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couple professional pics '10 GT500


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I had a photographer take some pics (actually hundreds) of pics of my car. I would like to have one blown up and framed. What do you think about the photo with the city in the background?





Sweeeeeeeeet! :happy feet: Very Nice. City background is nice. I am so jealous of that GT500.

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way too dark.he may be able to adjust--did he take any of same shots with a flash??I also think that the city takes the focus off the car---i look at itand say,Hmm what city is that.I think a pic with car in center would be better.From a pure foto viewpoit howveve, the car and the city are interesting photography

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IMHO, your photographer needs to go back to school. Sorry, but that's the truth although hard to hear sometimes.


Should have used a flash with a diffuser, shielded the car from the reflected lights of the buildings in front of it and behind the photographer as it is the temp is WAY WAY off and the more you correct the worse it gets and you see more and more of the little street/building light reflections all over the car's front end and sids.


I tired to correct the temp, tint, and shadow areas but really limited by the posted pic quality...but hey, it's fun to critique others work...not posting mine!




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Nice pics! Where are the ones with the hot chicks? :rolleyes:


Ya, hot chicks are coming. Also trying to get something together with a GT40



Should have used a flash with a diffuser, shielded the car from the reflected lights of the buildings in front of it and behind the photographer as it is the temp is WAY WAY off and the more you correct the worse it gets and you see more and more of the little street/building light reflections all over the car's front end and sids.


I tired to correct the temp, tint, and shadow areas but really limited by the posted pic quality...but hey, it's fun to critique others work...not posting mine!



The pics he sent me look better than the ones on the forum. Dunno why. I uploaded them to photobucket and they don't look the same. Sounds like nobody is impressed :cry: . I knew I could count on everybody here to tell me what they think, lol. :slapfight: :jackinbox: :rant2::hysterical3: I guess I will look at the rest of the pics he sends me and go from there. I've seen his work on his website so I think it will turn out okay?

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Ya, hot chicks are coming. Also trying to get something together with a GT40





The pics he sent me look better than the ones on the forum. Dunno why. I uploaded them to photobucket and they don't look the same. Sounds like nobody is impressed :cry: . I knew I could count on everybody here to tell me what they think, lol. :slapfight: :jackinbox: :rant2::hysterical3: I guess I will look at the rest of the pics he sends me and go from there. I've seen his work on his website so I think it will turn out okay?



Hey, people are just giving you a hard time!


When you get them all post the the URL for the full res pics...you have a nice car there!

:happy feet:

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Did you pay him??? Sorry, but hard to tell what color combo you have.


lol, you can't tell? It's special edition purple with green stripes. Yes, I paid him.... hopefully the final product will look okay. I'm pretty sure it will...I hope....

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