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So since I decided to just find one on the ground this past Friday, I:


Spoke to a dealer in Maryland on Friday, who will "call me back on Monday (yesterday)"


Spoke to a dealer in NJ on Saturday, who will "call me on Monday (yesterday)"


Spoke to a dealer in NY on Monday (yesterday), who will "call me later today"


Left a message with the dealer who sold me my wife's Windstar, on Monday (yesterday).


I have heard nothing from any of them, despite calls to Maryland and NJ on Monday afternoon.

Tell me again why dealerships complain that business is lousy. This level of service is terrible, and it reflects poorly on Ford. of course, this is not only Ford dealers I know, but they are the ones we deal with.


It really is shocking how poorly some businesses are run.


OTOH, Michael Morris, who does not know me from Adam, actually called me today after I sent him a PM. And he found me a car, (albeit a stripe-delete car).


So the dealers who are local to me and can actually make a few bucks selling me a car ignore me, while a stranger in Georgia is on-the-spot responsive.


Ya, makes sense.....


Thanks, Michael.

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I have heard nothing from any of them, despite calls to Maryland and NJ on Monday afternoon.

Tell me again why dealerships complain that business is lousy. This level of service is terrible, and it reflects poorly on Ford. of course, this is not only Ford dealers I know, but they are the ones we deal with.


Maxhenry....I had the EXACT same experience when trying to find a car back in early June. I put out calls to about 12 dealers or more..I think 3 called me back. And two of those three called me back to tell me that they'd "call me back" later. Never did. I walked away thinking the same thing...it's like they don't even want to sell cars...I was totally shocked! That's how I ended up placing the order with the dealer I did. He seemed to actually want to sell the car and take care of me....of course that's not how it turned out in the end!

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Maxhenry....I had the EXACT same experience when trying to find a car back in early June. I put out calls to about 12 dealers or more..I think 3 called me back. And two of those three called me back to tell me that they'd "call me back" later. Never did. I walked away thinking the same thing...it's like they don't even want to sell cars...I was totally shocked! That's how I ended up placing the order with the dealer I did. He seemed to actually want to sell the car and take care of me....of course that's not how it turned out in the end!


My dealer was absolutely great, did everything for me possible, and went above and beyond in my opinion. He had an open allocation when I placed the order, and actually phoned me to apologize the next Friday for not having a VIN for me yet. He phoned next Friday, with the VIN.


Ever since then, for the myriad of strange and obscure questions that I asked doing the process, he always phoned me back with the stright-up answer that day - once on a Saturday when he was not even working at the dealership, but one of his staff had told him that there was a voicemail from me. One thing for sure, I know where I will be buying my next car.

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Can't agree more....I ended up working with Jim Bortz in PA (More than 1000miles away from me) before I got what I was looking for....after 2 months of calling around locally(within 250 miles).


It's amazing how may of these dealerships think that making 5-6k profit on a quick sale is not good enough and are asking for more.


They might get a little more responsive once all this 'cash for clunkers' stuff settles down, but I doubt it.

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Being naive at the time. I walked into my local dealership in 2005 with $5000 for a deposit ona GT500. They would not take it. Not only that, to this day, I don't believe they have ever sold one. They only sell knock offs and stripe a GT with GT300 stripes down the side and jack the price way up.


I found a great dealership about 100 miles away that was very knowledable in all the "SVT" vehicles including delivering a half a dozen Ford GTs. They took my deposit, shook my hand and held to the deal we made that day....when the cars came out, they were going for about $18,000 more than our agreement, but they said a hand shake is a hand shake and a deal is a deal. And stuck to it.


When mine came in I drove up and upon delivery I was taken through the entire dealership and introduced to all the managers and given their cards.


Fast foward to last year, I called them for the flywheel TSB because my local dealership wanted to charge me 5 hours labor to "investigate" it. And I had handed them the TSB to begin with. My buying dealership said they would send a truck and trailer immediately to pick it up. Yes 100 miles away. I told them no, I could drive it up.


They introduced me to the Master Tech that would be working on my car, then placed the car ina private, locked secure garage and put the cover on it. And handed me the keys to another car to drive while mine was in the shop for the 3 weeks it took.


Upon completion of the TSB, of which required an entire new tranny, clutch and flywheel, they washed and detailed the car and a Ford Rep flew out from Dallas to make sure everything was done to my liking, and he threw in an oil change for my trouble.


That's a dealership! They will always have my business.

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This is exactly why I drove 8 hours to get my car, each way, in winter, with a trailer. (uphill both ways, too!).


Every dealer in a 2 hour radius was playing games and/or were simply incompetent. I called a dealer 8 hours away, and over the phone we had a deal. Super professional and straight talk (and about $8K less, too....over MSRP days). Guys in town had online ads for sticker, and when I called, they wanted $10K over. Some said "come on in and write us an offer". Screw that....it was 2008 and if dealers can't figure out how to sell a $55K car over the phone, then in my world, they lose the sale....

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Being naive at the time. I walked into my local dealership in 2005 with $5000 for a deposit ona GT500. They would not take it. Not only that, to this day, I don't believe they have ever sold one. They only sell knock offs and stripe a GT with GT300 stripes down the side and jack the price way up.


I found a great dealership about 100 miles away that was very knowledable in all the "SVT" vehicles including delivering a half a dozen Ford GTs. They took my deposit, shook my hand and held to the deal we made that day....when the cars came out, they were going for about $18,000 more than our agreement, but they said a hand shake is a hand shake and a deal is a deal. And stuck to it.


When mine came in I drove up and upon delivery I was taken through the entire dealership and introduced to all the managers and given their cards.


Fast foward to last year, I called them for the flywheel TSB because my local dealership wanted to charge me 5 hours labor to "investigate" it. And I had handed them the TSB to begin with. My buying dealership said they would send a truck and trailer immediately to pick it up. Yes 100 miles away. I told them no, I could drive it up.


They introduced me to the Master Tech that would be working on my car, then placed the car ina private, locked secure garage and put the cover on it. And handed me the keys to another car to drive while mine was in the shop for the 3 weeks it took.


Upon completion of the TSB, of which required an entire new tranny, clutch and flywheel, they washed and detailed the car and a Ford Rep flew out from Dallas to make sure everything was done to my liking, and he threw in an oil change for my trouble.


That's a dealership! They will always have my business.


You are 100% corect; that is a dealership. It is nice to see that the profession of selling cars is still alive and well.


I wish there were more around like this.

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It really amazes me that given all of the population in your back yard (hence statistically more Ford dealerships) that not a single dealer there will give you the time of the day, especially given the profit margin on this car.


Similar story here in the Permian Basin of West Texas. I live 5 blocks from the Rogers Ford Dealership in Midland, but these people could not offer any help with the GT500 when I spent 20 minutes waiting for a salesman. About 2 weeks later Rogers Ford decides to email me pitching 'alternatives' vs. calling, so I told them to remove me from their spam list and gave them hell for blowing me off like I was chopped liver. I don't expect to hear from them again, nor will have them service my Shelby due to their non professionalism.


Visited the Sewell Ford dealership in Odessa - these folks offered to help find a GT500 but could only locate a 2009 which they priced the same as the 2010, but this car was the wrong color combo (was stripe delete also) and did not have the HID or electronic packages, so kudos to them as they at least made an effort on my behalf.


I contacted the dealerships in Snyder, Hobbs, Seminole, San Angelo, El Paso before finally finding one in Dallas. Well long story short, discussed with the Dallas Dealership my color and options preferences and they stated that they had 1 allocation left and would order what I wanted. Still waiting on the DORA- at least the Dallas outfit spends a little time calling me every couple of weeks with updates - supposed to be seeing the DORA in the mail anytime now (I have the VOC and other paperwork on hand).




So since I decided to just find one on the ground this past Friday, I:


Spoke to a dealer in Maryland on Friday, who will "call me back on Monday (yesterday)"


Spoke to a dealer in NJ on Saturday, who will "call me on Monday (yesterday)"


Spoke to a dealer in NY on Monday (yesterday), who will "call me later today"


Left a message with the dealer who sold me my wife's Windstar, on Monday (yesterday).


I have heard nothing from any of them, despite calls to Maryland and NJ on Monday afternoon.

Tell me again why dealerships complain that business is lousy. This level of service is terrible, and it reflects poorly on Ford. of course, this is not only Ford dealers I know, but they are the ones we deal with.


It really is shocking how poorly some businesses are run.


OTOH, Michael Morris, who does not know me from Adam, actually called me today after I sent him a PM. And he found me a car, (albeit a stripe-delete car).


So the dealers who are local to me and can actually make a few bucks selling me a car ignore me, while a stranger in Georgia is on-the-spot responsive.


Ya, makes sense.....


Thanks, Michael.

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Being naive at the time. I walked into my local dealership in 2005 with $5000 for a deposit ona GT500. They would not take it. Not only that, to this day, I don't believe they have ever sold one. They only sell knock offs and stripe a GT with GT300 stripes down the side and jack the price way up.


I found a great dealership about 100 miles away that was very knowledable in all the "SVT" vehicles including delivering a half a dozen Ford GTs. They took my deposit, shook my hand and held to the deal we made that day....when the cars came out, they were going for about $18,000 more than our agreement, but they said a hand shake is a hand shake and a deal is a deal. And stuck to it.


When mine came in I drove up and upon delivery I was taken through the entire dealership and introduced to all the managers and given their cards.


Fast foward to last year, I called them for the flywheel TSB because my local dealership wanted to charge me 5 hours labor to "investigate" it. And I had handed them the TSB to begin with. My buying dealership said they would send a truck and trailer immediately to pick it up. Yes 100 miles away. I told them no, I could drive it up.


They introduced me to the Master Tech that would be working on my car, then placed the car ina private, locked secure garage and put the cover on it. And handed me the keys to another car to drive while mine was in the shop for the 3 weeks it took.


Upon completion of the TSB, of which required an entire new tranny, clutch and flywheel, they washed and detailed the car and a Ford Rep flew out from Dallas to make sure everything was done to my liking, and he threw in an oil change for my trouble.


That's a dealership! They will always have my business.


OK, so your dad owns a dealership! :hysterical: Most of us don't get that kind of service. In fact, if you didn't buy it from them (and pay the ADM) they give you the bum's rush.

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OK, so your dad owns a dealership! :hysterical: Most of us don't get that kind of service. In fact, if you didn't buy it from them (and pay the ADM) they give you the bum's rush.


No, Dad didn't own it...actually I found them on the internet searching for what used to be SVT dealerships close to where I live.

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