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Killer whale Takes out Great white

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This is a awesome video. After all the videos and tv shows about how bad the great white is ITS nice to see a Killer whale take care of buisness. Its awesome when the whale comes up it has the great white by the back of the head and showing everyone. check it out.





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That was amazing saw on TV the best is all the great whites vanished after that. I also saw on Discovery about this teenager who was eaten by a great white right in front of his friends. It happened in of course Australia I think that my wife and ex-wife should go there for the summer :hysterical:

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Hey I just noticed a plus and minus sign and big phat zero at the bottom of each post. I was going to give Warrin a big phat Plus on his comment but it doesn't work. I think this is where the reputation numbers will come in.


Come on Robert enable this feature let us have fun rating every ones comments.

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