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car got broken into


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So i was sitting in class when the campus police came and asked for me, i was just sitting there thinking omg what have ive done. So i stand up and he tells me my car got broken into (immediately my heart drops) we walk to the parkinglot and see my passenger window shattered and everybody gathered around it. i look inside and see trash everywhere and my in-dash screen missing and my dash all mangled up, they also took some oakleys i had and my condoms yes they took condoms how crazy is that. theres no fingerprints and this is the 5th stereo that has been stolen out of college!!! Everybody is asking what happened to the alarm and i had to tell them there was none. just kinda standing there thinking f**k my life, but i guess it could of been alot worse. i just want to say security alarm is going to be my next mod and for those of you who dont have one should prolly be urs too. :-( so this weekend im just going to bring the shelby back with a new stereo and just sit and wait and see if they dare come back. :censored:




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Damn that sucks!!! I hear ya, some of those community college patrol are a waste of money- I hope they catch the SOB's who took your stereo. I hear Clifford makes a very great alarm system.



I thought once the window is broken the alarm goes off :headscratch:


Only if you have the Active Anti Theft Option on the car....the alarm (car horn) will honk once you reach inside the car and break the invisible beams from the overhead console....


Here is my opinion on car alarms....(30 years of law enforcement experience here) The only alarm that is going to stop someone from getting into your car is the one like what James Bond had on some of his cars that blow up the car and the person breaking the window....otherwise, you are just throwing your money away....Truthfully, how much attention do you pay to a car alarm going off in a parking lot when you are going into the mall or your place of work or at your college??? Most everyone is in such a hurry that they never even look to see where the car is at or what is going on...and even if they do manage to look and see something, noone wants to get involved! Save your money, don't keep anything in the car that you don't want to loose...The security police need to do their job and patrol, but as every good thief knows, all you have to do is lay low and they drive right by...Save your money on an alarm and just try to make the car less appealing to a thief...don't leave anything in view in the seats or floor board...if you have a custom stereo, remove the face plate and take it with you....if you can...lock your car...


Bottom line is that if they really want the stereo or the car for that part, they will get it, no matter if there is an alarm in the car or not....


Example: a friend of mine had an alarm installed in his 96 GT at the local Best Buy store in Plano, TX., and while we were out of town on business, his wife called him and asked him if we had got back in town early as his car was gone from their parking garage at his condo....No glass was broken, no visible pieces of the steering column, and alarm was activated when he parked it....The theives also got a 96 Cobra that was parked in the same parking garage...and this was a secure parking garage that required a coded key to get into the garage in the first place....


LoJack or something similar is the only thing that I would consider putting on my car...at least if they get it, the police have a better chance of finding the car anyway...

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The Viper (which I have) and the Clifford alarms have a two-way remote which will "page" you up to a mile away. This will come in handy when/if it gets broken into you'll at least know it and can hurry up out there to hand out the baddest @$$ beating on the planet! Also, check into the "remote" shut down. Viper has a really good program that will basically slowly shut the car down until it comes to a stop.... It'll likely be sitting in the middle of the road a block or two away.... In my opinion, that's better than Lo-Jack, which you'll have to find a policeman that actually isn't too busy to look for your car... ANyway, best of luck! Windows and Stereo's are replaceable... Practice up on your roundhouse kick.... :)

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The Viper (which I have) and the Clifford alarms have a two-way remote which will "page" you up to a mile away. This will come in handy when/if it gets broken into you'll at least know it and can hurry up out there to hand out the baddest @$$ beating on the planet! Also, check into the "remote" shut down. Viper has a really good program that will basically slowly shut the car down until it comes to a stop.... It'll likely be sitting in the middle of the road a block or two away.... In my opinion, that's better than Lo-Jack, which you'll have to find a policeman that actually isn't too busy to look for your car... ANyway, best of luck! Windows and Stereo's are replaceable... Practice up on your roundhouse kick.... :)



My buddy has the Clifford one with the remote so when his alarm goes off so does his remote key fob and the distance as to where you can be is pretty far, the Clifford ones are not cheap but it is a peace of mind.

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I had the top of the line Clifford in my last car. It boast 1/4 mile paging range but in reality I lost range just going into the mall. I could see my car from inside the mall as my son bumped the car to set off the alarm. My remote was silent. I now leave an empty holster for a 1911 sitting on the front seat. :headscratch:

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That really sucks I'm sorry to hear that man. In a way you are lucky if they were smart thieves they would have taken the dash plaque, door sills, and gauges.


I'm sure your insurance will cover the window without your rate going up and a good GPS stereo unit can range from $600 to $2,000. I am not sure if I would file a claim for the stereo it depends on how much your rate will go up.


I would keep checking craigslist in your area and eBay to find another one and you might get lucky and find the prick that did this, you never know he or she might be trying to sell your stereo.

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This has happened to me a few times, sorry to hear this, it really sucks. My solution is I buy the upgraded Factory Stereo and do not leave stuff out in the car people would want. Has never happened since. I agree about alarms, they do not stop most thieves.


Good luck getting it all fixed!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Make sure you get the factory FORD CARLITE glass.


Passenger side door glass: NAGS Part # DD10696 GTN.

The dealer has their own part #.


Look for the "CARLITE" logo. any reputable glass shop should be able to do the install.


Wholesale price on the door glass, approx $125.00 - Labor install approx $75.00


FORD dealers get the glass from a CARLITE distributor as does any glass shop.


Good luck.

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Very sorry to read about this; I hope you can get her fixed up right and quickly.


Maybe it is a good idea to drive a clunker in college!

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Oh man, that sucks. But its better than having it get stolen. What I don't understand is that those radios are pretty stock and why they would do it it is a mystery.


My wife was all spun up about me parking the Cobra in a lot. I told her the only things they could take are: the quad chair in the trunk, 4 or 5 microfiber towels and a spray bottle of Ice detailer, the registration and insurance card, the garage opener, and my lunch bag. The only exposure is the garage opener (since the registration has our address) but the code would be changed quickly, within an hour. Plus our attack cats would pluck their eyes out. :)

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I had the top of the line Clifford in my last car. It boast 1/4 mile paging range but in reality I lost range just going into the mall. I could see my car from inside the mall as my son bumped the car to set off the alarm. My remote was silent. I now leave an empty holster for a 1911 sitting on the front seat. :headscratch:



I have seen guys do this with hot rods...works great.



Sorry about your stereo man...

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I had the top of the line Clifford in my last car. It boast 1/4 mile paging range but in reality I lost range just going into the mall. I could see my car from inside the mall as my son bumped the car to set off the alarm. My remote was silent. I now leave an empty holster for a 1911 sitting on the front seat. :headscratch:

Maybe a half empty box of ammo with a note that reads something like "do ya feel lucky Punk!"

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So i was sitting in class when the campus police came and asked for me, i was just sitting there thinking omg what have ive done. So i stand up and he tells me my car got broken into (immediately my heart drops) we walk to the parkinglot and see my passenger window shattered and everybody gathered around it. i look inside and see trash everywhere and my in-dash screen missing and my dash all mangled up, they also took some oakleys i had and my condoms yes they took condoms how crazy is that. theres no fingerprints and this is the 5th stereo that has been stolen out of college!!! Everybody is asking what happened to the alarm and i had to tell them there was none. just kinda standing there thinking f**k my life, but i guess it could of been alot worse. i just want to say security alarm is going to be my next mod and for those of you who dont have one should prolly be urs too. :-( so this weekend im just going to bring the shelby back with a new stereo and just sit and wait and see if they dare come back. :censored:





Sorry for that probably a crack head!!! I have the factory alarm and it works great even with my windows down if you stick your arm in it goes off.

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i had my truck broke into in my own driveway once. i had an $80 bearcat police scanner, $200 pair oakley shades, cds, etc.

but the only thing they stole was a $30 radar detector.

what cost me was having to replace the $250 passenger side access cab door glass because the insurance deductable was $500. <_<

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that really really sux Bro'.......


it's really getting to the point where..........(maybe I'd better not type what I'm thinking....)


(not to detract from your post....but my hiking partner and I do alot of hiking up by Bear Mountain, New York. I refuse to bring my car up there....we were in his car and had just parked in a parking area on Rt 9 and were walking to the trail when we heard some guy screaming and cursing...a bit further on we saw why...while he and his girlfriend were hiking someone spray-painted his black Porsche with yellow paint...everywhere....)


again....I'd better not type what I'm thinking about 'people'...

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that really really sux Bro'.......


it's really getting to the point where..........(maybe I'd better not type what I'm thinking....)


(not to detract from your post....but my hiking partner and I do alot of hiking up by Bear Mountain, New York. I refuse to bring my car up there....we were in his car and had just parked in a parking area on Rt 9 and were walking to the trail when we heard some guy screaming and cursing...a bit further on we saw why...while he and his girlfriend were hiking someone spray-painted his black Porsche with yellow paint...everywhere....)


again....I'd better not type what I'm thinking about 'people'...


I live right by bear moutain and it's filled with scum bags!!! My buddy went hiking with his wife and kids and his wife has a rack and some guys started with the mouth. He just ignored them but to many incidents up there and on the weekends bikers go crazy up there

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