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Happy Birthday ilmor

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Happy birthday to you. I'm sure all those hints you dropped to your family about all the mods you wanted for your birthday will pay off (no, we are never going to let you forget you are the most intententionally unmodded SGT in the world :hysterical:). Make sure you post photos of everything after installation.



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Thanks everybody!!!!


I really appreciate it.


I had a great day at Lime Rock w/ my daughter, at the Vintage Festival car show. I'll post some pics when I can.


Last night I was taken out for a very nice dinner. My wife gave me (and daughter) a Guitar Hero for Wii for my birthday - its pretty fun! She knows I like gadget / toys gifts like that. I also got a 24" HP monitor to use for my iRacing sim, which really helps w/ my 54 yr. old eyeballs.


My wife and daughter still have more planned for me tonight - yikes!

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