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A short Shelby GT/SC Story

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Last week we had a car show at work. My wife didn't want to drive one of our cars in so a friend and coworker did....


We had to take the back roads. He drove the Kenne Bell equipped SGT. I drove the Cobra. I told him - you go first, and you can't out run me....


So along the local back road there was a white mini-van going about 30 in a 45. We followed him to the place where the road straightens out, no double yellow stripes and he punched it....


His words were "I put the turn signal on and punched it. Then my neck hurt. When I got around and was way far ahead I was going 112. " I didn't try to follow him in the Cobra because as he merged there were to cars crowning the ridge from the other direction.


Bottom line, you're gonna love it.


(Cobra won best muscle car and best of show. SGT goth 4th (but didn't place, I got that from my friend the judge).

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