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People in my neighborhood called the cops...


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Some skeezbag in my neighborhood called the cops just because I laid down about a 300 foot long set of skidmarks on the street. What a bitch!



In the neighborhood? Were you ticketed? Gotta be carful.


If you were doing a football field sized burnout in front of my house, I might have called the cops too. Find a back road.

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Some skeezbag in my neighborhood called the cops just because I laid down about a 300 foot long set of skidmarks on the street. What a bitch!



I was being fecetious. Of course it was stupid...where's your sense of humor? :fool:



What's funny then?


So you're the "skeezbag" and you were just letting us know. Good tip!

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I did the same thing outside Banff last weekend and a Park Ranger just happened to come around the corner at the same time. He pulled me over, but he was a good guy and just gave me a warning instead of a $500 stunting ticket.

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I live in the country so I can do burnouts all day long out here without worrying about a kid running into the street.


Sucks that the neighbor called the cops I had neighbors that do that.


This Forum has taught me Three things NOT to do with our cars:


1. Not to Street race in the city against a VETTE or any car for that matter, you could die or kill someone. Racing is reserved for the track or the country on a back road. (had to really restrain myself last week on this one)


2. If I lived in the city not to do burn outs on the street I live on because the neigbors will call the cops and I hate it when the cops come to my house.


3. When your in another state do not go above 125 mph on a road your not familiar with because the cops could be hiding and pull you over and then you will have to go back and forth to court in another state and then possibly loose your job and then have one hell of a time getting your life back again. ( I broke this rule in Southwest Texas but was lucky enough to not get caught)


I am not lecturing I am just stating facts from stories we all have heard on this forum. Do what you want but those 3 rules are always buzzing in my head as I fire up the whipple 550.


PS Always have a Bacon sniffer in your car so you have an idea when the FUZZ is near.

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I live in the country so I can do burnouts all day long out here without worrying about a kid running into the street.


Sucks that the neighbor called the cops I had neighbors that do that.


This Forum has taught me Three things NOT to do with our cars:


1. Not to Street race in the city against a VETTE or any car for that matter, you could die or kill someone. Racing is reserved for the track or the country on a back road. (had to really restrain myself last week on this one)


2. If I lived in the city not to do burn outs on the street I live on because the neigbors will call the cops and I hate it when the cops come to my house.


3. When your in another state do not go above 125 mph on a road your not familiar with because the cops could be hiding and pull you over and then you will have to go back and forth to court in another state and then possibly loose your job and then have one hell of a time getting your life back again. ( I broke this rule in Southwest Texas but was lucky enough to not get caught)


I am not lecturing I am just stating facts from stories we all have heard on this forum. Do what you want but those 3 rules are always buzzing in my head as I fire up the whipple 550.


PS Always have a Bacon sniffer in your car so you have an idea when the FUZZ is near.



It's nice to know you sound like the typical person that hates cops.........until you need one.

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It's nice to know you sound like the typical person that hates cops.........until you need one.


I don't hate cops I just like to avoid them.


As about your comment about needing one, so far theres not one time in my life that I ever had a cop help me for example one time a previous house I lived in was broken into many vaulable things were stolen do you think they ever found the person? When I lived in the cities I had many stereos and car parts stolen do you think they ever found who did that? I have had many things vandalized I wonder why they never found out who did that?


Obviously we need cops otherwise this country would have anarchy. So please dont assume that I hate cops I suppose your a cop and you got offended by the bacon sniffer comment I will say I am sorry for that comment. I guess my sense of humor doesn't apply to all.


My previous post was meant to say to be careful and always think when driving these cars. Its very easy to loose control or get out of control in these cars.

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I have a place in Lake Havasu City, AZ nice quite place with no neighbors until the week end and all the SO Cal snobs come over. They have a Barrett Jackson SS Chevy Camaro and were doing burn outs 1 maybe 2 times ok but I counted 10 time and I had enough trying to eat my supper. I do not like to call the police so I took it in my own hands. I went to the owner and told him one more and if you hit a child or my dog your next. His reply was do you know what I’m worth and how much money I have. I told him at this point I could care less. I do not speed in your neighborhood so do not speed in mine. Go out into the desert.

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Sucks the cops were called, in my old neighborhood the neighbors rooted me on to lay down some stripes and I happily obliged but again most were car guys so no cops came my way but yeah some folks just don't like those stripes, maybe she got upset for you not giving her a ride in the new GT500 :hysterical:

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I don't hate cops I just like to avoid them.


As about your comment about needing one, so far theres not one time in my life that I ever had a cop help me for example one time a previous house I lived in was broken into many vaulable things were stolen do you think they ever found the person? When I lived in the cities I had many stereos and car parts stolen do you think they ever found who did that? I have had many things vandalized I wonder why they never found out who did that?


Obviously we need cops otherwise this country would have anarchy. So please dont assume that I hate cops I suppose your a cop and you got offended by the bacon sniffer comment I will say I am sorry for that comment. I guess my sense of humor doesn't apply to all.


My previous post was meant to say to be careful and always think when driving these cars. Its very easy to loose control or get out of control in these cars.


Sorry.........maybe I was being a bit too sensitive and lost my sense of humor for a second because I didnt get my car yesterday!!!!!! I'm going through full-blown Shelby withrawals!

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bacon sniffer, that's a new one for me :lol:


Thats because I made it up this morning. Sarah makes the best bacon sandwiches while I was eating it I was writing the post in this thread and I could smell how delicious it was so I thought that would be a new perfect nickname for a radar detector. So if anybody uses that nickname in the future I need credit for it. Thank YOu.

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