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Some have asked me about my Avatar.

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Over the years, some members here have asked me about my avatar. It's there in support of a close friend and his crew who is in Afghanistan fighting the good fight along with the other U.S. and coalition forces.


Well, here is a 7 minute gun camera video of the work that's being done over there with his AC-130 "Dragon" gunship. As you can see, you don't EVER (never, ever) want to be on the recieving end of it's wrath. Finding the bad guys over there is like finding a needle in the haystack. The only difference in this case is that when you find the needle(s), you also take out the haystack too.


Poke the Grizzly, get clawed to death and eaten by him.


WARNING: Video is not graphic per se, but quite detailed. You will see results.





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Thanks for sharing, very cool plane.

My father flew the AC-119 in Viet Nam. The mission was to fly up and down the Ho Chi Minh trail in the middle of night and shoot anything that popped up on the infrared radar, anything that produced heat. He said they shot rocks, elephants and every now and then a convoy of trucks.

The AC119 wasn't as accurate as the newer AC130 but it could put a bullet in every square foot of a football field in a matter of seconds.


Sorry for stealing the thread.............The AC's are awesome planes!!

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There's a saying in the Gunship Community....


"You can run, but you'll just die TIRED!"


Not a Gunship crewmember myself, but do fly Special Ops C-130s. Have had the opportunity load and fire the 105mm cannon in the AC-130!



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Saw one on static display at an airshow a few years back and received a tour of the inside of the plane. Just seeing the guns, ammo, and other equipment while listening to the description of the capabilities of the plane was enough to leave me speechless. Simply awesome!

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