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Terlingua Flutist


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The pilot of the White Terlingua (our daughter) recently competed in the Oklahoma Stae MTNA Senior Flute competition ("Senior" being the level of play, she's still a junior in high school).



And she WON! :happy feet: :banvictory:


So now she goes to the Divisional Competitions and if successful, on to Nationals :dreamy:



Anway, thought maybe some of you would enjoy hearing one of the pieces she performed:



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I have a serious suggestion - bring her to the Birthday Bash in January. At the Saturday night dinner, she can play for all of us. I think everyone would be pretty touched to have something like that to listen to, especially that number. I know I would. She is very good (but you already knew that).



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I have a serious suggestion - bring her to the Birthday Bash in January. At the Saturday night dinner, she can play for all of us. I think everyone would be pretty touched to have something like that to listen to, especially that number. I know I would. She is very good (but you already knew that).





+ 1




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:happy feet: That's fantastic! I watched the video and she plays wonderfully...I wish her much luck in the upcoming competitions :party2:





Thank you!


Truth be told, she was terribly nervous and made several uncharacteristic mistakes (well-hidden but to a professional). Her rehearsal two days earlier was spectacular! Hopefully with the nerves behind her, Divisionals will be less of a "big deal" to her.


I have a serious suggestion - bring her to the Birthday Bash in January. At the Saturday night dinner, she can play for all of us. I think everyone would be pretty touched to have something like that to listen to, especially that number. I know I would. She is very good (but you already knew that).





Sadly, it is the same weekend as the Divisional competitions :doh:


Perhaps in the future...........I know she would be honored (and would love to take her "Bunny" for a few laps, too :shift: )


Congrats! You must be very Proud.




Honestly, I want to be proud; but am instead humbled by the tremendous gift and responsibility God has given me to be her father! She has already surpassed her father in so many ways, and she has only just started........... :baby::cry:

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A fine effort by a talented and poised young lady. That is admirable. What moves me is what I know about the hard work and application she had to bring to bear to reach that level. Good for her; it reflects credit on her parents, as well.



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Bravo! Those competitions are stressful but fun! Good for her!



So do you guys have the flutist/flautist conversations?



Why would we ever do that? :rolleyes: :hysterical:


Actually, I'm pretty "old school" and used to insist on "flautist"! But her private instructor (a college professor) says otherwise. :unsure: So I did some searching..... :read: and a quick look at several principal "flutists" in orchestras and symphonies around the country confirm that "flutist" is now the accepted professional designation. :rant:



Thanks for all the well wishes!


We're just tickled that, on her first try, she made it past the state competition. If that's it this year, then she'll have another shot at it next year! Either way, she has far exceeded all of our expectations! Anything else is "icing on the cake" :party2:



edit: emoticon malfunction........

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