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Just join the group name is Dave Sullivan "Sully I brought #353


biggest question I have, the group I bought the car from got me a set of strip


I know they brought me strip for a 2006, because I have a set of Roof strips, is there a big different between 2006 and 2007


thanks for the help





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Just join the group name is Dave Sullivan "Sully I brought #353


biggest question I have, the group I bought the car from got me a set of strip


I know they brought me strip for a 2006, because I have a set of Roof strips, is there a big different between 2006 and 2007


thanks for the help





Congrats on your purchase!!

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Just join the group name is Dave Sullivan "Sully I brought #353


biggest question I have, the group I bought the car from got me a set of strip


I know they brought me strip for a 2006, because I have a set of Roof strips, is there a big different between 2006 and 2007


thanks for the help





They are the same minus the roof Stripes. You should be fine. Search out a good vinyl graphics company to install them or you will be in the stripes forum pleading for help........

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Welcome and congrats on your GT-H :)

Yea, the Hertz renter's beat my car pretty bad, broke the backseat, stole the hertz emblems and took the lighter plug and other thing

I didn't know it would be so hard to get the emblems replace it the last thing I need to fix :banghead:

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