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Radar Detectors


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I go with the Valentine1.


I know a lot of guys have the laser jammers built into and hidden in their cars, but the cops often know you've got it and will just get you for something else like tint on the windows.

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Did all sorts of research on this about a year ago and the best reviews and features led me to the Valentine V1. I've had it a year now and it's been amazing. I used the included kit to hard wire it into my F150 and then attached it to the bottom of the mirror using their bracket so it's not noticeable, looks as OEM as possible and can be easily removed an used in my other vehicles with the lighter power kit and hanger.


It's never let me down and in a year I cannot recall a time I've gotten a false alarm. I don't think the comp can do it, but it will tell you if the radar is in front, next to or behind you all the while reporting on multiple "reads" and counting the number of individual radar sources should you have a speed trap up ahead or a cop in a parking mall with the K-band door openers.


I cannot say enough about it and if I was to do it all over again I'd go the same route again and twice on Sunday.



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Valentine One, hands down the best.

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Valentine1. Best one out there!


Okay,.okay,…,,I can see this is against the trend but my Valentine 1 is slowly but surely becoming a $400 paperweight :angry2: ; As time goes by it is working effectively in fewer and fewer states. It's got to the point now that on most cross country journeys is absolutely useless. It does still work great whenever I drive through Indiana - in fact it definitely saved from a ticket earlier in the year there, but unfortunately I do not live in Indiana, I live in Michigan, and am more likely to drive through numerous other states than Indiana. Over the last two years I have noticed less and less states that it actually works in. I am wondering if the Police technology is moving beyond it?


Earlier this year, I nearly got caught in an Ohio speed trap involving numerous Police cars, but due to serendipitous reasons involving other traffic that I was travelling with slowing down because their $70 detectors had spotted the trap, I managed to avoid a ticket. :mad: I remember that last year the Valentine was quite effective in Ohio.


I am definitely looking for a better option.


Regards, Ian

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Oddly enough I just did ALOT of research on this subject and the Valentine 1 was NOT the winner..it was the Escort 9500ix unit..which may be eclipsed by the new Escort Redline unit. I know alot of people out there have Valentine 1 and swear by them however...Valentine has not really updated thier product in YEARS..except the online updates for firmware. Not sure if those have really made it better....and given I drive alot around town the fact that it does not have the speedtrap and red light camera part covered that hurts. I am probably going to be trying one of the Escorts ones I mentioned. It seems to be they have are leading the pack...or at least they are viable option to the Valentine 1


Just my .02.


Anyone else got an Escort and want to weigh in?

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I would HIGHLY RECOMMEND the Escort Solo S2 Cordless. It works great, it's CORDLESS, looks good, has a bright display, and is just an all-around great detector. Check it out...




I have been told that the cordless ones do not have the detection range of the conventionally mounted detectors. Is that true?

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I have been told that the cordless ones do not have the detection range of the conventionally mounted detectors. Is that true?

Nope not true at all.

The Escort cordless is the best in my opinion and I've had them all, including the corded Escorts and the Valentine 1.

I'd never buy one that wasn't an Escort but the cordless model is awfully convenient. And the battery life is great (over a month on 2 AA's with 7 day/week use).



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Oddly enough I just did ALOT of research on this subject and the Valentine 1 was NOT the winner..it was the Escort 9500ix unit..which may be eclipsed by the new Escort Redline unit. I know alot of people out there have Valentine 1 and swear by them however...Valentine has not really updated thier product in YEARS..except the online updates for firmware. Not sure if those have really made it better....and given I drive alot around town the fact that it does not have the speedtrap and red light camera part covered that hurts. I am probably going to be trying one of the Escorts ones I mentioned. It seems to be they have are leading the pack...or at least they are viable option to the Valentine 1


Just my .02.


Anyone else got an Escort and want to weigh in?



That definitely is a very compelling unit if you leave or drive anywhere near a state with red light cameras. However, it doesn't look like it could tell you if the cop is coming up behind or in front of you. Rather just let you know if there is one with 360 degrees. But if you have red light or speed trap cameras in your state and don't know where they are, then you should probably not go with the V1 as it doesn't have that feature.


Good option call out!



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...Valentine has not really updated thier product in YEARS..



My thoughts exactly. Junk. :o How many people can actualy say that the V1 has saved them from a ticket recently, and in what states did the ticket avoidance occur? As I said,I know it works with the clockwork radar guns in Indiana, but that's about it nowadays in my experience.


Sounds like I might try an Escort. Thanks to everyone for recommending this.

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I have been told that the cordless ones do not have the detection range of the conventionally mounted detectors. Is that true?


Me and everyone in my family have been using the the Escort Solo for about 10 years or so. We have had all the models up to the current S2 Cordless. They work EXCELLENT. It is by far the BEST QUALITY detector on the market and it works fantastic. I drive very fast (faster than I should) all the time and the damn thing has saved my ass about 1000 times. It looks forward, backward, sideways, upside down, inside out, etc. It gives you 360 degree coverage. It is THE BEST ON THE MARKET, HANDS DOWN. I would DEFINITELY recommend it. And the cordless part is awesome. You know you hate cords hanging down and all around your perfectly clean and pristine cockpit, so why wouldn't you get a nice neat cordless detector? Think about it.

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Me and everyone in my family have been using the the Escort Solo for about 10 years or so. We have had all the models up to the current S2 Cordless. They work EXCELLENT. It is by far the BEST QUALITY detector on the market and it works fantastic. I drive very fast (faster than I should) all the time and the damn thing has saved my ass about 1000 times. It looks forward, backward, sideways, upside down, inside out, etc. It gives you 360 degree coverage. It is THE BEST ON THE MARKET, HANDS DOWN. I would DEFINITELY recommend it. And the cordless part is awesome. You know you hate cords hanging down and all around your perfectly clean and pristine cockpit, so why wouldn't you get a nice neat cordless detector? Think about it.

Couldn't have said it better myself.


My S2 has paid for itself hundreds of times over and I've never gotten a ticket (when I had it turned ON). I commute 150 miles roundtrip daily, 5 days a week. I routinely drive to LA, Portland, Seattle, SF, etc. I've tested the S2 as much as anyone and can say with complete confidence that it's the detector you want.



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Couldn't have said it better myself.


My S2 has paid for itself hundreds of times over and I've never gotten a ticket (when I had it turned ON). I commute 150 miles roundtrip daily, 5 days a week. I routinely drive to LA, Portland, Seattle, SF, etc. I've tested the S2 as much as anyone and can say with complete confidence that it's the detector you want.



Ditto homie....

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I have the Bel RX65 and I had been toying with having one of the laser jammers and integrated untis installed but I have been on several long drives following cars with those systems and drives following someone with a Valentine 1 and my Bel went off at the same time as there's did every time without fail so I am not sure they are any better.


That said I obviously don't have the laser jammers so I could still get tagged by laser and I also don't have GPs built in for speed and red light cameras. If I bought another one I would porbably look into a similar model with the GPS built in.

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Okay,.okay,…,,I can see this is against the trend but my Valentine 1 is slowly but surely becoming a $400 paperweight :angry2: ; As time goes by it is working effectively in fewer and fewer states. It's got to the point now that on most cross country journeys is absolutely useless. It does still work great whenever I drive through Indiana - in fact it definitely saved from a ticket earlier in the year there, but unfortunately I do not live in Indiana, I live in Michigan, and am more likely to drive through numerous other states than Indiana. Over the last two years I have noticed less and less states that it actually works in. I am wondering if the Police technology is moving beyond it?


Earlier this year, I nearly got caught in an Ohio speed trap involving numerous Police cars, but due to serendipitous reasons involving other traffic that I was travelling with slowing down because their $70 detectors had spotted the trap, I managed to avoid a ticket. :mad: I remember that last year the Valentine was quite effective in Ohio.


I am definitely looking for a better option.


Regards, Ian


I'm an Escort fan as well. It catches signal in front and behind you, and on the sides to an extent. However, no radar detector is going to save your butt for continuous speeding - you need to pick where you speed.


Having said that... my radar detector does little for me here in Ohio because the OSP mainly uses lazar, and once they pin you with that there's no way around it! unless you have a shifter. I do keep it on for the country roads and the local smokies that still use K/Ka/X band.

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Our V1 is now in my Expedition and not really trusted for total protection anymore.


Escort 9500ix is our primary. Regular database updates for red light cameras and speed cameras.

You need a laptop or an A/C adapter to load updates into the unit. It has to be powered on to take the update.

I download to my laptop and then bring that out to the car.

This unit has saved me more than it cost in one cross country trip.


And, we bought ours at Best Buy and got BB reward points.

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Nope not true at all.

The Escort cordless is the best in my opinion and I've had them all, including the corded Escorts and the Valentine 1.

I'd never buy one that wasn't an Escort but the cordless model is awfully convenient. And the battery life is great (over a month on 2 AA's with 7 day/week use).




I spoke with a guy from Escort. He said the X85 works better than the cordless model. I have been happy with mine, but you are never going to outdo a cop who is paying attention and uses the instant on and does not turn it on until he or she sees you. Hence, my one traffic stop.



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Thanks everyone for your input. It is interesting to learn that Ohio State Troopers are using laser, Indiana is behind the curve and using older technology radar guns, depends on where you live whether or not the redlight camera are an issue (My wife already got a ticket at one of those, mailed to me in my name though) and that there is probably very little difference in these machines at the high end. I will let you know what I finally decide to do, although escort is having a cash for clunkers, they will give you $80 for a trade in, now I have to go searching for that really old radar detector I used to have.


Have a good day.




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