue the Government because they are tired of being driver to their Court Hearings in a ratty old Chevy Van and demand to be driven in a Shelby.........................



I know NYC lost in court a couple times and the pay out was in the millions. Recently in the papers there was a story on how the city runs scared of criminals filing a lawsuit. That they dismissed 2 drug dealers that were video taped selling drugs to under covers and they knew they were being taped. The drug dealers know the scam well. They had there lawyer say that he was filing a lawsuit for my clients they were beaten and miss treated. The D.A dropped all charges and paid, I believe 75,000 for them to shut up. The D.A office never even asked the arresting officers there side. The city answer was we got off cheap it would cost to much money to challenge the perps in court.


The drug dealer went right back to work and same location. But now they smile for the camera.

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When proponents of the PLRA urged for its passage, they did not see prisoner litigation as a method to safeguard standards of a civilized society.20 Instead, they believed prisoner lawsuits were frivolous and a waste of resources.21 PLRA proponents often cite a case in which an inmate sued the state because he received a jar of crunchy peanut butter and not the creamy kind that he had ordered from the prison canteen (the "Peanut Butter case") as a classic example of a frivolous prisoner suit.22 Proponents of the PLRA believed that all prisoner-brought litigation was as frivolous as the Peanut Butter case.23

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[quote name='skeet' date='13 February 2010 - 03:58 PM' timestamp='1266094724' post='908487': DOING AWAY WITH MORE THAN JUST CRUNCHY PEANUT BUTTER


When proponents of the PLRA urged for its passage, they did not see prisoner litigation as a method to safeguard standards of a civilized society.20 Instead, they believed prisoner lawsuits were frivolous and a waste of resources.21 PLRA proponents often cite a case in which an inmate sued the state because he received a jar of crunchy peanut butter and not the creamy kind that he had ordered from the prison canteen (the "Peanut Butter case") as a classic example of a frivolous prisoner suit.22 Proponents of the PLRA believed that all prisoner-brought litigation was as frivolous as the Peanut Butter case.23



Hey can point out where those law suit can be found, I would love to read them and laugh and cry at the same time. Send them to Iraq let them loose like cattle.


Thanks again for the info

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