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Wish Me Luck

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Hey everyone,


Most of us talk pretty candidly about our lives on here as we all feel pretty close to eachother. I want to ask each of you to keep your fingers crossed and maybe a prayer if you are so inclined. A lot of you know I am finally graduating soon with a BS in Aeronautics. I have been applying like crazy on line with no luck except for one offer that was an engineering/sales job in Texas. Today I went to a job fair and got 4 really promising leads. I have an interview tomorrow with Northrop Grumman. In addition I had a very good lead from a certain secret (not CIA) organization that we all know. They asked if I could travel for 2-3 days for a vetting/interview process in the area of DC. Lockheed Martin and Siemens seemed very interested but won't be doing call backs for interviews until next week. So right now will decide the career path I will take. Any one of the employers would be a dream job for me and a vindication for me as I have been in the finance industry since I was 19 (I am now 28). If you can, send me some good vibes and hopefully I will get an offer. Wish me luck!!!!





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Best of luck to you Roger! Keeping the good thoughts for you out here on the left hand side of the country.




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In addition I had a very good lead from a certain secret (not CIA) organization


Hey Roger,

Was that MI6 by any chance? Oooops ;)

But seriously I wish you all the best in your endeavors. It's a tough time to be graduating, and I guess from your age you can already be commended for your perseverance and perhaps some tough choices that were made in order to finish your Degree. Whatever happens keep your chin up, it will all pay off in the end, and I'm sure if anyone on here hears of anything suitable they'll give you a shout.


I studied Automotive/Mechanical Engineering in Coventry, UK, but then went on to finish my studies in Bristol UWE, in the UK. I bring this up because your mention of Aeronautical studies reminds me of my fondly recollected time in Bristol. The course was Mechanical Engineering, but had a large aeronautical focus due to the fact that the student body was mainly made up of engineers from the nearby British Aerospace design facility. These guys were great to share experiences with, and if this was a conversation over a beer, I would love to relay quite a few of their somewhat scary but true airplane design tales……….


Anyway, a coupe, of my friends just picked up engineering/design positions at General Dynamics (Gulfstream). Check out the recruitment website, there does seem to quite a few of engineering jobs open;




All the best, Ian

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Hey Roger,

Was that MI6 by any chance? Oooops ;)

But seriously I wish you all the best in your endeavors. It's a tough time to be graduating, and I guess from your age you can already be commended for your perseverance and perhaps some tough choices that were made in order to finish your Degree. Whatever happens keep your chin up, it will all pay off in the end, and I'm sure if anyone on here hears of anything suitable they'll give you a shout.


I studied Automotive/Mechanical Engineering in Coventry, UK, but then went on to finish my studies in Bristol UWE, in the UK. I bring this up because your mention of Aeronautical studies reminds me of my fondly recollected time in Bristol. The course was Mechanical Engineering, but had a large aeronautical focus due to the fact that the student body was mainly made up of engineers from the nearby British Aerospace design facility. These guys were great to share experiences with, and if this was a conversation over a beer, I would love to relay quite a few of their somewhat scary but true airplane design tales……….


Anyway, a coupe, of my friends just picked up engineering/design positions at General Dynamics (Gulfstream). Check out the recruitment website, there does seem to quite a few of engineering jobs open;




All the best, Ian




I actually talked to General Dynamics today as it was a company I had researched. Unfortunately, they said they had a hiring freeze company wide and were "just showing the flag". The tough choices are spot on. My wife is finishing her MBA at an Ivy league school (part of the reason I don't have a shelby yet) and getting a CPA so I didn't get to finish the engineering degree I started. I didn't want to ruin my 3.9 gpa because I knew I wouldn't have the time. So instead of finishing it I did the aeronautics degree. Same thing except you don't have to prove the formula's. The problem is most employers want engineers on paper. I completed math through differential equations and statics etc. It was tough walking away from that. I am graduating Magna Cum Laude which should help some. The hardest part is not the 5 hours of sleep I am averaging, but trying to explain to my two and a half year old why daddo (his name for me) can't play Percy and Thomas on the choo choo track. The plan now is to finish a PHD by the time that I am 34. I have already been accepted to the Master's program for Aeronautical Science with a dual major in Space Operations.

The good news is I worked my way up in the company I work for and make a good living. Its a relatively cushy job I work 50 hours a week for and has been good to me. I am good at it but its not my passion. The only wild card is the government agency I didn't mention. I got a minor in Intelligence/Security and speak a foreign language and its various native dialects. It would be a good career and hope it could lead to something with DARPA or the defense agency under the NRO that reverse engineers all the stuff we capture. (like Mig 29's lol) Either way it would pay for the secret clearance that would save any potential employers a pretty penny on initial investment. I was thinking hard about the Air Force but military life is hard on a family. (I am an army brat) Anyway, at least my son won't have to go through the work process as his college is already paid for. I can't wait for him to be successful. My wife didn't grow up with much money either so we are hoping our investment now will lead to a lifetime of financial security. I know TMI, and I do really appreciate the well wishes. I spend every day of my life on this forum since its inception and have met many of the 07-09 owners at events I have helped with. I can't wait to drive my own. It will be the day I know I have "arrived".



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Look them in the eyes

Tell them what you will do for them

Use your Finance background to launch you ahead of others seeking the same Aero job

Be sincere and at the same time competent - That wins trust!

Look sharp and act sharp

Don't feel like you're entitled to anything. You have to prove it first. See #3 above.

Send a followup letter, but before you do get their phone number....

Call them back in a few days so they are reminded who candidate 300 was.

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Look them in the eyes

Tell them what you will do for them

Use your Finance background to launch you ahead of others seeking the same Aero job

Be sincere and at the same time competent - That wins trust!

Look sharp and act sharp

Don't feel like you're entitled to anything. You have to prove it first. See #3 above.

Send a followup letter, but before you do get their phone number....

Call them back in a few days so they are reminded who candidate 300 was.



Thanks for the tips. I only saw 23 other names on the list they asked for interviews so it looks like I made a good impression.



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I will take any help I can get. I have been tailoring it to the companies I have been applying to but am shooting in the dark. I did get some constructive feedback at the fair and adjusted it emphasisizing more of my aviation skills in relation to my financial experience for today's interview. It's on cardstock in a folder, so it should be presentable. Funny thing was the guys from Boeing complemented me on the paper I used. I made it through the "first cut" but got the apply on line yada yada yada line.







you're in my prayers buddy--i do vulunteer work helping folks with resumes et al here in Atl.If i can be of some service to you PM me
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[since you are getting interviews,it should be Ok.Dont make i too creative,but the heavier paper is good,even a shade of grey helps.I can also do a mock interview with you if you want.Ive done some work for some govt agencies,and most look for previuos govt clearance,and will put you through a "lie" detector test at some poiint.So if youve had any clearance in your jobs,point it out.BTW,all jobs require an online application nowadays.And to me Indeed.com is the best for looking for jobs.bob

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[since you are getting interviews,it should be Ok.Dont make i too creative,but the heavier paper is good,even a shade of grey helps.I can also do a mock interview with you if you want.Ive done some work for some govt agencies,and most look for previuos govt clearance,and will put you through a "lie" detector test at some poiint.So if youve had any clearance in your jobs,point it out.BTW,all jobs require an online application nowadays.And to me Indeed.com is the best for looking for jobs.bob



Thanks Bob,


I am in the midst midterms this week along with all of this but I will definately take you up on this. I am a pretty good "sales person" and can sell myself in person. The key is getting past the filters to get the interview. I have done about three interviews as I moved up in the company (9 years of employment) so any edge I can glean would be greatly appreciated. I will pm you my cell.





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Well everyone my first interview went really well. I got to the "second level" and spoke the onsite HR person who explained benefits etc and he will be floating my resume to several hiring managers within the next couple of weeks. He gave me his personal contact information to touch base weekly as the process moves along. Not counting my chickens yet though and we will see how it goes.





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Well guys I have an update.


The HR rep from Northrup Grumman got back to me yesterday and asked for some more information and said he sent out my resume. My profile has now been updated to reflect that I am under review by a "hiring manager" for a mechanical engineering slot. In addition I have had some movement from NAVAIR and an interesting opportunity at the local airport. I just wanted to send a quick thank you to everyone and Bob for his invaluable advise etc. No word yet but it looks like I am seeing some traction :)

Keep those good vibes coming, they seem to be working!!!





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