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On the 2010 GT500 on the passenger side when the hood is up, there is a switch near the front. It has a black rubber boot on it. What is it for? Looks like something that tells you if the hood is shut or not. Thanks


I believe it's there to let you know if the hood is popped from the inside. I saw that also while looking at mine. Just a guess.

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On the 2010 GT500 on the passenger side when the hood is up, there is a switch near the front. It has a black rubber boot on it. What is it for? Looks like something that tells you if the hood is shut or not. Thanks



If you read aroung page 104 in the owners manual it talk about haw the alarm monitors the doors, HOOD, trunk, movement inside the vehicle, and even an inclination change!!! So I believe that switch it what activates the alarm if someone would somehow try to get the hood open. I was really impressed at how good this alarm seems to be for a factory system, and I dont think it is just on the gt500 since it is talked about in the normal 2010 mustang manual.

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If you read aroung page 104 in the owners manual it talk about haw the alarm monitors the doors, HOOD, trunk, movement inside the vehicle, and even an inclination change!!! So I believe that switch it what activates the alarm if someone would somehow try to get the hood open. I was really impressed at how good this alarm seems to be for a factory system, and I dont think it is just on the gt500 since it is talked about in the normal 2010 mustang manual.



the alarm on this car is sensitive to movement in the air around the car too...i store the car in a car capsule and have set the alarm off several times now just by quickly pressing against the side of the bubble.


as far as the switch in the engine bay goes...see if there is something on the underside of the hood that, when the hood is closed, may trip the switch. like the light in a refrigerator is controlled by the opening and closing of the door, this switch is tripped when the hood opens and closes.

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the alarm on this car is sensitive to movement in the air around the car too...i store the car in a car capsule and have set the alarm off several times now just by quickly pressing against the side of the bubble.



Wow! That's great to know. I had no idea it was that "protective" of itself. Terrific.

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Wow! That's great to know. I had no idea it was that "protective" of itself. Terrific.




It's called a proximity alarm.


Try this. Roll down your window/s before you get out of your car. Get out and set the alarm with the key fob.


Now, reach into the car as if you were going to get your wife's purse or something sitting on the dash/seat. Don't touch the car, just reach in the window.


That sets the alarm off.


If you have a dog that you leave in the car you have to set the alarm by using the key in the door lock. All the rest of the alarm functions work, just not the interior proxmity function.


Your trunk is alarmed too.


And as someone else said, your incline sets when you set the alarm (keeps someone from towing it away without opening the doors).


My dealership SVT Sales rep didn't even know about it. I guess it's new for the 2010's.



Phill Pollard

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The pin switch under the hood is for the alarm system. The proxmity sensors work off of air pressure, so that's why pushing on the car capsule sets the alarm off.


The inclinometer feature has been within the alarm system since the 2005 MY.

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here's another thing about the alarm that I learned the hard way but love it. If you ever tow your car try this....


put the car on the trailer, tie it down and then lock the doors w/ fob.

Then step onto the trailer......alarm will go off just from your movement on the trailer. I love this feature especially when parked in a hotel parking lot.................oh, and make sure when towing car is unlocked....I could not figure out who the hell that was on my bumper flashing their lights and blowing the dern horn at me! Wife got a kick out of it though.... :hysterical:

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here's another thing about the alarm that I learned the hard way but love it. If you ever tow your car try this....


put the car on the trailer, tie it down and then lock the doors w/ fob.

Then step onto the trailer......alarm will go off just from your movement on the trailer. I love this feature especially when parked in a hotel parking lot.................oh, and make sure when towing car is unlocked....I could not figure out who the hell that was on my bumper flashing their lights and blowing the dern horn at me! Wife got a kick out of it though.... hysterical.gif



Maybe your car was bored, didn't like going slow, and was telling you to speed it up a little! hysterical.gif

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Great stuff. Very interesting. The incline feature is awesome.




My wife's Mercedes Benz SUV has the same feature but there's a switch on the overhead console that allows you to turn it off, just for towing it.


The same switch also turns off the 'glass shock' feature. That way when our mini poodle jumps up to look outside of the car and her nails hit the window, the alarm won't start beeping the horn and flashing the lights. If we forget to defeat the feature, she sets the alarm off everytime someone walks by the car.


Where as with the Shelby, you have to set the alarm differently to get the same results, not just push a button.




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the alarm on this car is sensitive to movement in the air around the car too....



Haha, this is so true. Was at a show and had windows down, doors closed. Must have hit the lock button on key and someone walked by and put their head about where the window would have been if it was up. And yep....Alarm went off.


Real funny part is I had no idea this was even on the car, so believe me I was just as suprised as the guy who looked inside.

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