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Shelby "ArteHouse" Prints


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I stumbled on the Shelby Arthouse site just poking around on the web looking for Shelby info. This was before I joined Team Shelby. I have 14/25 of the Vista Blue GT500 print, but now I need a new one now that I have Super Snaked my car. I hope they come up with an SS one! These are nice prints with the signatures.




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I bought mine in a brochure that was in my shelby book that came with my car


Me, too. The brochure was with my SGT paperwork in the glove box.


I had my name put on it, too It is the focal point of my Shelby collection in my office. :happy feet:

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Thanks everyone.


I thought they were advertised somehow thru Shelby but couldn't find any old posts from back then.


And yes the price always seemed..........


I recall seeing several of them back then and thought they were nice but again the price seemed.......


If you run Artehouse thru Google you will see that they have several websites such as Artehouse Shelby, Artehouse Ford, Artehouse GM, etc.


Again thanks for the replies. I was trying to figure out if these were strictly an aftermarket item or if they were sold thru Shelby at one time.



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