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Missed Ticket


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So, I haven't posted much on here lately, but I forgot to drop a funny story on ya guys from a couple of weeks ago. I was home (sick) and ran out to the store real quick. I took the SGT and as I was leaving the parking lot to turn into the main street there was a pickup truck to my left (I was turning right) and the passenger said the usual, nice car, let's hear it, blah, blah, blah. Well, I figured what the heck, it's the middle of the day, nobody is around and I GUNNED it out of the parking lot! Right about then I decided to take a glance in the rear view to see a deputy hit the reds! I couldn't friggin' believe it! I had only gotten into maybe 2nd and wasn't going all that fast, but I was definitely laid into hard and it probably sounded worse than it was. Anyway, I pull over and the deputy walks up and says, "Now, either you didn't see me, or you were gonna run from me, because 5 more seconds of that and I was gonna call in back up (right about then 3 more cruisers pulled up, he did call backup!). I apologized all over myself and told him the guys in the pickup truck made me do it, to which he showed me his little voice recorder stuffed in his belt and said, "Well, then that's exhibition of speed, let me see the license/reg/insurance." So in a last ditch effort, I told him, "Officer, it would be REALLY cool if you just smacked me on the hand and sent me on my way. We were both sort of laughing cos I told him, I wasn't running and I seriously didn't see him sitting RIGHT BEHIND ME in the grocery store parking lot! He went on to tell me that he heard me going through the parking lot but didn't see me....


Anyway, he come back a few minutes later and handed me my stuff and said, "If you had ONE thing on your record I was gonna give you a ticket! Fortunately, I just did traffic school 2 months ago for my 85 in a 55 ticket! :) But before that, I hadn't had a ticket in 20 years!


So, once he gave me the break I asked, "So, do you wanna check out the rest of the car?" To which he agreed would be cool and I popped the hood and shot the bull with him for about a half an hour....


And THAT my friends is how ya get out of a ticket!

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Lol, good story - I'm going to note that! And I have a military plate too although I'm not too sure that helps out much. :shrug:


If I pull the military card it seems the response I get is "well that just means you should have been responsible enough not to be stupid!"

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Lol, good story - I'm going to note that! And I have a military plate too although I'm not too sure that helps out much. :shrug:


If I pull the military card it seems the response I get is "well that just means you should have been responsible enough not to be stupid!"



From time to time I see Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) license plates in Maryland. I wonder if that gets people out of tickets? Is that the motive for purchasing these plates as I doubt most of the drivers are police or ex police? Whatever works!

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I'm no saint in my SGT, just lucky so far. After 2 high speed runs :peelout: to stores, I've come out to find an officer parked by my car. I figured somehow somebody called me in. Both times they were just the typical guy wanting to know what car they were looking at and wanted the regular "tour". :whew:


I also had a Highway Patrol Hemi Charger shadow me at 5 AM in the dark on I-80. I was going between 85-90, in a 65 :boring:, and he just hung on my rear fender in the other lane. He had to slow in a few of the corners but pretty much kept up. I slowed to 80 and he shot by me on a straight. He dimmed his lights a couple of times and went on his way. :happy feet:

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Good story, I have unfortunatley been unlucky because I had a ticket 6 months ago in my Conversion Van going 66 in a 55. I had a B***h of a Highway patrol office that would not cut me a break on ticket number 2. Good thing winters coming and the Shelby will go in storage for 4 months because I have to be good until March of next year. It sucks because everytime I'm in the car with my wife its, "how fast are you going, watch your speed, if you get a ticket our insurance will go up" it's a drag for sure. Sorry, didn't ean to hijack your thread.

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So, I haven't posted much on here lately, but I forgot to drop a funny story on ya guys from a couple of weeks ago. I was home (sick) and ran out to the store real quick. I took the SGT and as I was leaving the parking lot to turn into the main street there was a pickup truck to my left (I was turning right) and the passenger said the usual, nice car, let's hear it, blah, blah, blah. Well, I figured what the heck, it's the middle of the day, nobody is around and I GUNNED it out of the parking lot! Right about then I decided to take a glance in the rear view to see a deputy hit the reds! I couldn't friggin' believe it! I had only gotten into maybe 2nd and wasn't going all that fast, but I was definitely laid into hard and it probably sounded worse than it was. Anyway, I pull over and the deputy walks up and says, "Now, either you didn't see me, or you were gonna run from me, because 5 more seconds of that and I was gonna call in back up (right about then 3 more cruisers pulled up, he did call backup!). I apologized all over myself and told him the guys in the pickup truck made me do it, to which he showed me his little voice recorder stuffed in his belt and said, "Well, then that's exhibition of speed, let me see the license/reg/insurance." So in a last ditch effort, I told him, "Officer, it would be REALLY cool if you just smacked me on the hand and sent me on my way. We were both sort of laughing cos I told him, I wasn't running and I seriously didn't see him sitting RIGHT BEHIND ME in the grocery store parking lot! He went on to tell me that he heard me going through the parking lot but didn't see me....


Anyway, he come back a few minutes later and handed me my stuff and said, "If you had ONE thing on your record I was gonna give you a ticket! Fortunately, I just did traffic school 2 months ago for my 85 in a 55 ticket! :) But before that, I hadn't had a ticket in 20 years!


So, once he gave me the break I asked, "So, do you wanna check out the rest of the car?" To which he agreed would be cool and I popped the hood and shot the bull with him for about a half an hour....


And THAT my friends is how ya get out of a ticket!


Lucky Dog! :happy feet:

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...."and told him the guys in the pickup truck made me do it."


I have NO idea why you ever blurted that out. Good story though and you're lucky he cut you a break.



Haha, well, some of the context of the story is missing really. He actually though I was running from him... He was literally stopped right behind me when I took off, so he couldn't figure out if I was running or flat out didn't see him. So, this was more or less conversation than confession. Although, he pulled his little recorder from his belt and now that I know those thngs are there, my lips are sealed! I think he was more slighted toward me running... haha as if! I got lucky, it turned out to be a good thing. The deputy gets 1-point for being cool that day cos my a$$ should have been busted.

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