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I see the political threads are history. Even after Being split aside, some still persisted in complaining. So much for free speach



Yeah, I noticed that to today. I wander who the loud squeeky wheel was that got it deleted. It really sucks to, that is where I was getting my Political Up Dates from. I can only assume that Obama's hinch men found Robert and threatened Him.

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Aparantly someone stepped over the line a few too many times.

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This is a Shelby site for car talk. Let's leave it to that. We may find we like each other more.



I may tend to agree with you but, I dont like censorship. I gave my 20 for the right to disagree. Only to be silenced by someone who didnt.

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I may tend to agree with you but, I don't like censorship. I gave my 20 for the right to disagree. Only to be silenced by someone who didnt.




This has been pointed out time and again - and there is no debate. This is not a public forum. It is a private forum. The site owners can choose what can and cannot be discussed. This is not infringing on anyone's freedom of speech. There are sites you can go to share your thoughts on other topics. This is a Shelby site for talking Shelby.


...and Thank You for your service...

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This has been pointed out time and again - and there is no debate. This is not a public forum. It is a private forum. The site owners can choose what can and cannot be discussed. This is not infringing on anyone's freedom of speech. There are sites you can go to share your thoughts on other topics. This is a Shelby site for talking Shelby.




You have the right to your opinion and I have mine. I pay to be here


And thanks for the thanks

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Never use a shotgun to do a job that is best left to a rifle



No arguement, but sometimes surgury doesn't always fix the illness. You can't deny that some of the posts were quite rude and over the line no matter what side you're on. At least you and some others would post in the other forums. Others just stopped doing that and 99% of the time would only post in that one forum.

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Since I've been weening my way off it the last month I won't miss it at all!


Now we can go back to focusing on the things (cars) that bring us together rather than the things that at times get in the way of the friendships we've created though our shared passion.


:happy feet:

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No arguement, but sometimes surgury doesn't always fix the illness. You can't deny that some of the posts were quite rude and over the line no matter what side you're on. At least you and some others would post in the other forums. Others just stopped doing that and 99% of the time would only post in that one forum.



No argument there. I look at all the other threads but honestly, not much goes on in a day or two or three.

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This really is quite disturbing. It smacks of how we have evolved as a society where 57% of the country belive in something but a few elites in power know what is best for us. I have ebbed to a new site. I love this one, but walking on egg shells is not my forte. I would hope the powers to be would reconsider and reprimand those who abused the rules. We are not only a car forum, we are a community, and as such, we will have different opinions on what is happing in the world. Not being able to talk and disagree with my neighbor seems fundamentally wrong. My 2 cents and I'm moving on.

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Ok, I will help the transition from the political to the cars. Once my new engine is finished should I go with the KB 3.6 or the 4.whatever or the Whipple 4.0?


I know it's off topic for the thread but just trying to help getting used to it! :hysterical:


And getting used to the new site as well!

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I certainly can do that. Not sure I will get an answer.


Well, I specifically DO NOT know if this was the catalyst for shutting down the political banter forums, but for those of you who may have missed it, Amy saw and then closed the "Picture of the year" forum that was posted in the political banter forums earler today. As I stated, I don't know for certain, but that MAY have been the straw that broke the camels back.

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Well, I specifically DO NOT know if this was the catalyst for shutting down the political banter forums, but for those of you who may have missed it, Amy saw and then closed the "Picture of the year" forum that was posted in the political banter forums earler today. As I stated, I don't know for certain, but that MAY have been the straw that broke the camels back.




I miss all the "fun" stuff? What the heck was that?

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Which may encourage some to actually start posting to car topics. There are other sites for politcal rantings.



That would be nice, I guess we shall see


This really is quite disturbing. It smacks of how we have evolved as a society where 57% of the country belive in something but a few elites in power know what is best for us. I have ebbed to a new site. I love this one, but walking on egg shells is not my forte. I would hope the powers to be would reconsider and reprimand those who abused the rules. We are not only a car forum, we are a community, and as such, we will have different opinions on what is happing in the world. Not being able to talk and disagree with my neighbor seems fundamentally wrong. My 2 cents and I'm moving on.




What is political anyway? There is politics in work, church, clubs, relationships. What qualifies?


And I have sent an email to see what is said by the site owners.

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I have received an answer. There have been many complaints in just this day. Unfortunately, lines were crossed and, those who dont like the thread ventured in. As a corperation, Image is always important. And it was felt that some of the post do not represent the best of Team Shelby and SAI. At this point, my point of view has changed and I support the move. Moderator, pleas close or delete this thread

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Per the OP's request, this forum is now closed.

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